

Computer is the most popular thing in our society today, almost everybody has a computer in their house. In fact, coputers help people a lot. they can use them to find what ever they are looking for and also the thing that people can't find out in the real life, but the computers can help them. However; the school is trying to filter computers which is to lock somthing from them, so the students can't go any website that they want, such as chat with other people or looking something wire stuffes. Although I personally believe that the students shoould be trust be doing the right thing on the net while they are in the shcool, I understand the school doens't want any students to enter certain website that might effect them. The really rediculous and ironic thing is that people can get into some of the website, but they can't go to chat or researching some certain things.Filter is Bad For Education?

To filter the computers in the school is that the school doesn't trust the studnets while they are online. It really insults the students, meantime it insults the teachers as well. They think the teachers won't teach well in their class, they don't know how to control their students.Therefore; the school filters the computers,it is really rediculous. For my opinion,it's not school's responsibility to filter the comoputers. The children's parents or guardians should decide whether they have to filter the computer for their children or not. But it should be their own house or computer, not the school they should do. Otherwise students will feel irresponsible and not trust worthy when they are using the computers.

On an other hand, if the school really think to filter the computer is neccessary, so they have to filter them completely. It is stupid that we can get into some websites, but not the website that we looking for. It blocking us from doing the work.I know that school has responsibility what are we doing in the school or what are we looking for on the internet, but it is not necessary to filter the computer. The school should trust what are we doing on the internet.Therefore, it's really unnecessary to filter the computer in the school i think.