Stanton Cockers
Slidell, Louisiana

Here are more pictures of our litter of puppies which arrived on March 17th, 2002.

My daughter with Dixie in the birthing box
Here's my 12-year-old daughter, Stephanie,
helping Dixie get used to the birthing box
in the week prior to labor.

Dixie nursing her first four puppies
This is Dixie nursing her first four puppies
on the day they were born.

Picture of a puppy tummy
The puppies have cute white markings on their chests

Closeup of neighbor with pup
These pups are going to be very well socialized to people.

Puppy eyes start blue and change later
This is the one we call Patrick.

If you are interested in one of my puppies, please send me an email and I will be happy to give you any information I can.

Cocker Xing

Laurie Stanton
Stanton Cockers
Slidell, Louisiana

Cocker Xing

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