Opinions expressed on these pages are mine. If you have a problem with them, that’s too bad. Don’t come back.

April 26th 2004

Could it be any crappier out right now? Bleh. Rainy days and Mondays always get me down, especially when they happen together.

Oh God four months until 30. Oy.

I made an appointment to get my hair highlighted on Thursday. I might as well lighten my hair before my L.A. trip, right?

I need it done badly. My roots are down to my chin.

Well I am really glad I froze my ass off for nothing yesterday. Fucking Yankees. They could have won the games on both Saturday and Sunday if they HIT THE FUCKING BALL.

Jeter is in a 0 for 25 or 26 slump and was booed yesterday 3 times. I didn’t boo him. I won’t boo him ever although I did boo Enrique Wilson because he keeps swinging at the first pitch. Assclown.

The only one doing anything is A Rod. He’s out of his funk and raised his batting average like 80 points last week. You go boy. Now the rest of the idiots better follow suit. Because my patience is running out.

I had to endure ribbing from idiot Red Sox fans because their team swept my team. One guy even said, “Just let us have April!” Fine you can have April if we can take October.

It was so frustrating. Especially because the one facet of the team that was mentioned as being the weak link, the starting pitching, is performing and the other facet that was touted as possibly being the best ever, the offense, isn’t doing anything.

A memo to David Chase: James Gandolfini is nasty, stop showing him kissing people; it’s grossing me out. Bleh.

I can’t stand seeing any couples kiss lately. Last year I hated seeing babies, this year couples piss me off.

I had a little 2 year old sitting next to me at the game yesterday, named Jacob. He was adorable. He’d clap when I’d clap and he hugged me twice. Heh. His mom kept apologizing. I said, “It’s been a while since I’ve had a guy interested in me…I’ll take any age at this point.”


As I was walking to the hairdresser I had an unusual amount of men looking at me today, mostly older, mostly short and none that I would be interested in, in a million years. I am so picky. My friends are right.

It’s probably going to be the reason why I’ll never get married.

Oh well.

God I hate this one station I work with. HATE. LOATHE. And the National Assistant just left me a voicemail and hearing her voice pissed me off.


I need to go shopping with money I don’t have so I can look normal in LA. I don’t need to look bad out there. I’ve lost 7 lbs in a week, AW YEAH. So I am feeling a little better than I did two years ago. I guess eating 2 meals all weekend helped.

Although I felt a little dizzy this morning so I made sure I ate lunch today. I am going to use my cross trainer again tonight. Just 20 minutes.

At least I have no Yankee game to watch and get pissed off at tonight.

The cross trainer scares the cats. Heh. They hate it.

Did I write about my review and that it went well? I can’t remember and I am too lazy to look at last week’s entries. Heh.

Back to the grind for me.


P.S. Billy Joel needs to Mr. Big it and not drive anymore...he needs his own driver. Good lord.
April 25th 2004

My brother is an idiot.

He's the one who told me when my Boston games were, he said he was going and now I get a call from my dad saying my brother forgot that I had tickets for the game...STOP SMOKING POT YOU FREAK!

For the love of God.

I got my ticket for Jason Mraz at the Beacon Theatre. Yeehaw!

Man Heidi from the Apprentice is UGLY.

So should I watch the Yankees lose again?

I mean the Idiots.

You know what? I don't think I want to go to the Yankee game tomorrow. Not if they keep fucking losing, April is almost over boys. Japan is no longer an excuse. Jet lag doesn't last 4 weeks. FUCKING HIT THE BALL FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!!!

If they lose today I am not going. Fuck it. I don't want to see them get swept by the fucking Red Sox.

Wow I'm pissed off huh?

I'm not going tomorrow. Fuck them. I will not spend my money on those fucking overpaid assclowns.

I wasted $2125 on these motherfuckers. MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!

They're sloppy. They play like they're sleepwalking. Derek Jeter is in an 0 for 22 slump, worst of his career. Joe Torre takes Giambi's bat out of the lineup in the 7th inning for a pinch runner that DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING SCORE!

Something needs to be done. Someone needs to be fired. A fire needs to be lit under their collective ass because this is not fucking cutting it.


Bernie Williams sucks ass and should be benched because he can't hit and he can't field.

Ruben Sierra should not be DH and shouldn't pinch hit EVER.

The high paid New York Yankees who everyone accuses of buying championships who by the by haven't FUCKING won one since FUCKING 2000 are playing like the Bad News Bears. Wait that's an insult to Kelly Leak and the rest of the Bears.

Bronx Bombers is right. They are bombing.

8-10? Pathetic.

April 23rd 2004

Today is one of those days that make me realize how badly I need to switch jobs. I cannot take it anymore. This place is killing my spirit and my creativity. My brain is fried and when I get home I can’t write anything. I have no passion for writing.

Fucking place.

I was trying to write poems last night and I certainly felt the emotions and had an idea of what I wanted to write but I couldn’t translate anything onto the page. It was so frustrating.

Stupid job.

I can’t quit without having another job lined up but I can’t stay here much longer, not unless something is done to fix things around here. They need to hire a floater who can help all of us out.

Has anyone else had this problem? You try not to think about a certain person and because you’re trying so hard not to think about them, all you do is think about them. All you do is picture them? It’s so annoying. I need a brain transplant. Damn it.

How pissed was I that Jason Giambi had the night off last night? MFWTF? They didn’t even show him sitting in the dugout! Fuckers.

The idiots lost again. I will refer to them as the idiots until they have a winning streak of more than 2 games.

I am certainly not panicking because I know they will turn things around.

I would like for them to turn things around this weekend but that won’t happen.

Okay so I found out part of itinerary for my LA trip! WEEEEEEE! So our flight is at 8am next Saturday and we arrive in LA like 10 or 11am (Pacific) and have the whole afternoon free. Then we have a dinner that night and then we are being taken out. Sunday is spa day. I am getting a facial. If the Lakers are playing a Game 7 we’re going, if not, we’ll probably go out to a bar somewhere. Monday during the day is another free pass and we are going to the Angels game that night. Our flight on Tuesday will get us back here at 4pm.

I am so excited!

I need this vacation. And I love going to LA.

Okay I have work to do. I do not want to stay late. The game starts at 7 tonight.

I have to be the privacy of my own apartment when I scream at the umps for their horrible inconsistent calls.

April 22nd 2004 5:46p

Have you ever wanted to smack the shit out of someone? But you have no chance of ever seeing that person? Yeah it sucks.

Well I have chance of seeing them just not for another year and a half.

I am listening to Jeff Buckley and getting depressed.

Thank God tomorrow’s Friday. We get to wear jeans to work! Yay! I hope I have a pair that still fits. Just kidding.

I also have my review tomorrow. Yikes. After today’s meltdown I’m sure it will be a really fun meeting. Oy.

Wait is this album 10 years old already?

Holy shitballs.

I was a good girl and had another light lunch. I have been doing the salad thing all week.

My best friend was in the car with her boyfriend and saw a guy (in another car) who had nice arms and she made a noise. Heh. Her boyfriend wasn’t too happy about that. What? We like arms.

The bigger the better. GROWL.

I had a girl at the salad place downstairs compliment me on my nails. Heh. They’re like claws now. I really have to cut them.

My Account Manager is going to the Knick playoff game tonight. Lucky him. Actually not really, they’ll probably lose again. Heh.

I mean, darn it.

I am so excited Jason Mraz is playing at the Beacon Theatre on May 24th. The tickets go on sale Saturday but presale is tomorrow and I have the password so I am going to try get them tomorrow morning when I first get to work. I’ll get 2. Just in case.

Ah screw it. I’ll go alone. I like going to concerts alone.

The last concert I went to was Duran Duran. Before that it was Pete Yorn. I miss going to concerts. I was going to get Madonna tickets but the good ones are over $300. GTFOH. I’ll spend $300 on a bag but not concert tickets.

I think I have to go to the ‘rents house this weekend but maybe not since there’s no place for me to sleep.

I know it’s month later but I still can’t believe my friend Melissa is mother. It’s so strange to me. She’s so lucky. She’s set. She has a husband, a baby, a house, a career…I have an apartment that still looks like a 95-year-old woman lives there, two cats, no man and no career.

Yippee for me!

Oh so I am throwing myself a 30th birthday party either after work on August 25th, which is the night before, OR on that Friday the 27th, the day after. I am taking my birthday and the next day off (Thursday and Friday). Four-day weekend! Aw yeah!

I know it’s really far in advance but I want people to clear their schedules.

I’ll be doing it in Manhattan because it’s just easier that way.

I am going to embrace 30 not run away from it. I am going to celebrate turning 30. It’s a new chapter in my life.

I’ll be inviting people I know wouldn’t ever show their faces just to be the bigger person.

I am going to look up bars and see how much it is to reserve a room. Some places are free. Some aren’t. We shall see.

All I know is that I want to dance my ass off!

Oh so my mom got her invitation to my cousin’s wedding in July. It’s a Thursday and the ceremony is at 3 o’clock! MFWTF??! Are they kidding? I know I don’t have to go but 3pm on Thursday? And the reception isn’t until 8pm and it’s out somewhere in Suffolk County. My parents are going to get a hotel room. Oh my god, I have to stay with my parents?! I’ll get my own room.

I haven’t gotten my invitation yet so we’ll see if I am invited alone or with a guest. Part of me hopes alone so I don’t have to beg one of my guy friends to accompany me. Another part of me hopes I am not invited with a guest so I won’t have to worry.

