The Tole Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment Cure for All Disease and Research for All Disease
Special Kids Educations Treatment.

As more students with autism attend their local schools, more educators require information about this disability. This monograph is intended to provide an introductory understanding of autism. While it is not a comprehensive guide to planning for the student with autism, it does provide an overview of the disorder and a bibliography of additional sources of information for better education and treatment.


Autism has been found throughout the world in families of all racial, ethnic, and social backgrounds. It occurs in approximately twelve of every ten thousand births and is four times more common in boys than in girls.

It seems likely that there have always been children with autism, although it is only since 1943 that they have been recognized as a distinct group and thought of separately from other severely developmentally handicapped children. There are several theories about the cause or, more likely, causes of autism, but as yet there are no definitive answers. It is clear, however, poor or rejecting parenting does not cause that autism. From our latest study it have proven that most Autism Kids mother has been through some kinds of chemicals and early over dose of folic acid.

For educational purposes in KL Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment Centre, autism has been identified as communication exceptionality, and educational interventions have focused on the child's need to communicate with others. More accurately, autism is a severe, pervasive developmental disorder, identifiable by the presence of the following three characteristics:

significant impairment in the development of social relatedness

  • significant impairment in verbal and non-verbal communication
  • unique patterns of behavior e.g., preoccupation with certain objects or parts of objects, routines, and interests; distress over changes in seemingly trivial aspects of the environment; and an insistence on maintaining sameness

The following are some of the symptoms:

  • variability of intellectual functioning
  • uneven developmental profile
  • unusual perceptual responses
  • aggressive or self-injurious behavior
  • difficulties in sleeping, toileting, and eating

This disorder is characterized by a range of functioning levels; approximately 20 per cent of children with autism are in the normal to superior range of intelligence, and up to 80 per cent function below the normal range of intelligence. All children with autism have impairments in the three key areas listed above and may or may not have any of the associated features. The degree of impairment and the extent of their abilities differ significantly from student to student. As a result, it is essential that planning occur on a highly individualized basis and that professionals from many backgrounds work together if the needs of these students are to be met effectively.

The following sections of this monograph elaborate on each of the facets of this definition of autism. Taken together, they provide educators with a phenomenological sketch of a child with autism and some preparation for dealing with the special qualities and needs of their children.

Characteristics of the Child with Autism

Significant Impairment in the Development of Social Relatedness

Low in awareness of the existence or feelings of others.

Most children with autism display a severe impairment in their ability to relate to others and may behave as if other people did not exist. This apparent aloofness and distancing of oneself from others may be demonstrated in a variety of ways, including failing to respond when called, appearing not to listen when spoken to, failing to produce a facial expression that is appropriate to the occasion or producing facial expressions that are inappropriate to the occasion, avoiding eye contact, failing to respond to other people's affection, and treating people as if they were inanimate objects. Often a child will acknowledge the presence of an adult only to have some need or desire gratified (e.g., to obtain some object) and will then ignore the adult again.

Children with autism may exhibit a general lack of reciprocity and social responsiveness in their interactions with other children, an unwillingness or inability to engage in co-operative play, a tendency to spend inordinate amounts of time doing nothing or pursuing ritualistic activities, an unwillingness to make personal friendships, and a lack of empathy with the feelings and responses of others. They may also display an apparent lack of interest or sympathy when others are in pain or distress. This failure to appreciate or react appropriately to the feelings and emotions of others is a characteristic of almost all children with autism and may impede their development of friendships in later life.

