The Ultimate Trunks
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Character Bios


Name Translation

Name Puns

Family Trees
Super Saya-jin Transformations



Animated gifs



My Art

Other Stuff:

Funny Sayings
Other Animes
About Me
..thats one greater than the last weakling.
This site is dedicated to my favorite Dragon Ball Z character, Trunks(as well as Dragon Ball Z, in general). As you all should know, Trunks is the son of Bulma and Vegeta and a real tough S.O.B. He first appears after the Garlic Jr. saga to defeat the Freeza bot. He then comes back to fight alongside the Z-warriors against Cell and the other androids. This is only a very brief bio. Go to the character bio section to read more on Trunks or your favorite character.  I'm updating all the time so keep checking back. Thanx.
      Sorry its been a while since Ive done anything but Ive got two jobs and not much free time. Ive got some more pics and animations soon to come. Keep looking for them. Everything that has a link is up and pretty much complete except for the DBZ fights. Of course, I'll continue to update things like pictures and funny sayings. Keep checking back for all the updates to come soon. See ya later. Thanx for coming.
                                                      October 8, 2002
Please vote for me at the Top 100 Tower of Trunks
Not the most difficult quiz ever but its still very much worth trying. See if you can get a perfect score like I did. Go for it.
and all their characters are copywritten by Akira Toryama, Bird Studios, Shonen Jump, and Toei Animation, and are being used without permission.
The Ultimate Trunks has been online since February 17, 2001.