I am so sick of being single. But I don’t want to date. I just want to meet someone, know that they’re the one and fucking get it over with. I don’t want to waste my time. Does that make sense? I know that’s asking for a lot but I don’t care. I want to meet someone and think ‘This is the man I am going to marry’ and pray to God he feels the same way about me.

Actually I have felt that way…he didn’t feel the same. Oh well.

I deserve to be happy. I have waited long enough. When the hell is it going to happen for me?

Wow I didn’t mean for this to turn into a rant about my being single and miserable.

Miserable is overstating it. I am not miserable but I just wish I had someone to hang out with who was the opposite sex and whom I was totally attracted to, had fun with and was relaxed around. Oh wait! I actually had that! Duh.

Time to go home.

<April 22nd 2004

I almost walked out of my job yesterday 3 times and I freaked out in my manager’s office this morning. I cannot take it anymore…

April 20th 2004

I can’t believe the Columbine tragedy happened five years ago. Wow.

Isn’t today Don Mattingly’s birthday?

OH GOOD GOD I HAVE to get Men’s Health magazine. 1) Thomas Jane is on the cover and 2) Jason Giambi is on the back. GOOD GOD oh wait I said that already.


Ahem excuse me.


I took a nice walk during lunch. Up to 5th Avenue to 58th Street and walked through Bergdorf Goodman, then walked across 57th Street to 6th and down. The weather is beautiful. And so are some the boys wandering around Manhattan.

I have friends emailing me telling me to try out for ESPN’s Dream Job. No. I don’t like ESPN anymore. They’re anti Yankee and it’s annoying.

F them.

Walking into Bergdorf was painful. So many nice things…too expensive for me to afford. Boo! Oh well.

I walked right past Louis Vuitton. I looked in and then said, “Nope! I have to be a good girl!”

God I want that Speedy SO BADLY!!!

This handbag addiction is tough to curb. Now I know how it feels to be a smoker. Kidding.

Speaking of smoking, my aunt who had been a smoker for 54 years quit cold turkey on March 3rd. One of her friends has some sort of fungus on her lungs from what? SMOKING so my aunt wisely decided to stop.

Now if we could only get my dad to do the same thing.

I finished Angels and Demons. It was really good but I was so excited that I figured out the twist and the ending before I go there. I guess I am not as dumb as I thought.

My coworker gave me another one of Dan Brown’s books, ‘Deception Point’. I want to read ‘The DaVinci Code’ next.

I woke up this morning at 2:40 to Jack biting my feet. Then I couldn’t get back to sleep right away. I was having dreams about missing the plane to LA.

I had a nice relaxing night last night. I went home, got undressed and sat in my living room with the windows open and finished ‘Angels and Demons’. I watched TV a total of 5 minutes last night.

I thought that would help to relax me and it helped me fall asleep pretty well but then staying asleep is a new problem. It’s so irritating. Then while I am up in bed at 3am I start thinking too much and then I can’t relax and then I get pissy and frustrated and cry myself to sleep. It sucks.

I made a New Years Resolution: to not cry so much

Has it happened? Sort of. I cried more in 2003 but 2004 was supposed to be different. I wasn’t supposed to cry at all! Damn it!

This was supposed to be a good year! In some ways it’s great, in other ways it sucks. Oh well. What can I do? I have no control over it right now.

Things will happen eventually.

Good things…

Back to work I go.

April 19th 2004

Okay its 83 degrees and sunny and where am I? IN MY FUCKING CUBICLE!!!

Today is one of those days when I wish I were unemployed or that I worked from home.

Being inside on a day like today SUCKS ASS.

I got my eyebrows and lip waxed. She put the wax too far down around the corners of my mouth, actually PAST them. Now I’ll look like Thurman Munson next time I have to get them waxed. Jesus. At least my eyebrows look REALLY good. I love them this month. They’re pretty thin and very neat. She went all out using the tweezers, scissors and brush.

It was funny walking out of the place. I got knowing looks from the females and horrified looks from the men. I looked like I had a bad rash. Heh. My face actually matched the shirt I am wearing today.

It’s fine.

It’s weird, the thinner eyebrows make me look older, normally I’d be horrified by that notion but I don’t mind right now. It’s kind of nice.

So my mom is telling the entire world that I am going to be on HBO. I am a little worried now that I’ve had time to think about it. I’m not worried about how I’ll come across. I wasn’t holding anything back. I was myself. I am more afraid of what I’ll look like on camera. It’s one thing to be an extra on a TV show but it’s another to be the main focus on the screen in an interview. Oh boy I am going to have agita until it airs. I am being silly. I know. But I can’t help it.

You would probably feel the same if you were me.

Wow I am going to be on HBO. Isn’t that weird?

Talking about my Yankees. Hopefully the Yankees will see me. Hee.

My friend saw “The Punisher” this weekend and was raving about how hot Thomas Jane is in that movie. So she was searching the Internet for pictures of him and sent me some. Hee. She said that every time he appeared on screen shirtless she’d make noise and the people around her would snicker. This is why I don’t go to movies like that. I like moaning and groaning in the privacy of my own apartment.

So “We Built This City” by Starship is the worst song ever recorded according to Blender magazine. That song reminds me of my friend Chris’s friend Dan. We all went this December in the village and that song came on and Dan was singing at the top of his lungs, which was funny because he wasn’t talking to anyone all night. ALL NIGHT. It was like pulling teeth. You’d ask him a question and he’d nod or say nothing. I was like, “Um okay.” That was the night before Saddam Hussein’s capture was reported. Chris had called me at 11:40 to tell me to get my ass down to the Village. I had to shower, get dressed and take the A train all the way down to West 4th Street. It was brutally cold that night. We met up at this place called Fiddlesticks. It was fun but everyone there was so damn young and skinny. I felt like a fat beast around all of those really twiggy 20 year olds. Bitches.

I also remember seeing a guy almost getting killed by a cab that night. I got home around 4:30, went to bed and woke up at 1:30 in the afternoon. I remember expecting to see news reports about the snowstorm that morning and I saw Saddam Hussein being checked for bugs. Bleh.

The idiots, er, the Yankees were winning 4-1 and ended up losing 5-4. Great job Assclowns. Yes it’s still April but now they’re annoying me.

Yah! 52 minutes left and then I can go home. Thank God.

If I were wearing better shoes I would walk up to Central Park and sit in there and read my book. That would be nice. Maybe I’ll get home, change and go to the park across the street from my building…wait no. Bad idea. I’m sure people will be blasting music and I won’t be able to concentrate.

Damn it.

It’s too nice to be stuck inside.

Oh so the two stray kittens that hang out in my parents backyard have had their litters. My mom is going to have like 25 cats in her backyard. BLEH.

I love cats but that’s way too many.

Oh Jesus. My one Account Manager drives me crazy sometimes. He’ll call from vacation, on days he’s out sick and when he leaves early, to check up. GO HOME AND STOP CALLING ME FROM THE LIRR!!!! For the love of GOD!

I am writing this while I am supposed to be working. Bad Stacey.

It’s too nice to work.

April 18th 2004

It's 8:52p. Just over an hour until Queer As Folk Season 4 starts! YAY!

The Yankees won today...finally. And how did they win? The boys were hitting the ball to the opposite field. Nice.

Donnie Baseball looked happy.

When they get it together and really pour it on it's going to be frightening.

So it's been a year since I got my babies! I can't believe it. They were so little when I first got them. Aw.

Tomorrow is the start of my new "diet". I have to start working out tomorrow. If I get up early in the morning I'll go and work out before work.

Oooooo Tim Daly is on the Sopranos....I love him.

BLEH. I HATE when Tony has sex on the Sopranos especially when I am not having any! ICK!

He's so gross.

I don't know what to wear tomorrow.

Man Christopher on the Sopranos is FUCKED UP.

Good lord.

Okay Queer is starting soon. I have to get ready. Heh.


Damn it I wish I had a boyfriend right now.

April 17th 2004 10:02p

Yay! A Queer As Folk-athon on Showtime. Aw yeah. I have something to watch tonight.

WEEEEEEEE!!! 23 hours and 56 minutes.

I have been waiting since June for this, damn it.

Mmmmmmmmm Gale Harold. He is just so sexy. Jesus.

When I was 3 feet away away from him, took his picture and he smirked into the camera my knees literally buckled. That was three years ago.

How depressing.

Mmmmmmmmm more Gale. Nekkid. Hee.

I remember being terrified the first time I watched Queer As Folk. TERRIFIED. I was such a prude. HA. I've changed a lot in 3 years.

I forgot how hot he looked in this episode. Good lord.

I am gonna have nice dreams tonight.

As much as I hate to admit this, the Boston Red Sox fans who were chanting "You use steroids" (I think that's what they said---it sounded like that) at Jason Giambi today during the game, made me laugh. That was funny.

I'll give them credit. But I cannot wait to hear what the Yankee stadium crowd will chant to the Red Sox players next weekend.

Earlier today, every Dominican in Washington Heights/Inwood was outside of my building. I was about to kill someone. They were blasting music and it was just really annoying. They're lucky they didn't do that shit later in the evening because I would have called the police. And bitched them out for not doing anything. They just let the people in this neighborhood do whatever the hell they want.

The lump near my armpit is a hard little lump. It feels like its connected to my muscle. I had a similar lump in my hand in college and it disappeared after a year. My friend told me what it was and now I can't remember what he said it was. That was 7 years ago. My memory is foggy.

