July 13th 2000: Species profiles added for the Striped Dolphin, Atlantic Spotted Dolphin, Indo-Pacific Humpbacked Dolphin and Bottlenose Dolphin in the Species section.

July 15th 2000: Dolphin message board added.

August 27th 2000: I'm starting a page about my dolphin encounters (link on the main page). Put up a new page about what's to appear over the next few months on this website. I also added a new link to 'Kolisia's World' in the links section.

September 23rd 2000: The 'Encounters with Dolphins page has been taken down for the meanwhile, as it is one of three new topics that I want to work on. I don't know which one to start on, so I've put up a voting area. Please vote for the topic you'd like to see first. Species profiles added for the Commerson's Dolphin and Pacific White-sided Dolphin in the Species section.

September 25th 2000: The Wonderful World Of Dolphins had a new, easy to remember URL: http://surfnow.to/wonderfuldolphins . The dedication has been moved from the main page to it's own page, which is located under the main heading picture. 

November 12th 2000: A newsreel with latest news about whales and dolphins has been added to the top of the mainpage. I have also made a page called 'Latest News', were more information can be found. The poll has been taken down, and I will begin work on 'The Orcas of Sea World'
More Updates Coming Soon!!