  • Abnormal seeking of comfort at times of distress.
    Individuals with autism seek predictability in their lives and function best in highly structured situations. At the same time, they are likely to become so dependent on the element of sameness in their lives that they will have difficulty coping with, and may react sharply to, changes in their environment or routines. Similarly, while most people seek reassurance when faced with fear, pain, or insecurity, individuals with autism may react in this way to seemingly harmless objects or situations simply because they associate them with a previous unpleasant experience.
  • Impaired imitation.
    Children learn many behavior patterns and nuances of social interaction through imitation. In children with autism this response is impaired. Very young children with autism will often fail to respond, or exhibit inordinate delays in responding, to the affectionate gestures or playful overtures of others, even when these are familiar to them from past experience or through repetition, as in the playing of "peek-a-boo" or waving "bye-bye", for example. As these children grow older, their capacity for benefiting from the opportunities they encounter for imitative learning continues to be limited.
  • Abnormal social play.
    Children with autism have impaired social and play skills. Even when plays behavior occurs, it is often stereotypical and repetitive in contrast to the symbolic, creative, imaginative, and ever-changing play behavior of other children. These children may not even play with toys and other objects, or, if they do, they may do so in unusual ways. For example, they may not see a toy plane as a plane but simply as an object that has a metallic taste that rattles when it is shaken, and that makes funny patterns to look at when its propellers are spun.

Their poorly developed play skills may be one of the reasons why these children have difficulty interacting with their peers. They do not generally take part in other children's games and they tend to ignore their peers when they are young. As a result, as they grow older and more inclined to join in activities with their peers, they lack the necessary skills to do so.

  • Impairment in ability to form friendships with peers.
    There are two aspects of social interaction that are vital for successful peer relations and that appear to be impaired in children with autism: the ability to relate to peers in a positive and reciprocal manner and the ability to adapt interpersonal skills to the various demands of different social situations.

These children do not tend to seek opportunities for interaction with other children and may find it difficult to tolerate the physical proximity of peers. They may actually physically withdraw from the presence of others, or they may signal their desire to do so by inappropriate eye contact or minimal responsiveness. As a result, they are prevented from acquiring, practicing, and sharing social skills, which, in turn, makes them less likely to be sought out by their peers.

Since they may show an increased interest in and awareness of others during adolescence, their problem often becomes a lack of social skills rather than a lack of social interest. While no training program, however well-designed and implemented, can make these children normal, pragmatic, functional educational and community programs that emphasize the teaching of social skills in real-life situations can improve their social competence.

Significant Impairment in Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

Individuals with autism commonly experience severe difficulties in using and understanding both verbal and non-verbal language. In this respect they are behaviorally different from their peers rather than developmentally delayed, although a delay in their development is also usual. Their basic deficit seems to be in their capacity to use language for social communication, which is evidenced in the following ways:

  • a delay in, or a total lack of, the development of spoken language, which is not compensated for by the use of gesture or mime as alternative modes of communication
  • a failure to respond to the communications of others, such as not responding when called by name
  • a related failure to initiate or sustain conversational interchange, such as in turn taking
  • a stereotypical and repetitive use of language
  • pronoun confusion
  • an idiosyncratic use of words and phrases
  • abnormalities in the pitch, stress, rate, rhythm, and intonation of speech

Communication involves both understanding (receptive skills) and providing information (expressive skills), and students' abilities in these areas may be widely divergent. Some students will have good comprehension ability but poor expressive skills, while others will have good expressive skills but poor comprehension ability. The following two subsections examine receptive and expressive communication in turn.

Receptive Communication

Young children with autism do not respond to conversational language in the same way as other children. They may echo the words of others, squeal, or show no interest in conversation. As well, it is likely that their inability to understand and use language, gestures, and facial expressions leads them to focus on the intensity of the communication (e.g., the loudness of the voice, the urgency of the gestures) rather than on its meaning. A child may incorrectly react to being scolded by laughing and jumping, for example, because the scolding is exciting and focuses attention on him or her.

Students with autism often fail to understand the meaning of words or phrases that are abstract or that have more than one meaning. They also tend to take words and expressions literally. Thus, they may misunderstand common expressions such as "Step on it".

Because they are unaware of the subtle non-verbal cues of communication, some of these children are unable to co-ordinate their own speech with non-verbal forms of expression and to interpret the non-verbal cues used by others. Similarly, they often have trouble understanding language that relies on such imaginary activities as those used in pretend and make-believe games. Because they do not appreciate the benefits of language use, they may not even pay sufficient attention to the speaker.

The ability of these individuals to understand and respond to language usually improves with appropriate education or treatment. Their ability to learn and interpret language is also often related to their degree of intellectual development.