Oh how could I forget this? There was this really hot guy at the tournament last night. Racquel and I were pretty obvious when we were checking him out and he caught us checking out his package. HA! Ah who cares right? It's not like I'd ever see him again.

He was really hot though. Damn, nice arms, nice face, nice package...hahahahahaha.

Sorry Chris.

April 17th 2004 10:30a

Three words: IT'S ONLY APRIL!

To the Yankee fans who are panicking on APRIL 17th, CTFD. This team is new. This team is a lot different than last year. They need to get used to playing together. Some guys need to adjust to new leagues. For the love of God they lost one game to Boston in themiddle of April! Talk to me in August.

Okay enough of that nonsense.

I got some good news this morning. A snippet from the HBO producer's email sent to me last night (I didn't open it until 5 minutes ago), "We will be in touch and will update you on when it will air. By the way you are great in the show."


I have to calm down.

Another thing to be excited about is that its going to be 80 degrees on Monday. I might even shave my legs for the occasion. HA!

So let me tell you about my night last night, yes Stacey was actually out on a Friday, she wasn't at home singing to the oldies. I was at the Theatre at Madison Square Garden watching the 7th Annual Daily News Golden Gloves Competition. Boxing. Racquel's brother runs a Tiger Schulman's Karate school in Lynbrook Long Island and I was the midst of 100s of TSK students and senseis. A couple of TSK people were boxing, one woman and one man. They both lost. Decision. No knockouts. I saw one chick get her nose busted. OW!

I had a guy updating me on the Yankee/Red Sox score. Heh.

Right after work I went to this place called Mica Bar on Third Avenue for my coworker's birthday gathering. I stayed for an hour and then walked over to Grand Central to meet Racquel.

Racquel arrived at 7:20p and she needed to meet her brother. I was trying to figure out the best way to get to MSG. So we went outside to try and catch a cab on 42nd street. Yeah ok. See what no sleep does to me? Normally I would know that would NEVER work. So we walked down 42nd Street and when we almost reached Sixth Avenue one of those guys who rides a bike with a rikshaw attached was passing us and Racquel and I looked at each other and we shrugged our shoulders and said what the hell. So we stopped the guy and he took us on his bike to the corner of 33rd and Eighth Avenue. It was SO MUCH FUN! We were laughing the whole time. We were speeding (well for a bike) through midtown traffic. It was hilarious. We were waving to onlookers like we were Queens in a parade. Hysterical. Only Racquel and I would do something that goofy.

He got us there pretty damn quick.

It's supposed to be nice today. I may go for a walk in my hood. I will keep my eyes peeled for the 5'0" 200 lb menace. HA!

That cracks me up.

This is my last weekend of eating crap. Seriously. I feel disgusting. I am always fat in even years. I was fat in 2002, I am fat in 2004. I will break that trend in 2006 thank you very much.

No more fast food, no more bread, no more heavy carbs. SALAD will be my new best friend. No eating after 6pm. Drinking lots of water and working out 4 times a week. That's it. I want to get back into shape.

I don't want to have suck anything in. I don't want to feel self concious about my ass. I want to be proud of it again damn it.

Aw yeah I am going to be hot again.

Racquel ended up sleeping over last night and Henry slept with her! On her! I was shocked.

She couldn't believe how big Jack got.

Something is wrong with my cell phone.

I paid my damn bill so I don't want the hell is going on. POS.

I fixed it. For now.

35 hours until the new season of Queer As Folk starts...not that I am counting or anything.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I have never seen this episode of Sex and the City. Carrie is asked for her number by a guy while she's in a cab with the both the guy and Big.

Big and Carrie are doing the "friend" thing.


Never works.

Not when there are unresolved feelings between the two people or when the guy is an immature idiot.

Ooops sorry.

My neck is killing me. I slept in a weird position last night.

Okay it is too nice for me to be sitting in my apartment today. I have to go somewhere.

April 16th 2004

The Rainbow Room has a really nice view but $18 for a Cosmo is a bit much.

The tab last night was up over $1000 about an hour in. Heh.

So we went downstairs to Citarella and then over to Connolly’s on 47th Street.

I was on my way towards being a sloppy drunk but then the 20 minutes of walking 3 blocks (that’s what happens when you’re in a big drunk group of people) sobered me up a bit and I didn’t feel like really drinking the rest of the night.

I had some guy come up to me and say that his friend wanted to meet me. Great. The first guy was my clue as to how the guy who thought I was cute looked. He wasn’t terrible but he wasn’t anything I’d be interested in. And I couldn’t understand a word he was saying. Yes I love Irish guys and I love Brogues but his was REALLY hard to understand. I was sitting there nodding and smiling meanwhile he could have been asking me to have sex with him in the back of the bar. He seemed nice enough but no thanks.

I was pissy that I couldn’t have a cute guy come up to me and then my other coworkers pointed out the fact that at least I had someone who wanted to meet me. Beggars can’t be choosers I guess.

Oh shit we just got an email about an announcement for 3pm today. I think they are going to name the bitchy manager’s replacement. Please be someone good and not another asshole.

This frightens me. They couldn’t really do any worse but who knows.


One of the National Sales Managers refers to me as his girlfriend and everyone here calls him my boyfriend. Maybe I should go for it? Heh.

He’s my age, I think/hope he’s single, cute in an unconventional way, and calls everyone dude.

Aw yeah I’m going for it.



So it seems we have a new couple in the office. Oh wait they’re not really a couple because one of them is married but the whole office thinks they’re fooling around. And they didn’t really help to squash the rumors last night in fact they made the situation worse. Oy. I refuse to believe that they are doing anything. Simply because I was in the same boat and nothing really happened so I will give them the benefit of the doubt. But by the end of the night it was all anyone was talking about.

But it is kind of strange because I was thinking that something was up last week. They do seem a little too close for comfort but again…I can’t really say for sure. Unlike everyone who is convinced they HAVE to be doing SOMETHING.

I was joking with the person I was rumored to be having an affair with almost two years ago (wow times flies) that at least we’re not the subject of rumors anymore.

In fact everything between us is great again, like it was before all the crap started.

So I now have a picture of A Rod on my desk that was taken at the Letterman show Monday night. He is sitting with my coworker’s 11-month-old daughter. (Mia, she’s the one who was hurt by the ice a couple of months back) It’s SUCH a cute picture. A Rod is sitting in the make-up chair holding her, she is turned towards him and he is making faces at her. So adorable.

It’s a very busy picture, you have A Rod and Mia, Billy Crystal is standing in the background and you can see my coworker’s wife in the reflection of the mirror taking the picture. That baby has had her picture taken with everyone. So have her older brother and sister.

My coworker Nicole took one that was of Mia and the Rock. Okay 1) the Rock’s arms look AMAZING b) Mia looks so tiny in his arms and 3) did I mention his arms?

I wanted to ask my coworker if they could adopt me. I want pictures of me on A Rod’s lap. Heh.

Ooooo on George Clooney’s lap. Mmmmmmmmm Brad Pitt’s lap.

When we were at Connolly’s last night, the commercial for the Punisher came on one of the TVs. I literally stopped mid sentence to stare at Thomas Jane’s arms. GOD I LOVE ARMS.


Eyes and Arms. Grrrrrrrrrr. Okay I have to calm down I am so hyper right now.

I am going out for one drink for my friend’s birthday tonight and then going home and watching the Yankees/Red Sox. Oh boy. Please God let the Yanks at least split the 4 games. I don’t want them to get killed.

My allergies are KILLING me today.

I just found out who they hired and he’s not an asshole, at all! YAY! Someone cool got the manager’s job! And now I will know who it is when they make the announcement so I guess I’ll have to act surprised.

Okay I have to throw out my lunch remnants and get some shit done!

April 15th 2004

Happy Income Tax Day! Hope you all got everything in on time!

I hope I did too…

I am wearing a sheer blouse today and my supervisor wanted me to go down to J Crew and buy a tank top. Pffffffff. I felt like saying, “Are you paying for it?” It’s not like I’m not wearing a bra. Who cares? And it’ll give the men in the office something to discuss. It’s been a while since I’ve been the subject of office gossip. Heh.

It’s not that bad.

I’ve had a bad night’s sleep nearly every damn night this week. But considering I had hardly 3 hours sleep last night I look pretty good.

So it seems that I will not have time to see any of my friends in LA because I will going somewhere every single day and doing stuff at all times of the day (dinners, drinking, spa, baseball game). WEEEEEEEE!

If the Lakers are playing at home we are going to a playoff game. HOW FUCKING COOL IS THAT? I hate the Lakers but I’ve never been to an NBA playoff game. And I will be seeing famous people (if we go). Aw yeah.

This trip is getting better and better. YAY!

This is definitely something to look forward to.

Aw my mom said that my grandma got upset when she saw my Uncle walking with a cane. He’s an old man now. Aw. But she was excited to see her eldest boy. She’s so cute.

I worked late last night and got home just in time to watch the replay of the Yankee Game. Jason Giambi hit a BOMB into the upper deck in right field. DAMN. GRRRRRR.

They won. And Kevin Brown won his 200th game.

At about 11:30 I realized, “Oh shit! I have an appointment at 7:50 tomorrow morning!”

Then I was late because it was impossible to catch a gypsy cab this morning in the rain and the traffic on the West Side Highway was horrible. I was only ten minutes late and I called to say I was going to be late so it wasn’t so bad.

I should really get my eyebrows waxed today during my lunch hour. They are out of control.


