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Bali, Java, and Caspasian Tigers
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Bengal, Sumatran, and Indochinese Tigers
Amur, South China, and Malayan Tigers
Tigers (Panthera tigris) are the biggest in size of the feline species. They are the apex predator and they are native to Asia. There were 9 subspecies in recent times but 3 of them have gone extinct, Caspian, Java, and Bali. There are 6 left, Bengal, Indochinese, Sumatran, Amur, and South China. The largest tigers are the Amur, the males average around 500 pounds. The smallest tigers are the Sumatran, males weigh from 220-286 pounds and females weigh 154-198 pounds. Tiger stripes are like you finger prints no two sets of stripes on different tigers are exactly the same. The tiger’s best sense is hearing. The tigers night vision is 6 times better then humans. Approximately 1 Bengal tiger is killed each day by poachers. At one time there was an estimated 100,000 tigers in the wild. Tigers in captivity outnumber the number of tigers in the wild. Even without its fur tigers still have stripes on their body. White tigers are not albino, they don’t have red eyes. It is a rare gene mutation happening in about 1 in 10,000 tigers and both of the parents must have them. On smaller prey tigers bite the nape, killing it instantaneously. On larger prey they pounce on them knocking them off balance and the tigers finishes them off by holding with its mouth on to the animals neck suffocating it.
Other Great Sites About Tigers
White Tiger and normal Tiger
Baby Sumatran Tiger Cubs