WIM's Doctrinal Statement

The Bible, as originally given, is the infallible Word of God. The Bible is the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. The Bible is God’s complete revelation to man; any spiritual revelation which adds to, or is contrary to, the revelation of the Bible is to be rejected.

There is only one true God. He eternally exists in three persons as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ, God the Son, is the world’s only Savior. We acknowledge His preincarnation, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His vicarious death, His physical burial and His bodily resurrection. We believe Jesus Christ will return in a personal and visible form before the millennium of His reign on earth.

God the Holy Spirit convicts each person of his sin and regenerates, indwells and empowers every person who has acknowledged Jesus Christ to be the Son of God, to be his only means of salvation and to be the Lord in his life. We believe the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a blessed and individual experience for the Christian, apart from and in addition to regeneration. The baptism of the Holy Spirit should be diligently sought and obtained as the necessary endowment for effective service in the Kingdom of God; the baptism of the Holy Spirit can occur simultaneously with or subsequent to receiving salvation.

All men are born sinful and lost to the Kingdom of God and His fellowship. Salvation of the individual occurs only by the grace of God through the individual’s faith in the atoning power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

Deliberate, willful disobedience to the revealed will of God brings any person, regardless of his prior experience, under God’s judgment which can only be removed through confession, repentance, restitution and cleansing in the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

There will be a bodily resurrection of the dead at which time all true Christians will enter into an eternal and gloriously beautiful life with God in His heavenly kingdom, and all non-Christians will enter into an eternal state of condemnation and punishment.

The church is comprised of every individual who has accepted the redemption provided by Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ will return to earth to receive the church as His bride.

Christians are expected to have a style of life separated from worldliness and to make personal sacrifices for the sake of God’s kingdom. The Christian shall submit himself to the personal discipline as a disciple of Jesus Christ and will fully surrender himself to the will of God for his life. Faithful and total commitment to the disciplined Christian life is made possible only through the indwelling of Jesus Christ and by His Holy Spirit in the life of every Christian who has been born again.

Water baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper are the ordinances to be practiced by Christians in accordance with the Word of God as revealed through the Bible.