Hmmm there seems to be a sexual predator on the loose in my neighborhood targeting unsuspecting woman. And now that I’ve read the description I think I saw him yesterday morning on the subway platform…and he was eyeing me. He was making me feel really uncomfortable. The good thing for me is that he is 5’0” and 200 lbs. I am nearly 5’10”…I can step on him. Heh.

Why can’t my neighborhood be in the news for good stuff? I am already made fun of because where I live by certain people. Good lord.

Is that sun? Could it be?

I am going out for a little while tomorrow night for # 2 in the 40th birthday celebrations for this week.

Then I am going home and watching the Red Sox/Yankee game. Oy vey. I have agita already.

And it’s only April. You should see me in September and October.

Oh God…there is an Orchid show going on right now in the basement and lobby of 30 Rock. There are about 15 million people downstairs.

Okay my friend just sent me a really funny email. I nearly spit my Chinese food out first from seeing his name pop up on my computer because I thought he was dead and secondly because it was a really funny email.

Could Thomas Jane look any more fuckable in the commercials and advertisements for the movie “The Punisher”? HOT DAMN! And in good news it’s not a Paramount movie so I don’t have to boycott it. Not that’ll go and see it…

I am excited for this weekend. I have tentative plans with my friend Julie. She may come down to hang out on Saturday. It’s supposed to be nice this weekend. We can walk around my neighborhood and hopefully not be accosted by the 5’0” 200 lb menace.


Okay I must eat lunch and get back to work like a good employee.

April 14th 2004

I call my mom up last night to tell her my coworker is pregnant because she knows her and loves her. So I say, “Guess who’s pregnant?” And mom answers, “You?” Smartass.

Tomorrow I have the Rainbow Room excursion. I am a little panicked about having to take an elevator 70 floors up but I think I’ll be okay.

Of course they showed the Yankee Spring Training segment on Letterman last night because I was in bed at 10. Assclowns.

So annoying.

I took a sleep aid to help me fall asleep…did it work? Of course not, I was up tossing and turning. I was actually up while Letterman was on. I could have gone in and watched it.

I hate not being able to sleep. It sucks. Then I feel run down at work. I nearly fell asleep on the train this morning. I could have woken up in Far Rockaway.

I have “She Wants to Move” by N.E.R.D. in my head right now and I can’t get it out. Not even the Entertainment Tonight theme is helping me.

I hate sitting in a cubicle because people in this office think it’s perfectly ok to have a conversation right next to it when they can go into their office with the person and have the same conversation without me having to hear it. Bleh.

A couple was all over each other literally a foot away from me on the crowded 59th Street platform this morning. The chick saw me roll my eyes at them. Ha.

It was too early in the morning for that crap.

Is it too much to ask that people do that shit in private? It’s one thing to hold hands and occasionally kiss but touching and rubbing…PUKE.

So it seems that someone who went to my high school who is now on CSI Miami is not proud of his Rockland County roots. There’s an article in the New York Post about him that says erroneously that he went to Yonkers High School and graduated in 1992. There was also another article a couple of years back that said he grew up in Manhattan. Nice try. He went to Clarkstown High School North in NEW CITY and graduated in 1993. I graduated in 1992 and he didn’t graduate with me. And his locker was right next to mine my senior year. Does he want to seem tougher by growing up in Yonkers? WTFE. He’s a New City boy. The condos baby. Aw yeah.

Adam don’t be hatin on Rockland County. When I become famous I will shout from the rooftops that I am a Congeroid!

Hell we have baseball players in the Majors who are proud to say they graduated from Clarkstown North; in fact I think Adam was their teammate.

My mom got mad at me because I was yapping about myself on the phone last night and not asking her how she was. It was because I didn’t want her to start bitching about my dad for ten minutes straight, which she did anyway. Oy.

You try sitting there listening to your mom complain about your dad for TEN MINITES STRAIGHT about how he drives her crazy, how he keeps smoking in the house, he does nothing all day but sit on his ass….The smoking pisses me off because he smokes in my brother’s room while he plays free cell on the computer. And my brother’s room now reeks. My poor brother doesn’t smoke cigarettes and everything he owns smells from them.

And forget the fact that my mom has asthma. He doesn’t care. He actually tries to hide his cigarette when she walks by him, like she’s not going to smell the smoke????

He’ll smoke in my apartment when I tell him not to. No one smokes in my apartment! My cousin and aunt go out into the hallway, I’ve had other people go all the way down to the front steps to smoke. But dad thinks he is excused.

Sorry I didn’t mean to turn this into an antismoking/anti dad rant.

The cats broke into my room again at 5:30 this morning. I picked them both up and locked them in the guest room.

I was so pissy. I nearly started crying from frustration because I was so tired.

I need a good night’s sleep.

I also need to win the lottery.

I also need to lose 15 lbs instantly.

Sunday cannot get here fast enough. I downloaded more clips of the first 3 Queer As Folk episodes and I am so psyched. So far it looks like it’s going to be really good.


I am so pissed Pedro Martinez was most likely going to be the starter on the 25th and now he’s not! I wanted to be able to scream at him and call him a pussy and now I can’t. BOOOOO!!!! Damn rain!

I feel like the Yankees haven’t played a game in 3 weeks.

I am going through basebal withdrawals and no ESPN, seeing Barry Bonds every night doesn’t help.


Did the Knicks make the playoffs?

The Rangers didn’t, the Islanders and Devils did.

I have no idea what’s happening anywhere.

My left ear is so itchy right now.

The cats knocked over their food container this morning. I was in such a hurry I didn’t clean it up. I figured they’d eat whatever’s on the floor by the time I get home.

Those little shits. I can’t stay mad at them for more than 5 minutes because they’ll do something so cute that I want to pick them up and kiss them.

It’s kind of like having a cute boyfriend. (Not that I’d know but this what I’d imagine) He’d do or say something to piss me off and then give me a look or something and I’d forget I was mad at him.


My Aunt and Uncle from Florida are visiting and staying with my parents. That should be funny. I was thinking about going home this weekend to see them but I’d have no place to sleep, my bed is being used.

I don’t think I’ve seen them in 4 years. My mom said my Uncle was wheeled out in a wheelchair when they got off the plane. This is my mom’s eldest sibling. He’s 72. I think…or is he 73? Whatever. He’s older and had a stroke a few years back so it’s easier for him to be in a wheelchair for long distances.

He’ll use a cane to go up and down the stairs at my parents’ house. Wow that house is not big enough for that many people.

Ten years ago we had cousins from Greece stay with us and it was so crowded in the house. And I hated being left alone with them because they didn’t speak a word of English and at that point I only knew how to say, “Hi” and “shit” in Greek. Not very helpful. Hey I know how to say Happy Easter now. That’s something.

I was going to try and get tickets for the series up in Boston this weekend but if I can’t handle the obnoxious Boston fans when they’re here there’s no way I could EVER go to Fenway. I’d probably be arrested.

I’m not saying all Red Sox fans are obnoxious but there are a few of them.

I am listening to an 80s mix that I made a while back. I love this stuff.

My back is still sore. I hate my back.

I can’t even workout because it’s still bothering me.

Oops the lunch whistle just blew, must go.

April 13th 2004

Another month, another pregnant coworker…seriously if I were sexually active right now I’d be terrified of becoming pregnant. It seems to be contagious around here. Good lord.

Today at 7:30am I discovered I was not pregnant. Heh.

Could it be any more disgusting out right now?


So I stayed up to watch A Rod on Letterman even though I was falling asleep at 9:15. I finally went to bed at 1:15 because I got sucked into Craig Kilborn because I love him. And who woke me up this morning at 5:10am? You guessed it Mack Master H Large and Pimp Daddy Jack Fresh. I was ready to KILL them.

Why is it that I always gain weight before I go to LA? I was at my fattest in 2002 when I went there and now I am not near my fattest but I am almost 10lbs heavier than I was in January. WTF?

I can’t stop eating. It’s terrible. I don’t know what is wrong with me. And what will I want to eat while I am out there? Fast food, because their hamburger joints KICK ASS.

Maybe one of the spa treatments will be that fat massage thing where they roll some sort of contraption on my thighs to iron out the cellulite. Heh.

They better not touch my feet.

It better just be massages (back, neck, shoulders)

Maybe I’ll get my legs waxed!

Oooo now I am getting excited!

OH! Congratulations are in order for my brother. He passed the first part of the NYS Teaching Certification test! He takes the second part in May.

He was convinced that he bombed on it but he didn’t so yay for Jimmy!

5 days until Queer As Folk starts! WEEEEEEEEEE!

When I was still at my parents’ house my mom walked in while a promo came on and she looked at Gale (my crush) and said, “He is so handsome.” Hee.

My mom always likes the same guys I do. Like when I loved Jon Bon Jovi in 9th and 10th grade she’d kiss posters I had of him. Ha.

Well I should say my famous guys, the real guys not so much but that’s because she’s my mom and protective of me so no one will ever really be good for me.

Not that matters because at this rate there will be no one. I already informed my mom that when I reach the ripe old age of 38 I will get artificially inseminated and have a baby by myself.

As a woman I can make my own money, I can have a baby alone, I can have sex alone and most of the time I can get myself off better than any guy can…who needs them!

Who am I kidding? I love men. They may be annoying sometimes and they may snore like buzz saws but I can’t really picture myself living without one in my future. Which, when you think about it, is very strange. I have been alone for so long that you’d think I’d get used to being alone but I have had a taste of what the future could possibly be if I let myself get really close to someone and I liked it. I was even mushy which is so frightening. Ugh.

