SpotLight Karaoke


To The

SpotLight Entertainment


Ready, Set, Sing!

We would like to let everyone know about the new contest

Logan Lanes Amusement Center (Bowling Alley)in Lincoln

Starting February 2nd 2008

We will be there from 8-1 EVERY SATURDAY

The CONTEST will be for 12 weeks and the FINALS on week 13

2-3 people will qualify each week for the finals

Get there early to get a seat and get your songs picked out

Don't forget to come to the Lincoln VFW Post 1756 EVERY Friday night 8-12

For other bookings for us and for our secound system "SpotLight 2 hosted by Sue & Rick, just check out our calendar

We would like to thank some of the singers,

Rick, Jack, Julie, Dale, Jan, Angie, Kevin, Tom, Shawn, Josh, Ricky, Dana, Larry, Teresa, Rocky, Rose, Scott, Debbie, Rick, Missy, Nina, Wes, Docia, Gary, Kathy, Andrew, Brent, Dan, Shannon, Angie, Jenny, Randy, Jason, Travis, Emily, Libby, Alf, Brandy, Luke, Nikki D, Docia, Becky, Amy, Mitzi, Justin, Troy, Penny, Malory, Nickie, Cassie, Koddat, Sheryl, Ernie, Lori, Jeff, Tammy, Darrin, Lee, Janis, Sheila, Mark, Andrea, Donna, Jerry, Krystal, Chris, Nickole, Katie, Kandi, Mike C., Mike K., Mike J., Mike A., Kev, Lila, Lou, Kristy Lynn, Terry "E", O'Ryan, Chuck, Lisa, Rick, Lou, Amber, Jim, Tobi, Holly, Lisa, Dave, Bobby, Ashley, Fireman, Karen, Debbie, Teri, Suzi, Wild Bill, Barry, Billy, and even though we haven't seen him for awhile let's not forget Rocket Man. If we forgot your name please don't be upset just remind us and we will put it in when we update.

We also want to say "Thank You" to all the people who come to our gigs and listen to all the singers. We just want to let you know that we are very glad you come out to have fun with us.

A special Thank you to SpotLight 2

They do a very good job

Just a note for all, If something should happen and we make a mistake Please come up and tell us. Sometimes we get kinda busy and it could happen. We are not perfect & don't pretend to be. Just remember, if you don't tell us we won't know and we will not be able to do anything about it.

Our SPOTLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT T-Shirts are back in stock, if you would like one please let us know.

Please click on the Calendar to advance to our page of Places, Dates and Times.

Please click on the Singing Birdie to advance to our page of Pictures.

Please click on the notes to advance to our page of Information.

Please click on the Dancers to advance to our page of The 10 Comandments of Karaoke.

Please click on Elvis to advance to a webpage of a couple friends from Clinton, Illinois.

This is something our daughter Amber made for us. She also does complete web pages and also does photography for any occasion.

To contact her just e-mail us and in the subject line put FOR AMBER.

Click for Lincoln, Illinois Forecast

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Last Updated: 01/27/2008
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