Who says reading has to be boring? .... *raises her hand*
You write, we read, then we all fall down! .... DOH!
Just goes to show how disturbing I can be...
Don't forget to point when you laugh.
Made by you, for you, by you... wait... I already said that... GO SEE!
A section for the visual learner.  Saiyajins = Oo, la la! ... Or for the guys... MIGHTY MEN!
See? I DO share my stuff... When I feel like it... *glares*
I didn't say it... Did you say it?  I sure didn't....
As if doujinshi images weren't embarrassing enough for our Saiyajins... heh heh.
Just one more way to bother our favorite DBZ characters :)
Lets pry into everyone's lives, shall we?  Spying on them on TV just isn't enough!
We should ALL visit this section...
Look what I can do!  *jumps two inches off the ground* WEEEEE!
Go ahead and take Goku's advice... But it'll do more harm than good...
Moyte ne waaa! ... That was jibberish.  Go learn the real stuff.
If you're not allowed to put tacky paper on your bedroom walls, then go for the next best thing!
It's allllll mine! I'LL NEVER SHARE! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ... Neh.  I might sell some...
Stop on in and join the meaningless babble! I SAID GET IN HERE!
Don't be shy! E-mail me :)
Novemeber 8th
Ok, here comes the announcement that I believe everyone was expecting to come sooner or later...

This site will most likely no longer be updated.

I just have no time anymore and I don't think it's fair to string everyone along.

This site has had a good 5 years and I think it's time to part with it.  I'll be 21 soon, I'm working a full time job, have school, have a horse to take care of , (finally bought a beautiful Arabian), and surprise surprise... I have a social life now.

All that adds up to very little free time.

I want to thank everyone who was so loyal to me throughout the years, and though I haven't heard from most of you in awhile, I know you're still lingering.

This site will stay up as long as Geocities allows, so until then, I hope you continue to enjoy what's here, and I'll see you around.

Drop me an e-mail anytime, or contact me through Neopets.  My username is serenity_