Taught by
Linda Jackson
SAMPLES: There are three gorgeous samples on the Northern Lights Sample Page.

I'll give you the directions with the steps from USArtquest first, then I'll tell you how I modified choose.

Sample 1 was the first one I did.

First make up a mixture with 1 part pearl-ex
                                             4 parts PPA  and
                                             6 parts rubbing alcohol
Mix together thoroughly in a plastic cup.
I used a sea sponge to apply this to Black glossy cardstock.
Then use a spritzer bottle and spray on more alcohol which will make the colors run together.  On this first sample I just used one color (duo blue-green).  You'll see looking at the other samples that I used more than one color mixture.
After this has dried I stamped using the Duo adhesive.
I don't have the cut and dry pads, so I just used a paper towel as a stamp pad.  I applied the Duo adhesive and then stamped on that.  As soon as I had stamped on top of the Northern Light background, I cleaned my stamp right away and let the Duo adhesive get tacky.

I just dumped magic leaf all over the will stick where the Duo Adhesive was stamped.  I shook the excess off and then rubbed the magic leaf over the stamped area.

Variations coming up next.

I wasn't very impressed after the first sample.  First of all I didn't like the matte finish.  I thought there would be more shimmer.  I didn't have gloss PPA, so I used Diamond glaze in the same proportions.  I followed the same steps except this time on white glossy instead of the black and used a few more colors.  For this sample I added brilliant gold Pearl-ex.  See sample 2. 
Sample 3 is using diamond glaze on black glossy.
Sample 4 (not a card yet) is done with three colors with matte PPA.  I used pink powdered pearls.
Another experiment with the Matte PPA....for some shimmer, use the matte PPA...After it has dried, spray it with a mixture of Pearl-ex, gum arabic and water.  Also, the directions call for using a Krylon leafing pen.  Mine isn't working very well, so I just omitted that part. The directions recommend using a texture sponge (something else I don't have - so I used the sea sponge instead.
Instead of Magic leaf, the directions say to use Gildnglitz. 

I hope this isn't too confusing mixing up the directions like this. Please let me know if I need to explain.
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