Damn it! I want to just snap my fingers and have my Prince show up!

(Snaps fingers)


Back to work.

April 12th 2004

It is impossible for me to stop writing. I am going through withdrawals. I have no willpower.

First things first:


I have never in my life been so riveted by a round of Golf. Phil Mickelson finally won a major (the Masters) and my dad finally showed some emotion while it happened.

When Mickelson’s putt curled around the edge and then dropped into the 18th cup…my dad and I both jumped out of seats and clapped. It was so funny.

Then because I am PMSing tears began to form in my eyes when I saw how happy his wife was. I am SUCH a sap.

Then I really started crying when I realized how rich they are. Ha.

I went to my parents’ house this weekend for Easter. By Saturday night I wanted to be back at my apartment, alone.

Oy vey. Between being at home and listening to my dad ask me 9 million questions and being in the car with my mom while she ranted for 15 minutes about how crazy my dad is I was going to kill myself.

Whenever I go home for holidays or just go home for the weekend I get a glimpse into my parents’ elderly future and it is fucking frightening.

I am convinced that my dad is losing massive amounts of brain cells from being a smoker for so long and it’s making him batty. I love my dad but he can really drive a person to drink. Now I know why my mom’s nerves are shot. My mom has her moments as well but they are nothing compared to my dad.

No wonder my brother works 7 days a week…I wouldn’t want to be around them for an extended amount of time either.

I found out what I am getting back in taxes. Aw yeah I can pay one credit card off almost in full. YEEHAW.

Once I pay it I will have maybe $100 on my balance. WEEE!

RIP to Weird Al Yanovic’s parents who died from Carbon Monoxide poisoning. How horrible.

How come every time I see President Bush’s face on my TV I want to smack him?

I have a funny story that actually involves Mariah Carey. I went to my dad’s Goddaughter’s house Saturday night with my mom. They got a new puppy and we wanted to see him. SO CUTE. Anywho, my dad’s Goddaughter’s nieces were over and they were talking about their trip to Florida (they got back on Friday) and they said that they were waiting on line for a roller coaster at the Universal Theme park in Orlando when an announcement came over the loudspeaker that the ride was going to shut down for 10-15 minutes for maintenance. Then a guy running the ride comes over to them because they're are at the front of the line and he says, “It’s not really being shut down, someone famous is coming out.” So they let 3 cars come into the station, empty them out and let them go once empty on the tracks. Someone gives an “ok” and a door on the other side of the station, near the exit, opens and it’s Mariah Carey and her entourage. The little girls, one 12, one 10 while describing what she’s wearing says, “She was wearing little jean shorts that were up to here!!!” and point to their own rear end. “And a Hello Kitty Halter top!” I rolled my eyes. Mariah, you’re 34, not 14. Does your ass need to be out at all times? Have some self-respect. Jesus. Even if I were my height but 25lbs lighter I wouldn't walk around with shorts up to my ass. The thing that cracked me up was the fact that the little girls seemed horrified that Mariah Carey would wear such an outfit. Heh.

Then they described the roller coaster and I almost puked from the description. You climb up the hill of the roller coaster but the hill is covered so you can't see how high you’re going and then when you reach a certain point it just shoots you out. BLEH.

I don’t know if I could do that. They also said they went on another roller coaster and the guy stopped it when they were halfway up the hill and then came over the loudspeaker and said, “Just kidding!” Ass.

They said that park has “express passes” so you pay extra you go to the front of all the lines or something. I wish Great Adventure would have something like that. You spend the majority of the time on lines at that damn place.

I want to try and go to Six Flags again when I go out to LA (in less than 3 week AW YEAH) but it’s such a short trip I don’t think we’ll have time.

Ah I’ll have to go again later in the year.

Okay so where is this rain they’ve been predicting since Saturday?

Two words: Bubba Crosby

Four more words: Kenny Lofton is useless

Hey my boys are in a funk right now BUT they’ve won both games I had tickets for, aw yeah.

I think I have a 5 or 6 game winning streak dating back to last season (including 3-0 in the playoffs).

Some assclown put the wrong paper in our printer and now it’s getting jammed every 5 seconds.

I wish it were okay to smack your coworkers sometimes.

Set your VCRs, A Rod is on Letterman tonight. Hee.

I said Happy Easter to my dad in Greek. I explained how I learned how to say some things in Greek from watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding 50 times. The man still hasn’t seen it.

Christos Anesti!

That’s not how you spell it, obviously.

My grandma looked a little happier yesterday. I think they increased her meds.

Poor Grandma.

How excited am I? I have two 40th birthday parties to attend, two nights in a row. One is Thursday night and it’s upstairs at the Rainbow Room…ooooo maybe I can do my 30th up there!!! There’s an idea. And the second one on Friday is at a place called Mica Bar in the 30s somewhere. I am going to get my drink on and dance on. Yippee!

Now that Spring has sprung, sort of, I am feeling a little more social.

I had a bad case of the winter blahs and guys are assholes blahs. But they’ve passed. Stacey feels much better.

Well, guys are still assholes but there’s nothing I can do to change that so I have to live with it.


I have to rearrange my desk at work…I need more room to spread my stuff out. I always have 4 different piles. It’s so maddening.

Speaking of work I must take care of at least one of the piles. Oy.

Man it’s good to be back…

April 11th 2004

Three things:

1) The Sopranos sucked tonight.

2) Mike Mussina FINALLY won his 200th game.

3) If I still lived at home with my parents...I probably would have been thrown into a psycho ward by now. JESUS. Just one full day with them is enough to drive me batty.

April 7th 2004

I had a moment of CLARITY this morning while at home resting my "injured" back.

I have been in a funk for a couple of months now and I suddenly realized what caused this funk.

To quote Shaggy: IT WASN'T ME.

I know the truth about EVERYTHING!

(Sorry I am being so vauge)

But I am so happy right now if my back wasn't killing me I'd do a dance.

Wow I have really over protective friends...It's kinda sweet but it's also annoying. I'm not 12. I'm 29 years old and I need to live and experience life.

Okay back to my self imposed writing hiatus.

April 4th 2004

I think I am going to stop writing and posting on the site for a while.

I am going to take a break.

I also need to find someone who can redesign my layout for me. I want to move it to the domain name that I purchased close to a year ago.

Maybe that's what I'll do. I'll start writing when I have the new layout.

If anyone is interested in helping me out, let me know. Email me.

April 3rd 2004 10:14a

I was already up but when my phone rang at 9:25a it still scared the crap out of me. Especially because I was thinking of a scenario in my head that involved the phone and when it rang I got slightly panicked...but then again I should have known better.

I was going to go home this weekend but listening to my mom complain about my dad for 5 minutes straight changed my mind. She says, after her rant, "Are you coming home this weekend?" Um no. I'd rather sit here on my ass doing nothing and being bored out of my skull then be there.

They're ripping Ben Affleck on VH1's Best Week Ever. So "Jersey Girl" bombed? Really?!?! I am shocked.

After they issued that warning yesterday about possible bombings of mass transit systems I decided I was going to get my daily exercise by walking 6 miles to work everyday and 6 miles home everyday. So what if I have to wake up at 3:00am everyday? BFD. I'll be 115 lbs within 2 weeks.

OH MY GOD!!!! VH1 is doing a special about Queer As Folk on Thursday night! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

The Atlantic hurricane names for 2004 are: Alex, Bonnie, Charley, Danielle, Earl, Frances, Gaston, Hermine, Ivan, Jeanne, Karl, Lisa, Matthew, Nicole, Otto, Paula, Richard, Shary, Tomas, Virginie and Walter.

Shary???? WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! I want Hurricane Stacey JUST ONCE! Where do they get some of these names from!?

Gaston? Otto??!! Hermine!?!?! Come on!!!!

Where's the U name?! Una? Urethra? Ulna? Ugeth?

That's discrimination.

They had a chick on Extreme Makeover the other night who after working out twice a day for five weeks, lost 20 pounds of fat and went from a size 12 to a size 4. Holy shit!

I'll have to try that, wait, I won't have to if I walk to work everyday.

God, if you exist and I believe that you do, please let it be nice on Opening Day at the Stadium....PLEASE. Last year was unbearable.


I have VH1 Classics on and they are showing good videos right now.

"Happy Birthday" Altered Images , "If She Knew What she Wants" The Bangles, and "(Keep Feeling)Facisination" Human League.

And it isn't the "We Are the 80s" hour.


My mom and aunt ca.me over and we went out to get lunch and then went to the nursing home to see my grandma.

Grandma seemed ok. They have her on a new antidepressant. Wow I'm depressed, my mom is depressed, my grandma is depressed...see a pattern?

When I got back here I got my mail and I recieved an invitation to my cousin Jimmy's fiancee's bridal shower. It's on May 2nd so I will be missing it. Oh well. I am not in the mood for a Bridal shower anyway especially out in Long Island. I'm certainly not in the mood for a wedding but it's in July. I have a little time to get into a mood for it.

Yeah right. I'll still be a bitter bitch in July, heh.

Okay I think the kid who lives above me is jumping off furniture. Brat.

The ice cream truck finally left. If I had to hear that song ONE MORE TIME I was going to go out there and bash the truck with something.


Yay! Stacey has something to watch tonight! Game 4 of the 1996 World Series is being shown on YES.

