return the name to the city





Nikita Khruschev, then secretary of the Communist Party, on his own initiative renamed the world famous city of Stalingrad to unknown Volgograd.

Today thousands of Stalingrad veterans petition for the name of Stalingrad to be returned by the year 2003, which will be the 60th Anniversary of the Battle.

There are streets and squares named after Stalingrad in Great Britain, France, the United States, Spain, Japan and other countries.

Stalingrad, the immortal shrine of Russia, must always remain as a reminder of WWII to mankind.

Your vote will help us, WWII veterans, to return this great historical name.

Please send your vote to the Veterans of the Battle of Stalingrad City Department.

Russia, Volgograd,
Lenin Avenue 31,
Office # 2
Veterans' Department
A. Kozlov


Anatoly Kozlov,
Chairman of the Veterans' Department,participant of the battle of Stalingrad


In 1942 Anatoly started as a commander of a machine-gun company.*(middle row-3rd right) and finished the battle in Kotelnikovo fighting with the troops of Manstein


1.We are very greatful to the hundreds of people who sent the votes to support the return of the rightful name to our city.

2.The support means much for us,veterans of the battle of Stalingrad,for many reasons.Primarily,the name of Stalingrad is not forgotten and that gives us hope that it will stay an efficient anti-war symbol to the people of the world  and the enormous price we paid for peace was not vain.
And,of course,your warm letters to the Veterans' Department is a great moral support for the aged people.

3.We shall try to give an objective evaluation of the question though is rather difficult as the name of Stalingrad itself is associated with quite an epoch when Stalin was in power.


Stalin is a controversial figure associated in Russia and the Soviet Union not only with the great victories but also with the so called Stalin’s purges ( the number of the repressed as officially declared is about 27 million people!!!).So the process of renaming was expected to be unpredictable and there were quite a number of cons and pros.

 The supporters of "Stalingrad" expected the name to be returned to the city by the 60th Anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad held on February 2,2003.

When the idea to return the name of “Stalingrad” to the city was announced in mass media the President received quite a number of reasons to both retain the present name of Volgograd from the repressed and change it back to Stalingrad from the veterans, Russian Army and other supporters of the name.
Putin’s reaction was to leave the question to the residents of the city with the legal procedure of public forum. But that was done right on the eve of the celebrities leaving no time to reorganize the procedure - and so the question is still open.

Our position is that the phenomenon of Stalingrad belongs to all the mankind and the decision must be taken at an open wider forum.

 We shall publish the official summary of the question.

The document below is the summary of the Volgograd Duma official proposal.

The official organ to control renaming of the city of Volgograd back to Stalingrad is  represented today by the Volgograd Regional Council (Duma).


   1.The appeal is based on the petitions of:
The veterans of the WWII
The veterans’ organizations of Russia and former Soviet Union       Republics
-         The Army units of Russia
Regional governments of Russia
Foreign countries officials
Polititical parties
Individuals worldwide


The city became known as a "hero-city Stalingrad" , "city-soldier Stalingrad" immediately after the battle of Stalingrad. Only in 1945 the title "hero-city Stalingrad" was awarded to the city officially on request of the millions of people after the film "Stalingrad" had been shown in 82 countries.
As a sigh of respect to the feat of the Russian soldier many countries named streets and squares after Stalingrad. France alone has 77 streets, boulevards and squares with the name in 74 towns.
So in public mind the title "Hero-city Stalingrad" is an inseparable unit to be restored to its original.

The names associated with the great battles of the past are carefully retained by the mankind: Cannes, Poltava, Borodino, Verdun,
etc.,with the only exception for Stalingrad.
The reason is well known-personal negative attitude of Nikita Khrustchev (Stalin's successor) to Joseph Stalin.

