
 Playing Favorites:  A Game 
Tuesday, October 2, 2001


How to Play the Game

1.  Premise: This is your last day on Earth.  You are granted all of your joys, including favorite persons, places and things. 

2.  In coming up with your favorites -- what brings you joy, keep these 3 rules inviolable:  

  • be thoughtful 

  • be honest 


3. Try to keep each list of favorites to 5.  
If it's not possible, that's okay. Make your own exceptions. Come up with your own categories. Change your mind at any time. 

4.  Nothing is unreasonable, impractical, or out of line.  These are YOUR lists, no one else's. Everything is possible. Go for broke. Shoot the works.

5.  If after today you are still alive, hold on to your lists and keep referring to them...and "don't forget to do your laundry, because, come on, no one washes clothes on their last day of life."  

Keeping these lists handy will help me stay clearer and focused on my joy-bringers. By making joyful choices, I'll fritter away less of my life on lukewarm choices.  Maybe your lists of favorites will do the same for you.

It's really ok to play favorites.  Really. You, like all human beings, play favorites. Stop denying it.  Stop trying to explain yourself. Accept, admit, relax.

I'm sticking my lists on the front page of my journal so I can refer to them with ease and alter them as things change in life.  

Life is change...it is also short.  Let's make it joyful.  Let's play favorites.

my favorites 1 | my favorites 2

"Life is a Gift."

Enjoying the game of life, for all its joys and woes,
Author Unknown


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This web journal was created on a September Morn, 
September 29, 2001
September Morn © 2001