This is an archive page - Stan's home page is now!
The Stan Page
Stan is a playwright, Managing Director of Epic Arts Repertory Theatre, member of the Dramatists' Guild, native Wisconsinite, certified pizza and hoagie maker, ordained minister, hippie drum circle aficionado and recovering actor. He is living incognito and no longer interacts with people, except through the internet. In spite of this, he is suspicious of any technology popularized after 1995. So don't try to call him on his cell. He doesn't have one.
Stan's Bio Archive...
Stan will be Tenor Soloist for the Good Friday Service at
Cokesbury UMC.

Stan's ultra-offensive musical,
"Best Little Crackhouse in Philly" will be featured in NY Artists Unlimited's "Bad Musicals Festival."
Hear the music   -  Read the article

Stan's play
"Through the Water" will be performed at Temple Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Charleston, SC May 5th.

Stan's Musical
"The Expanding Sky" will premier with Epic Arts Repertory.
Stan's Plays

Listen to Stan's Music!
Epic Arts Rep
What's on Stan's mind?
Email Stan
Check out his Blog!
Hot Naked Cheerleaders!

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Alien beasts with unquenchable lust!

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