Super Saiyen Info
Super Saiyen 1: The first level of super saiyen. To turn to this level you have to have a decent power level and immence anger and want for revenge. When you transform to this level yuo power increses ten-fold. The people that have reached this level are: Goku, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Brolly, Vegeta.
Super Saiyen 1 Stage 2: This is the level that is beyond the level of Super Saiyen. It isn't all that good because you bulk up with alot of muscles so you lack considerably in speed. The people that have reached this level are: Goku, Trunks, Vegeta
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Super Saiyen 2: This level is like Super Saiyen 1 Stage 2 but the speed isn't lowered. The hair remains golden and it grows a little more. This is my mind this is the coolest looking Super Saiyen level. The people that have reached this level are: Goku, Gohan, Vegeta.
Super Saiyen 3: This level is the last level of the true Super Saiyen. The hair goes down to the hips and the eyebrows dissapear. This level is very powerful but takes alot of energy to hold. The energy lost in the transformation has to be regotten only by training you won't recover it by resting.
Super Saiyen 4: This is the last and Ultimate level of the Super Saiyen. In this level you are covered in redish hair and your tail grows back. You are the most powerful thing in the Universe if you reach this level. The people that have reached this level are: Goku, Vegeta.