And so the famous city of world importance was removed from the geographical maps in 1961.The objections of the millions for whom the name was a symbol of heroism, independence and national unity were ignored due to the traditional absolute power of the Communist Party leader.
In the years that followed the truth about the battle of Stalingrad was being gradually unveiled and the world saw memorial ensemble on Mamai Hill in 1967 with the number of publications. In 1982 the museum of the battle of Stalingrad was opened.
40 years after the WWII was over there was an attempt to return the name of Stalingrad to the city which failed due to the general policy accusing Stalinism.
With the collapse of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union itself the initiative to return "Stalingrad" was taken by left wing movements and parties.

In June of 1998 the veterans of the Guards divisions #95,13,181,3,4,37 turned to Volgograd Duma for referendum but the petition was rejected at the final stage in Moscow.
In September of 1998 the deputy in charge A.Aparina suggested the local referendum but the regional Duma ignored the initiative.

After the rejection the veterans' assembly decided to start the alternative voting in  the veterans' regional departments, the Army units, regional mass media and issued a number of voting forms.
That campaign was controlled by the Veterans' Department of Volgograd.The executives are the battle of Stalingrad veterans Anatoly Kozlov, Fedor Slipchenko and Polina Graschenkova.




Most of the votes have been sent to the President of Russia. It is impossible to quote all the votes the veterans have received. Here we publish some of votes to give the general idea idea of the motives to support the name of Stalingrad.

Good luck with your endeavor to give Stalingrad its name back. Joseph Stalin himself may be a highly controversial figure today, but who really thinks about Stalin himself when they hear the name Stalingrad? The Battle of Stalingrad represents the bloodiest battle in history, incredible courage and a great victory for the Russian people against an immoral invasion which cost millions their lives and untold suffering for those who lived. Giving the city the name "Stalingrad" back would not honor Joseph Stalin, it would honor the roughly two million Red Army soldiers who fought in defense of their country there.

John Cate,

i first heard of the battle for stalingrad when a watched the documentary series the world at war as a young boy.the episode on stalingrad left me stunned.i have since read a.beaverbrooks book about the battle and still find it difficult to comprehend what happened there.the loss of life,the intensity of the fighting,the brutality and the heroism of stalingrad must never be forgotten.for this reason i fully back the campaign to reinstate the name of stalingrad.
I don't think changing the name matters to much. I think it matters dat we remember what happened there. Those who are intrested in history will allways look up such a famous site. Its easy for other countrys like england, usa, spain etc.. to devote stuff to stalingrad but for a country who are trying to forget about stalin and communisium it would be like stepping back. Anyway i dont think an online vote will change the minds of the russian govenment


I agree Volgograd te be named again "Stalingrad" in memory
of everyone who gave his life there.

Vittorio Segantini
Turin, Italy

Dear Comrade,

Maybe Hitler has in a way made a small victory, by the renaming of Stalingrad to Volgograd. We must not allow even the smallest victory for the nazi thugs. There for; let us give the final blow to the Hitlerists and rename the city of Volgograd back to the name of Stalingrad.

For it is in honour of Comrade Stalin and in honour of those who bravely fought for the sake of the entire working class of this world. And by trying to bring back order in the then torn apart world.

But now, in the times when fascism is slowly showing his ugly face yet once more, we are in dire need for a symbol that stands for the many deaths that something as fascism has caused and reminds us of the deaths that fascism will bring in the future.

There for, for the sake of the people of the past, present and the people in the future,
I give you my support to rename the city of Volgogr ad back to Stalingrad. And by doing so, to honour the people of the past, and support the people of the present and the future....

Stefan beck,
Veendam, The Netherlands

Dear Stalingrad veterans,
With this e-mail I would like to give you my full support to change the name of the city of Volgograd again into STALINGRAD !

Even in a small country as Belgium street are named STALINGRAD.
To your government I would like to say that they must keep the history of the city of STALINGRAD alive. They have to do this for the young Russian generation so that this and next generation NEVER forget the cruelest battle of the human history.

