Things you will never hear in DBZ
Goku:Super Illia Power!!!!!!!(It's a inside joke email me and I'll tell you about it)
Goku: No I'm not hungry
Goku: Hey Gohan can I borrow your books.
Goku: Checkmate
Goku: Hey Bulma *wink*
Goku: No i don't really want to fish
Goku: Great Scotts my head isn't the only place with gold hair!!
Chi-Chi: Gohan stop studying and go train
Chi-Chi: Does this make me look fat?
Bulma: What's a computer
Bulma: Come on Vegeta I beat you to a pulp!!
Bulma: Great Scott's me and all my kids are named after underwear!!
Vegeta (to goku): You win buddy
Vegeta: I wonder if it would be ok with Bulma if I try her new Wonderbra?
Vegeta: Not tonight Bulma
Vegeta: i decided to give up fighting and live my life long dream to surpass the Lord of the Dance!
Vegeta: Bulma i need some gel to keep my hair down
Vegeta: I'm Gay
Dende: I'm gay too
Goku: Me too
Piccolo: It's sucks to be asexual
Gotanks: I'm not Crazy!!!!
Trunks (looking in mirror): Yea I'm really hot
Nappa: lookie A hair!!!
Vegeta: Bye Bye Bye kicks @$$
Vegeta: Voliece is not the answer