Isn't this pathetic? I am excited to watch a game from 8 years ago.

Jack is enamored with my mom. Every time she comes over he follows her all over the place. And if she is sitting somewhere, he sits in front of her and looks at her. It's so damn cute.


I am watching a replay of a Yankee/Met game from 2 years ago and I am pissed off by a stupid call by an ump. FROM TWO YEARS AGO.


I have a weird lump right near my right armpit. It's not a pimple because it's not red or anything...hmmmm maybe I should get that checked out. Because you never know. Please God don't let it be anything scary.

I don't even remember this game.

What was I doing on June 14th 2002?

Is it too much to ask that Jennifer Lopez wears a bra when she is presenting an award on a kid's show? Jesus.

Actually the better question would be, why the fuck am I watching the Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Awards in the first place?

It was good seeing my grandma today. I need to go see her more often.

April 1st 2004 8:59p

That damn Extreme Makeover Home Edition show made me cry!

And now Extreme Makeover will probably make me cry.

Damn PMS.

April 1st 2004 7:02p

Congrats to Jon Bon Jovi and his wife Dorothea on the birth of their 4th child Romeo Jon. Yes I said Romeo. Why would you do that to a child?!

I had 3 coworkers tell me I looked really tired today. So I said, "You can say what you really mean. I look like shit." Heh.

My hair came out REALLY curly today. It figures that my hair would come out nice when the rest of me looks like ass.

Apparently some of the people in the office played an April Fools joke on one of the VP of Sales at one of our stations and they had the big boss be a part of it. I wish they'd really fire everyone at that particular station because they SUCK. It's the #3 market in the country behind New York and Los Angeles and they run the station like they are at a station in West Asscheek, USA. It's unbelievable to me how they keep that station running. I actually had to send an e-mail to them telling them that they're stupid without really telling them...and I did it because I can be a sarcastic bitch without people realizing it. It was funny.


They need to shut down the station for a week and then start over again.

I have a beef with that station because they have a habit of trying to get me in trouble for things that I do that aren't even wrong. Assholes. So EVERY TIME they fuck up I throw it back in their face. Two can play at that game. You mess with the bull you get the horns. I have been at my job a long time, you can't fuck with me and not expect to get something in return.

Whoa I am really pissy.

Nah I am just cranky. I really want to go to sleep but it's 7:13 and if I go to bed now I'll wake up at 3 am.

I think I want to go home this weekend. I want to see Melissa and the baby.

And it's laundry time.

But that's all I want to do. I don't want to go out or anything. I am not in the mood to go out. I am feeling very anti social. I am suffering from the winter blahs.

Spring needs to get here, fast.

Maybe baseball will cheer me up.

It better. Something needs to.

Damn it now I am hungry and there's nothing to eat.


April 1st 2004

I’ve made it to 11:45a without anyone trying an April Fools Joke on me. Thank goodness.

I am so gullible I fall for everything.

It felt weird to wake up at 7:30 again after waking up at 5 the past two mornings.

I was so tired last night. I was falling asleep at 9 but I stayed up until 10:15. I actually was in my bed by 9:45 but I suddenly was inspired and wrote 16 poems. Yes I said 16. It only took 20 minutes. They wouldn’t stop. I guess I was holding a lot of things in. Which is shocking because I thought I was bitching enough on here, apparently not.


I am the chick in “Say Anything” who wrote all of those songs about Joe. Except they’re not songs and they’re not about Joe.

Joe lies, Joe lies…when he cries.

That’ll never be me that’ll never be me that’ll never never be me, no!

HA. Well, at least I am making myself laugh.

Ooooooo one month until L.A.!!! Something to make me happy!

That means I have a month to lose 10 lbs., which also means I MUST, stop my McDonald’s binges. I have eaten McDonalds more in the past 2 months then I had in the last 3 years. GROSS.

I can’t help it. I get in these moods and I have to eat crappy foods.

I wish I’d binge on salad instead of super size value meals.

I hit my elbow into the corner of my coworker’s cubicle this morning and he said that when you hit your elbow it means you’re going to see someone you don’t want to see…Great. Lucky for me the one person I don’t want to see lives far away and I have no chance of running into them.

And I also haven’t seen them in a really long time.

OH! So I was sent this Pimp Name Generator via email and I then sent it to all of my friends and coworkers. Well I am obsessed with it and I changed all of the names on my company’s internal IM buddy list into pimp names. It is so funny. My cats are now Mack Master H Large and Pimp Daddy Jack Fresh.


I am Sweet Chocolate Stacey Silk.

Racquel and I combined a few of the names she got and she became Dopetastic Delicious Sweetness. Heh.

This is what I do to amuse myself. It’s pathetic right?

So Howard Stern apparently pulled off a GREAT April Fools Joke this morning. I wasn’t up early enough to hear it. I heard the aftermath. He had two people pretend that they were doing a new morning show, that Howard was kicked off the air and people got PISSED.

Heh that’s awesome.

I downloaded three clips from the Season Premiere of Queer As Folk. April 18th needs to get here fast, damn it.

Okay I am posting some of the poems.

Fuck it.

19 days until Queer As Folk....AW HELL YEAH

****I couldn't post this morning's entry until 7:53p because my work computer SUCKS ASS.

March 30th 2004 5:24a

Yes you are reading correctly I am up at 5:24am. I have to watch my boys.

My man Jason hit an opposite field 2 run home run to start off his season. Aw yeah. If he stays healthy everyone's in trouble.


I have to remember that it's 5:25 in the morning and not scream so much.


I'll be back.


I woke up for this? They're losing 8-3 but hey...the 1998 team started 1-4 and they ended up winning 114 games.

I am going to shower now so I can go to hell, er, work.

March 29th 2004

I went to bed early last night because I wanted to get my body into a different sleep pattern for tomorrow and Wednesday when I have to wake at 5am to watch the Yankees play in Japan. So I was in bed by 9:15 and asleep by 9:45…Yeah great. What do I wake up to at 2:15a? The cats had broken into my room. Those little shits. I use my hamper to block the door so they can’t get in…yeah well they do this tag team thing and they both push at the door, tip the hamper over and get into my room. It is pretty comical BUT not when they do it at 2:15a.

I have to go out and get an eyehook, wait what the hell is that thing called? Anywho. I have to get something that locks the door.

I think I used a word incorrectly during my interview which is so not shocking because I have the vocabulary of a six year old…I was obsessing about it all weekend. I hope to GOD they don’t use that sound bite. I am crossing my fingers.

Ooooo BMG is selling Duran Duran’s “Box Set” for $18.98 instead of $50!

I am so looking forward to next month. Not only is baseball starting, Queer as Folk season 4 starts AND My So Called Life is coming back to TV. Yay! I loved that show.

My mom came over yesterday and we went out to eat. I have leftover chicken piccata and broccoli so I will be eating that tonight for dinner.

I am going to switch banks. I am looking into opening up an account at HSBC. There’s one across the street on Sixth Avenue. They also have online bill pay which is perfect for me.

I have used the same bank since college and it’s up in Rockland, which does me no good.

My dad is sending out my taxes today. Thank God.

Maybe I’ll get an accountant for next year.

That would be nice.

Someone to keep track of the money and I am not making, yet spending. Heh.

My hair is back to normal frizzy self. Yip to the ee.

I tried to get it to curl but it wouldn’t. Oh well.

I bought Rembrandt’s 2 hour white like two weeks ago. I am going to use it tomorrow morning during the game.

Yankee baseball clap clap clap clap clap. People are trying to predict who’s going to hit the first HR of the season. I am thinking it will be someone unexpected like Enrique Wilson. Heh. Hey maybe it will be A Rod. That would be cool.

I wonder if anyone will hit one at the home opener. Last year we had Matsui and his grand slam. God it was so cold that day. Painfully cold. Ow.

I am hoping for 50 on April 8th. Please god. No snow, no wind, no cold. Please? I don’t have gloves.

I missed the Sopranos last night. I’ll have to watch it tonight On Demand. That was the best thing ever invented by the way. I caught up on the L Word this weekend and watched an old episode of Queer As Folk.

Work time.


March 28th 2004 5:43p

I got my fortune for today: Someone wants your body.

Hmmmmmm I wonder who.

It better be someone good!


March 28th 2004 10:39a

My ticket broker, er, my dad came to pick the tickets up just now. He walks in with a cigarette, KNOWING that I HATE when he SMOKES in my apartment.

Ugh why did Michael Bergin find it necessary to write a book about being Carolyn Bessette's lover? Can't she rest in peace? Asshat.

One of my biggest pet peeves: People who have no career who try to capitalize on someone else's name. Who gives a shit about Michael Bergin? No one but oooo attach Carolyn Bessette and JFK Jr to his name and suddenly people care.

It's so tasteless and offensive to me.

I am watching the replay of the Yankees game in Japan this morning. They played the Yomiyuri Giants who are like the Yankees of Japan and the Japanese fans are so loud!!! They don't stop all game. It's so cool to watch and to see how much they love baseball.

Mmmmmm Giambi is about to hit a single. Hee. He still looks big to me. I don't know why everyone is making such about big deal about his weight loss. He's still a big guy.


I am gonna love seeing him at every game.

It is so cold in my apartment today. My fingers are freezing.

March 27th 2004

Oh my god! I am sitting here listening to the showcase channel and it's the 90s block. "Could This Be Love?" By Seduction is on. I forgot this song existed but hearing it brings back a funny memory. I was cleaning my room the day before my Sweet 16 and I was singing this song and Racquel and Melissa were walking past my house and called out my name because they heard me singing in my room. It was so embarrassing. It's funny. Melissa and I weren't close in high school and I ended up being a bridesmaid in her wedding.

