"Caesar morituri te salutant"


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Generals SPQR_Maximus0


SPQR_Sparticus: 1946 SPQR_Maximus0: 1852 SPQR_Champion: 1705 SPQR_Naevius: 1630

(SPQR) Senatus Populusque Romanus-for the senate and people of Rome. Welcome back SPQR, We have become reactive March 9th 2004.
The Great Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius once told his son Commodus the Virtues of an upright Roman: Wisdom, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance. We Acknowledge them and add several others Ambition, Resourcefulness and Courage. The SPQR_Legionnaires use all of these to rule AOE Everyday Long live the Great Roman Empire.. SPQR is the credo under which the legions marched since the days of the Republic, and thus to duty to Rome. While imperial rule put an end to the power of the senate.

Heading Translated is "Ceasar, we are ready to Die for You"
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There was time once in history when a warrior’s survival depended solely on his skill and intellect as he made his way through the trials and tribulations of battle after battle. He faced never-ending conflict upon quagmire through the fields of despair and doom as he made war in the name of his calling. In time, the great warriors would band together in great masses imposing their will upon the people of the land. There was but one law…the law of the sword. And so it was, for a time the season of great empires and order among men.
It came to pass that the sun set on this world only to dawn an age of politicians with their secrets and lies, bargains made with whispers, and freedoms put asunder…again the world did suffer the diplomats plunder. Then from on high the wise and powerful SPQR_Maximus0 did again send out the calling…..let us gather together those of great temperance and fortitude like SPQR_SParticus and let us again rule the land through strength and honor…..and master this art called war. As it was in the days of the great tribes of the plains, the mighty nomads of the highlands, and the conquerors from the sea….again came to the land a group of mighty warriors….like minded, noble and brave of heart.
Once again the division bell did sound out into the land and once again the legionnaires did gather together…..this would be their finest hour…And so it began, now many many lifetimes later the heart of the beast still beats inside our hall of warriors and wizards. So as it was in the beginning, again they do march, striking fear into the hearts of the masses and arousing contempt in the souls of the unbelievers, as even the wind whispers the legend of the legionnaires……… Once an SPQR Always an SPQR-
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