Selling Yourself



Resistance to Change..................................................................................................1


Why would you want to sell yourself?...........................................................................2

Don’t believe in Win-Win? Too bad! You lose!............................................................2


Your Attitude................................................................................................................2

Your attention...............................................................................................................3

Your focus....................................................................................................................3

SUCCESSFULLY SELLING YOURSELF...................................................5

What Would That Look Like To You?....................................................................................5

And what do I need to do that?...............................................................................................5

TARGETING SUCCESS IN SOMEONE ELSE'S GAME............................6

EXERCISES AND WORKSHEETS.............................................................7



The primary purpose of this book is to assist you in communicating what you really want out of your verbal interactions with another person or persons (i.e., selling yourself to a customer) in a way that makes the end result work for both of you.

To that end, the objectives of the book are:

• To persuade you to look at who you are: at how you see yourself and how you can best portray yourself.

• To let you find the courage to express yourself.

• To teach you to listen to and really hear your customer so you can negotiate differences together and come up with a plan that works for both of you.

• To make sure you do yourself justice.

• To look at such things as games, dress, and attitudes and to determine how your choices in each of these areas affect your success in life.

• To bring the very best of who you are to all the personal interactions that are important to you.

• To give you the knowledge of how people react to (resist making) changes in themselves and in their lives so you can counteract these reactions (resistance) in yourself and perhaps avoid triggering them in others.


Resistance to Change

One of the things that usually come up when people decide to change is the ego’s dedication to maintaining the status quo. One of the ways this shows up for me is losing things. Psychology labels this behavior: Resistance.

So, you have my permission to make a copy of this book to work with and keep the original in a safe (findable) place to offset this form of resistance.

Make notes in the back of your book about how resistance shows up for you. Knowing your own reactions will give you some weapons to proactively fight resistance instead of reactively accepting the same old you.

This is a workbook -- NOT a reading book. To get the most value out of it, set aside the required materials and enough time to do each exercise completely. If you are going to do this, take the time to do it right. Make this a gift to yourself: the gift of your very best. You are worth it


It may not be exactly what you think it is. A good definition of selling yourself is: Communicating who you are in a way that elicits the desired response from your “customer,” the person to whom you’re trying to sell yourself.)

Selling anything from Aardvarks to Zygotes (and all the ideas and products in between) requires selling yourself first. No one is going to buy anything from you, if they haven’t bought into you first.

Success means different things to many people. But I suspect most of us would agree that creating a working relationship that contributes not only to your life but to your “customer’s” life as well. (Your customer can be anyone, from your significant other to the homeless man outside the supermarket.)

"Well, not to me (you say), to me SUCCESS means being rich!" Know this, and know it well:



 © 2003 - 2005, Stephanie R. Wilde