To the Stalingrad veterans I would like to say to fight another Battle of Stalingrad. Fight with words and discuss with your government. Give the town the name back it deserves!!! Volgograd=STALINGRAD

I wish you a lot of courage and I hope that you, the veterans, will win this battle for Stalingrad again.

Greetings from Belgium!
Geert Rottiers

Not only for the Russians who dies, but the many Germans, dragged into a conflict of which they had no contol. They had mothers & families too.

Dennis Rhodes
(Humanist) - UK

I Believe that the name of Stalingrad , should replace Volograd, as hundreds of thousands on both sides fought and died because of the name of the city it was defended and attacked with fanatcisim that changed the course of the War. We all know Stalin's crimes , we also know that his determined defense of that City changed history .

Lance Miccio
I'd like to vote yes. You all fought for Stalingrad which was a pile of
rubble and won. My most reverent respect to you all.

Justin Delorinye

I am a British citizen living in the US and I would love to see Volgograd returned to its glorious original name of Stalingrad in honour of those who died and the statement of unity and faith it represents for Russia.

I think the proposed idea of changing the name back to Stalingrad is a
good one and I vote yes.

Please rename Volgograd to Stalingrad




Because of the enormous sacrifice made during the battle it is fitting that the name "Stalingrad" should be returned to the city. We must never forget what happened there nor the men who died there.


hi....Keep it in volgagrad do you have a museum there ?
The battle in stalingrad was beginder of the end of nasizt,
we are greatfull for you battle and send a reminder to they who have
gives there life.

thanks here from denmark

best regards kjeld


Totally eliminate Volgagrad,,,,,   STALINGRAD is the true name.


Why did Kruschev change the name of Stalingrad to Volgagrad? I think it should go back to it's original name of Stalingrad as a tribute to all the Russian forces who fought so tenaciously to save Mother Russia. John Hall, an eighty year old Scotsman



It might be to late but my vote is to change the name back to Stalingrad. How the name
was changed. I don't know. But is is a famous battle ground and helps mark the turning
point on the eastern front.

Rob Rockwell

La Ciudad Heroe no puede llamarse de otra manera que STALINGRADO. Las discusiones políticas deben quedar de lado en estos casos. Viva STALINGRADO y su gente y ojala algún día pueda conocerte. Es uno de mi sueños.


Fernando Nievas de Argentina


I vote YES for the change back! James McINTOSH


I think that Nikita Krushev did many good things but for sure I think that change Stalingrad in Volgograd wasn't a good thing.Stalingrad IS a terrible but important page of history.

So,please....Stalingrad must come back!!

Massimo Schiavinato


Although political reasons might have made a change of name to Volgograd legitimate at the time, perspectives have today changed. Although the name Stalingrad reflects the name of a controversial political leader, the main point must be what connections will be made today.
The name of Stalingrad is forever written in history, and ranks today alongside other names that will forever be icons in the history of warfare. It represents not only one of the turning points in world war 2, but also some of the fiercest fighting and heroic struggles in the history. Although the fighting in the east was of a grand scale, Stalingrad above all symbolizes how the Red Army mobilizing all resources at a very critical moment managed to turn the tide of history.

What happened in Stalingrad will burn as an eternal flame, and forever serve as a symbol of heroism and a will to survive. In this respect what happened must not be forgotten, and to not forget one must preserve. Preserving can best be done by keeping the identity under which a symbol emerges, which in fact means using the proud name of Stalingrad. Finally, all nations need symbols of unity and pride, in these times maybe more than ever before. The second world war was an important part in Russian history, and must therefore be preserved for future generations as a symbol of strength and capability to endure hardships.

Also the name of Stalingrad represents the horrors of warfare. Also in this respect the symbol should be preserved, and not allowed to fade into oblivion under another name.