Racquel and I always had a bond even if we were close with other people.

My Sweet 16 was a barbecue and I remember none of my friends wanted to swim because they didn't want to mess up their hair. Ah the early 90s.

It was hot that day too.

Aw I just missed "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?" By the Bee Gees. They rule.

"This is the Time" by Billy Joel is on the soft rock channel.

He was great when I saw him in concert with Elton John.

I wanted go to the ESPN Zone on Tuesday at 5:00am to watch the Yankees play in Japan. It's $25, you watch the game and eat breakfast.

I think it would be fun but I can't find anyone crazy enough to go with me and I am certainly not going alone.

So I'll just set my alarm and watch it here with Jack and Henry.

The big boss had his sons with him yesterday at work. They were very cute. The two year old, James, was so talkative. The older one, Jack, was shy.

Hmmmm what should I get for lunch?

I still haven't gotten lunch. I need to go to the grocery store, badly.

Do you know what I find amusing? The fact that my dad who is constantly yelling about me about having partial season tickets for the Yankees is acting as a ticket broker for me...He just called me and asked me about games I am not going to because he told someone about my tickets. I am definitely not using the tickets for May 2nd because I will be in LA being massaged that day. Aw yeah. And April 11th is only 3 days after Opening Day. I don't need to go that day.

Actually my favorite conversation with my dad was the, "So we're going to Opening Day right?" "Um yeah dad."

Either be pissy that I get the tickets or shut up about it already.

Good lord.

I am catching up on the L Word because I missed the last two weeks. I only caught the last 5 minutes of this week's episode.

Wow that show is intense.

Okay I am so shocked that Tom Cruise and Penelope Cruz broke up. SHOCKED. I thought they were going to last forever. Sniff.

Who cares.

I just looked out the window and there is a chick standing in front of the hair salon across the street...she is in DIRE need of a dye job. Her natural color is black, her hair is blonde and her roots are down to her ears. Good Lord.

I have the New Wave channel on and "Election Day" by Arcadia is on. Arcadia being the side project for Simon, Nick and Roger of Duran Duran. John and Andy did Power Station. God I love Simon Le Bon's voice. Always have and always will.

They are releasing the DVD of Sing Blue Silver the backstage documentary of Duran Duran's 1984 tour. And who will be getting it? Me. I have their Greatest Hits on video. Sigh.

OH MY GOD!!!!!! "Cruel To Be Kind" by Nick Lowe. This song RULES.

Hmmmm to wake up at 5 to watch the Yanks tomorrow or not. Nah, they're replaying it at 1:00 on YES.

I am definitely waking up at 5:00 to watch the boys on Tuesday.

My future husband NEEDS to be a Yankee fan. Someone who will understand my mania. No one else can understand it or relate.

"I'm all right, I'm all right...it only hurts when I breathe."

I like that song. I like Melissa Etheridge.

She didn't write the song or at least that's what Rachel Perry on VH1's Top 20 Countdown said.

Ooo Music Choice corrected "Finally" by CeCe Peniston. They had it as 1993, um duh. Nice try asshats.

And I also noticed they corrected "Rhythm is a Dancer" by Snap. They had it as 1994. No it was 1992.

Now that the weather is nicer and it's lighter out at 5:00 I am going to talk my coworkers into going out more after work. I need to get drunk. A lot.

I miss going to Opal. Like we used to.

I need to dance and drink and be merry.

The last time I went dancing at Opal was, uh, in October for a coworker's birthday. I think...wait. No. When the hell was that? Eh I don't remember. I do remember a year ago going out with Julie, Racquel and Melissa and we met firefighters who were here for the St. Patrick's Day parade. I remember dancing with this really big (shaved) bald guy to "Rock Your Body" by Justin Timberlake and he couldn't believe I knew all the words. He was really muscular and he kept putting my hands on his chest. Grrrrrr. Heh.

That was one of the first times in my life that I felt comfortable dancing with a guy I hardly knew in a club/bar. It was fun.

Oh my God I just realized I held the elevator door open for someone yesterday who is on TV. He's a young looking kid, I don't know what he's on but I know I know him. And he said, 'Have a nice day' when he got off on the 25th floor.

Yesterday kinda sucked because it was so nice out and I couldn't go outside for lunch because I got to work so late.

I was so tempted to just stay away from work. I probably would have been better off because I was a giddy idiot and hardly got anything done.


Of course I'll be paying for it on Monday.

Okay why do people always come out 5 years after someone's death to say, "I was her lover!" Can't JFK Jr and Carolyn Bessette rest in peace? Good lord. Stupid Michael Bergin. Why do we need to know that Carolyn had sex with you while she was married JFK Jr.? Asshat.

I hate Blink 182's song "I Miss You" HATE IT.

They annoy me. So does Simple Plan. "Perfect." UGH.

FUCK!!!! I just missed "Breaking Us In Two" by Joe Jackson. I love that song.

Isn't ironic that George Michael was born in BUSHEY, England?

It's nice out. I went out earlier to get the boys food and get myself lunch. I had a guy tell me I had a beautiful body in Spanish and then he made a really strange noise. I was a little disturbed. But hey he likes my body. Aw yeah.

Little does he know that I am nearly 15 lbs heavier than normal.

Okay it's only 10 lbs. I just checked. But ew. That's still too much. I MUST start walking more. Like getting out a stop or two before my usual one and walking the rest of the way to work. Because I need to shrink my ass size, thank you very much.

I love sitting here and singing all day. Seriously. I know a lot of people would be going crazy just sitting in their apartment all day but I love it.

"What's On Your Mind (Pure Energy)" by Information Society is on. I loved this song. This reminds me of the beginning of my freshman year of high school.

HOLY SHIT "Tired of Toein the Line" by Rocky Burnett is on the Party Favorites channel. This reminds me of being in Edison New Jersey with my dad's godson's sister who at the time was at least 10 years older than me. I was 6, she was in high school and I thought she was so cool. I used to sit in her room and think, "This is how my room is going to be when I am older."

I never got a chance to be the cool older high school chick for anyone because I wasn't. Heh. I'd feel bad for anyone who wanted to be me when I was 16.


What a nightmare.

I'll be back later


"September" by Earth Wind and Fire is on the Showcase Channel. It's the disco block. This song reminds me of the first year that we lived in Rockland and going roller skating at Studio 59. Heh. "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" by Michael Jackson also reminds me of that place. God I loved to roller skate when I was younger. I kicked ass. I twirled, skated backwards and never fell. If I tried it now I'd probably break something.

I am watching this week's Queer Eye again just so I can hear the Duran Duran song...hmmmm maybe I should buy the Queer Eye CD so I can listen to it all the time. Heh.


Does anyone else find it hard to say the sentence "We are family" without it sounding like the song?

I love misinformed people. I was reading an anti-Yankee post by someone on a message board and she was talking about how the Yankees have not been unable to win a pennant for the past few years. Okay asshat. When a team represents the American League in the World Series that means THEY WON THE AMERICAN LEAGUE PENNANT. So when Aaron Boone sent Boston home, the Yankees won the pennant. They haven't won a World Series Championship in a few years. I hate casual baseball people who THINK they KNOW what they are talking about but DON'T. It drives me insane. This person was also talking about us obnoxious Yankees fans. Yes I am obnoxious. I have a right to be.

Thank you for playing and try again.

Soft Rock Channel "Too Much Too Little Too Late" I love this fucking song.

I'm so happy for once I heard the "Do do do do do's" in Rio. They always cut it off before Simon has a chance to sing them.

OH MY GOD!!!! "Cool Jerk" by the Go-Go's off their Vacation album. I played the shit out of that album when I was 7/8 years old. Damn it I missed most of it.

Wheeeeee! "Make a Move On Me" by Olivia Newton-John. Reminds me of 2nd grade. I also played the hell out of the "Physical" album thank you very much.

I remember actually doing a dance routine to this song in dance school. Miss Kathy was my teacher at Dodge Dance Studios. Thanks to her I do a good job of shaking my ass on the dance floor. Heh.

I still haven't washed my hair since Thursday night because I want it to stay straight. I was actually really pissed that I had nowhere to go last night to show it off. It seems like a waste of a good hairdo. And I am too lazy to ever do this on my own.

I have showered just haven't wet my hair.

My dad is coming by in the morning to pick up the Yankee tickets. I'll give him his tickets for Opening day also so I can meet them at the seats. Whenever I have to meet people outside I ALWAYS end up missing the first pitch and I HATE that more than anything.

No I hate when people get to their seats in the 4th inning. WTF is that all about?

Hmmm the boys seem to be missing...where the heck are they?

"Summer Breeze" by Seals and Crofts is one of my favorite songs of all time. Thought I'd mention that. It's on the soft rock channel.

"Family Man" by Hall and Oates reminds me of my first trip to Boston. My dad's goddaughter was graduating from Boston University and we went there to go to her graduation. Actually the three songs that stuck from that trip were "Family Man", The theme from "Cheers", and "Straight From the Heart" by Bryan Adams.

AHHHHHHHHHH "Against All Odds" in on. I LOVE THIS SONG!!!! And it was out 20 years ago. How depressing. Oh my God. Like 20 year ago like right now...I was in 4th grade. Aw man.

