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David Brent

David Brent
"Basically just a chilled out entertainer"
David Brent is the regional manager for the Slough branch of Wernham Hogg. He takes it upon himself to keep morale up in the workplace by injecting a little comedy into the lives of his staff. David has done a lot of charity work (3 fun runs in two years), and is a keen philosopher, football player and dancer.

We don't know much about David's life outside the office. His mother is dead, and his father in a home. He spends most of his time drinking in chasers with Gareth and Chris Finch.

He used to be in a band called Foregone Conclusion, of which he was singer/songwriter, and has composed such classics as Colorblind and Free love Freeway.

Comedy, Red Nose Day, wandering around the office telling jokes, Chris Finch.

Neil, bosses telling him to work, the fact that there are starving children in Africa.

Alton Towers

Brentmeister General, Mr.Toad, Bluto

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