Finally, it would be more that appropriate to honor the veterans of Stalingrad. Statues and monuments serve a purpose, but what monument can be more lasting than preserving a historic name and a national symbol of the future. What a disappointment it must be to anyone reading about the battle, searching for the name of Stalingrad on the map - and not finding it. Believe me, many years ago I did it myself.

Whether or not a vote from Norway will count, I do not know. However if it does, I would be more that pleased to make a contribution towards preserving this part of history for the future. The participants of the battle are becoming fewer, and what would be a more appropriate time to restore the name than now.

It would be a tragedy if this monument should fade into oblivion. The responsibility is not only towards the veterans, the Russian people or Russia itself. I dare say that is a responsibility towards the entire world. People in the future will create their own icons and monuments, but that must not cause us to discard of what our parents and grandparents have done.


Dennis Aske,

I vote yes to change the name back to STALINGRAD.

Thank you

I vote for Stalingrad. It was the working class greatest victory against Nazi terror.

Pat Fahy

I thing it`s a very good idea to change back a name Stalingrad.

good luck
Andrzej from Poland

The City must be named Stalingrad even if only for the memory of the Brave
and Gallant Soldiers who Died fighting for it's survival and in fact for the
future of all mankind.

Ex- Soldier who fought in 2nd. World war, Palestine, Egypt, Malaya, Korea,
Cyprus, Kenya and Vietnam.


I think the Russians shall rename Volgograd, into Stalingrad again. For the honor of soldiers.
Omaha Beach wasn' t called "Sunshine Beach" after the war, and many Americans and Germans, died there too!
Maybe it's just to forget the war, or to forget Stalin, but we'll never forget the brave soldier!

Telvanni, from Denmark

No. Keep it Volgagrad.

Dear Comrades;

This historic city on the Volga witnessed some of the most savage warfare in the history of the world. It also marked a major turning point in the war against Fascism. Before the battle the tide of Nazi barbarism always flowed onward against the peoples of the world. After the destruction of the invading Axis forces along Russia's sacred river the dreams of the aggressors was forever shattered.

It is to the memory of the valiant sons and daughters of Mother Russia who shed rivers of blood and gave their lives, and to the gallant survivors that are still with us today that the city that witnessed that immense carnage should always be known as.......'STALINGRAD' !



I wish to have the city of Volograd's name changed to
Stalingrad.In honor of the numerous lives lost in that
ctiy, and as a forever standing reminder of world war
two for the world.
Vassily Ahmeroff

The veterans of Stalingrad deserve this recognition. I doubt if it were called Volgagrad Hitler would have attached such importance to it and the war might have turned out otherwise. Volgagrad as a name is a non-starter; rename it Stalingrad.

Ross Hassett


Dear Honorable Mr. Kozlov:

I am voting to help change the name of Volgograd back to Stalingrad. Although the world agrees that Mr. Stalin was not a kind man, changing the name back to its original Stalingrad honors the Soviet veterans and civilian population that demonstrated the highest possible courage and endurance during that terrible time. It also honors your country's stand against the German invaders.

Thank you for your time.

Doug Hanks

May I offer praise to the veterans and my support for their wish to
have the Battle of Stalingrad remembered in perpetuity by re-naming
Volgograd with its former name: Stalingrad.

Mary Mackie
Toronto, Canada


I would like to voice my support of the defenders of Stalingrad to
have the name of the city changed back if it is possible.
Garry Merchant

Yes, I support the return of the name of Stalingrad
for the city of Volgograd. Stalingrad, the immortal
shrine of Russia, must always remain a reminder of the
WWII to mankind. We associate the name of the city
with the glory of thousands of soldiers who died here
not with personality of Stalin.

Christian Bray

I support the initiative to return the name of STALINGRAD, if for no other reason than to honour the sacrifices made by the dead, the survivors and Mother Russia in the Great Patriotic War. The soil of STALINGRAD is soaked with the blood of victors and vanquished alike..they all deserve to lie forever in the earth they fought over and died upon, with the name restored to ensure their sacrifice will forever be remembered. LEST WE FORGET.
Yours truly,
Bryan Tucker
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I vote for Stalingrad. It was the working class greatest victory against Nazi terror.