I fucking love the 80s channel. "The Way You Love Me" by Karyn White is on. Freshman year of high school. This reminds me of the first guy I liked in high school who was SUCH a tool! HAHAHAHAHA! I saw him a few years back when I was home from college and I was like, "What the hell was I thinking?!" He was so not the normal Stacey crush. He wore glasses, that was it.

Aw Jack is so cute right now. He's lying on the table next to me as I type this and he's just watching me. Boo boo.

Okay "Father Figure" is on. February 1988...mid winter break trip to St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. The two tapes I listened to the most on that trip were "Faith" by George Michael, more specifically "Father Figure" and "Out of the Blue" by Debbie Gibson.

I can remember watching the "Father Figure" video and being confused about George Michael kissing a chick. I was like, "Isn't he gay?" The fact that people thought for one second that he was straight proves how dumb people really are. Hello "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go"? Did anyone see that video? Please.

And my friends used to yell at me, "George Michael is NOT gay!!!!" Yeah ok.

Neither is Tom Cruise. Just kidding!!!

Aw yeah, "Burning Heart" by Survivor from Rocky IV. The one where he fights the big bad Russian. My brother and I watched that movie SO MANY TIMES. We used to recite the scene where Adrian is on the top of the steps yelling at Rocky telling him that the Russian will kill him. I obviously was Adrian in that scenario.

"Praying For Time" by George Michael is on the Soft Rock channel. This song was released right before my Sweet 16. I clearly remember playing this song over and over again that summer.

Aw crap I have an early appointment with my therapist on Monday. I hope I remember to set my alarm.

This is pathetic, it's 10:34p and I am falling asleep.

You know what I love? All of the Yankees' different handshakes. I find it so amusing that they all have different ones for different people. The funniest one was in the first game of the season last year, before Jeter got hurt. He and Matsui did this whole involved handshake and then bowed to each other at the end. I nearly spit out my soda.

I cannot believe I am admitting this. But in the Spring of 1990 when Clarkstown North High School's first girls lacrosse team was starting up we had a few songs we'd always sing at practice. One of them was "How Can We Be Lovers" by Michael Bolton. HAHAHAHA!! How embarrassing.

It's on the Soft Rock channel right now. Our theme song was "Dangerous" by Roxette because it was the first season and most of us didn't know what the hell we were doing.

My eyes are crossing and I have been sitting here all damn day.

March 26th 2004 7:20p

My cable is back on. THANK GOD. Being withOUT a TV sucks.

Why is it that all the guys in my office cream for straight hair? All day long I heard, "Your hair looks nice like that." "Gotsu love the hair." "Wow you look great." Um do I look like shit every other day?

Apparently I do.

I am wearing my new HBO Sports T-shirt that was given to me this morning after my interview. Hee.

It was a really nice experience. I just hope I make it on to the final cut of the documentary.

And I hope I look okay. They said I look good on the monitor. But what looks good to them may be completely different than what I think looks good. I just hope I don't look fat.

That's my biggest fear.

Yay! I turned Queer Eye on just in time to hear Duran Duran. Aw Yeah.

"Reach out for the sunrise!!"


I am in SUCH a good mood!

Even though it's a Friday, I'm home, I have no plans to do anything this weekend but WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I was interviewed by HBO!


I have to calm down. I am going to be 30 five months from today. Oh God that hurt to type.

Man this chick is a biatch on Queer Eye. If my boyfriend tried to change for me I'd be a little more receptive. I'd be a lot more receptive if I actually had a boyfriend. Heh.


Actually if I had a boyfriend today might not have happened Not having a boyfriend made me become a loser who stayed home and did nothing but play around on the computer. And not having a boyfriend helped me inquire about the first Yankee program that I am not a part of but the chick doing that one told the people doing the one I was interviewed for today about me! So yay for me not having a boyfriend! Who fuckin needs one anyway?

Anyway, I better get something to eat before my stomach starts eating itself.

March 26th 2004 12:55p

Being interviewed is fun! I felt like a movie star when they were putting the microphone on me and putting powder on my face.

It lasted 45 minutes.


I'll write more from home.
March 25th 2004 9:10p

I need a 4th person to come with me to the Yankee Home Opener on April 8th...if you or anyone you know can either take that afternoon off OR are unemployed and don't need to take the afternoon off, let me know.

I'll take my poor mom as a last resort, she hates going to Yankee games, the seats bother her back.

The ticket is $35.

Email me if you're interested.
March 25th 2004 8:15p

I don't know what the hairdresser used in my hair but it's making the cats INSANE. It's so funny. They are taking turns smelling my hair as I type this. Heh.

Me with straight hair.

Exciting huh?

I took that pic with my cameraphone. Yes I know it's a cheesy picture but that's the only angle that doesn't make me look like I have 10 chins.

I'm getting fat again.


I am really nervous right now and there is only one person I want to talk to. And I can't talk to him because I haven't spoken to him in a while and I don't want to just call him out of the blue. But I feel like he is the only person who can put me at ease and make me laugh and forget about how nervous I am about tomorrow morning...oh well.

What can I do?

Nothing I guess.

I should go to CVS and buy some make up so I don't look horrible tomorrow.

Please cross your fingers for me.



Tension breaker...had to be done.
March 25th 2004

Two more babies were born yesterday. A girl who used to work here before I did but I’ve known her for 5 years had her first baby, a boy she and her husband named Jack. And my best friend Julie’s sister Lori had her third child, a girl she and her husband named Ava Rose. Let’s get a hell yeah for the middle name!

I think I have 2 more and then this wave is done…oh wait. No. Shit I forgot about 3 more I people I know. Oy vey.

I was really surprised more people didn’t conceive the night of the blackout.

Maybe that couple my coworker bumped into in that dark stairwell did, heh.

I have so many things to do today. I MUST get my eyebrows waxed. I must get my hair cut and blown out, even though it’s going to be drizzling later. Stupid weather. I must go out and buy foundation. I will need someone’s help with that.

I am cosmetically challenged. I have no idea how to put make up on which is why I usually don’t bother.

Lipstick is about all I usually do. Sometimes I venture into eye shadow and liner, but that’s rare and I NEVER put foundation on. I have so many issues, acne scars, huge pores…it never looks right.

Racquel gets pissy with me because all I have to do is put on lipstick and it makes the rest of my face look made up. It’s very strange.

I’m on the phone with my mom last night asks me, “Are you wearing make up for the interview?” I felt like saying, “Nah I want to scare the viewers with my pasty white, Le Stat looking complexion.” OF COURSE I AM!

Good lord woman.

My dad is very excited. I told him not to get too excited. I may get cut out and then I will feel like a real moron.

Hey watch this show because I’m on it! Oh wait…no I’m not.

Okay I just got back from getting the eyebrows and lip done. I made an appointment to get the haircut…Now I just have to go out and buy foundation and I am all set!

I can practice tonight since I won’t be able to sleep at all.

Why am I so nervous? All I will be doing is talking about my Yankees on camera. It’s a dream come true.


Oops I am eating roast beef…Didn’t I give up red meat? Duh. I am so stressed out it didn’t even occur to me.

And duh my cable was shut off, but hey I went to bed early last night. Heh.

I paid the bill…just a teensy bit late. Oops.

I can’t wait to get my hair blown out.

Especially now that it’s ‘long’.

They best not be trimming more than the ½ inch I will ask for. I hate when they do that shit.

A memo to Ken Huckaby: You sucked BEFORE you injured Derek Jeter last year…don’t blame the incident where you separated his shoulder for your shortcomings. Asshat.

Ooooo just got chills thinking about that play. OW

Poor baby.

Jeter not Huckaby.

The boys are flying to Japan tonight. You’d have to knock my ass out for most of that flight. Hello Ambien, meet Stacey.

I can hardly handle flights out to the left coast, unless they are Jet Blue and I am watching TV the whole time.

Wheeeeeeee! LA in just over a month!

The Detroit Tigers signed Ugeth Urbiina…now Ivan Rodriguez and Uggie can bring their man kisses in the American League! PUKE.

If I see any of the Yankee kiss each other…hey wait a minute, what I am saying that would be hot!! Mmm Jeter and A Rod….Damn I need a glass of water.

HAHAHAHAHA!!! I am totally grossing out my cousin right now. HA!

Back to the grind for me.


March 24th 2004 3:33p

Okay I spoke to my coworker's wife who is a professional make up artist and she told me what to wear, what not to wear, what to look out for etc etc. So I am going to buy some makeup tonight and practice.

I am such a tool! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

March 24th 2004 1:30p

Okay I am in such a good mood right now. For the first time in WEEKS I am giddy. Giddy Stacey is back!

Well, I shouldn’t say it like that because I was giddy on Sunday with the baby.

But overall giddiness…ah you know what I mean.

So not only will I be interviewed for this documentary BUT they are also sending a car to pick me up at my apartment!! How cool is that?! I feel like a star. Heh.

My interview is scheduled for Friday morning at 10. I am so nervous and I know I won’t be able to sleep on Thursday night.

I hope I don’t babble like an idiot.

I mean less than I usually do. Heh.

I have to do my own make-up but they’ll have someone powdering my face so I don’t look like ass on film. (Thank God) I am getting my hair done tomorrow night and my eyebrows waxed tomorrow during lunch. How funny am I?

I just want to look nice so that the guys who continually fuck me over watch me and say, ‘Damn I am an idiot! Look at what I am missing out on!’ Yeah ok.

Hi ho hi ho it’s back to work I go.