Pat Fahy

I Joshua David Paul Archer from England, am declaring a vote for the city now known as Volgograd to have its name to be changed back to Stalingrad on behalf of the humans who fought with what can only be described as courage and bravery for freedom for Stalingrad, Mother Russia and the entire world.


We vote for he change of the name Volgograd back into Stalingrad.

Best wishes from Switzerland

Christoph Rast
Franziska Brunner
Sibylle Scherer

Dear Sir,
I sent an email to the Veterans of Stalingrad department stating that i was in full support of the city of Volgograd being changed back to its rightful name.Stalingrad.

I am still in support of this and i have also urged many of my collegues and friends to also show their support by voting too. I was simply wondering, how is the campaign to re-name the city going? Are there any indications that the city might be re-named Stalingrad in the near future?

I wish you and the Veterans of Stalingrad the very best of luck and i will continue to petition for the re-naming of the city as much as i can.

Yours truly,

Chris Mirzai,

Essex, United Kingdom
Malosco (TN - ITALIA), 21 Febbraio 2004

Dichiaro di essere favorevole al ripristino del nome "Stalingrado"
alla cittЮ un tempo nota come Caricin e ribattezzata "Volgograd" per
volontЮ dell'allora segratario del PCUS Nikita KrusКv nell'ambito della
cosiddetta "destalinizzazione", e questo in memoria di coloro che caddero
in difesa della libertЮ e dell'indipendenza dell'URSS e contro la ferocia e
la barbarie nazista.
Voglio sperare che il fatto di aver espresso questo mio voto in lingua
italiana non sia d'ostacolo e difficoltЮ, visto che la nostra non Х certo
una lingua di poco conto, semmai Х espressione di un'elevata ucltura pari
forse solo a quella russa.

Distinti saluti

dott. Enrico Emilitri
v. Colovi, 8>38013 M A L O S C O TN - ITALIA
Tel. 039 0463 830358

I am an American citizen who loves my own country but who also loves and respects the great and heroic Russian people. Your nation made it possible for the victory World War Two. You carried the great bulk of the battle and most of the tragic of the suffering. Few of us today here or anywhere else can realize just how horrible the experience of the war was to the Russian nation .The brutal loss of life and destruction of countless cities, towns and villages was beyond description. Yet you fought on with the courage of lions right to the final glorious victory of May, 1945.

But of course it really began at STALINGRAD, the hero city where Russian arms started the unstoppable march ever westward to Berlin. PLEASE change the name of this proud city to its name of 1942-43 when it stood almost alone in the world against the Nazis-and prevailed! It is the name for immortality and lasting annals of bravery in military history. And may "STALINGRAD" always be a synonym for "courage".

Thank you

Frank Walsh
Atlanta, Georgia, USA



I wholeheartedly agree that as the veterans wish, Volgograd should be renamed Stalingrad as a mark of respect for the immense sacrifice you and your countrymen made in the defeat of the Nazi invaders.

the battle of Stalingrad was obviously a turning point in the war which resulted inthe complete oblitaration of the evil Nazi empire.
I, and everyone I know who has any knowledge of the awful events in 1942 are in awe of you and your comrades and the tremendous contribution you made to the ending of the war.

Thank you,
Graeme Watt,

Not only for the Russians who dies, but the many Germans, dragged into a conflict of which they had no contol. They had mothers & families too.

Dennis Rhodes
(Humanist) - UK

As an avid historian, I wish to offer my vote to the veterans of the great war to re-establish the name of volgograd to the name of stalingrad. We shall always associate the name of the greatest turning point of ww2 to this battle and will always be a reminder that the love of our country will always be above politics.
yours truly,
James Dinan
I vote yes to change the name back to STALINGRAD.

Thank you







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