Expressive Communication

About half of all students with autism do not acquire verbal language. These students may express their frustration at being misunderstood through excited behavior, screaming, crying, tantrums, or acts of aggression or self-abuse. However, these children may be taught alternative or augmentative forms of communication such as the use of meaningful sounds, gestures, signs, or pictorial systems.

One prerequisite skill for learning gesture and sign language systems is the ability to imitate motor patterns. The absence of this basic skill may make it necessary for many students with autism to learn simpler communicative approaches, such as pointing to pictures and objects to express their needs and interests. Some students who are not able to communicate verbally may master the use of these systems fairly readily, while others may require extensive training before they are able to use them.

The prognosis for skill development is best for those children who develop spoken language before the age of five. Even they, however, will experience difficulties in using verbal language in social situations. For example, they may use language in socially inappropriate ways, such as saying out loud the one- or two-word utterances they have learned, without intending to communicate with another person.

Often these students do not understand why people talk to one another or what they talk about. Their problems with the give and take of speaker-listener relationships may be aggravated by a general difficulty in maintaining a social rapport when speaking. When listening they seldom reinforce the speaker through smiles, head nodding, or other signs of approval, and when speaking they experience difficulty in shaping their own speech in response to the cues of approval, amazement, disbelief, or boredom that they are receiving from their listeners. While other children with communication problems frequently use body language to communicate, children with autism often do not.

Students who have been taught complex grammatical skills may have problems in conversation. They may exhibit stilted speech. They may confuse their listeners by the misuse of pronouns; for example, a student might say "He wants to go to the park" instead of "I want to go to the park." They might also have problems with the content of a conversation because they go on and on about topics that have no interest for the listener. When interrupted, they almost invariably reinitiate the topic, even when there is supposed to be turning taking. Such extremely repetitive talk leaves no room for questions or exchanges of opinion.

Individuals with autism often have difficulties with the production of speech, including volume, pitch, stress, rate, rhythm, and intonation (e.g., a monotonous tone, questioning intonation, or high pitch). Such problems may reflect a lack of understanding about what is socially acceptable rather than defective speech production. As well, poor vocal quality may reflect the speaker's failure to monitor his or her speech characteristics on the basis of feedback supplied by the listener.

These individuals often exhibit echolalia, the repetition of the words, signs, phrases, or sentences spoken or used by other people. Echolalia seems to be a stage in the normal development of expressive language, in that it is a part of a progression from a non-verbal state through echoic verbalization to spontaneous, creative, non-echoed utterances.

It also has communicative value and may serve as functional communication. For example, in response to the question "DO you want a cookie?" individuals with autism might echo "Want a cookie?" to mean yes. Or they might repeat over and over what they have been told or have heard in the past (e.g., "Sit down and work") as a means of regulating their own behavior.

When they begin to change some of what they have heard by adding a word or two or by changing the intonation (this is called "mitigated echolalia"), they are demonstrating progress, since they are beginning to use language creatively. For this reason their use of language in this way should be encouraged.

Unique Patterns of Behavior

Children with autism display a variety of behaviors that are either unique to them or different from those of their peers. Often these differences are clearly identified when a child enters the school system. Since these behaviors may severely restrict the child's ability to adjust to school and to benefit from instruction, it is important that educators be able to identify and understand them.
This section examines five of these behaviors.

  • Stereotyped body movements.
    Many of these children display unusual, repetitive movements of the body that can interfere with their ability to attend to tasks or activities. Such movements include hand flapping, finger flicking, rocking, hand clapping, grimacing, and posturing. These movements appear to be powerfully and intrinsically reinforcing. Restricting them may be extremely difficult, and attempting to do so without providing alternatives can lead to the development of other inappropriate behaviors.
  • Persistent preoccupation with parts of objects or attachments to unusual objects. Children with autism develop preoccupations with particular objects (e.g., wheels, light switches, string, screws), sounds, colors, or textures that go well beyond the stage of a simple interest. Often, their involvement with these objects is more reinforcing than any activity or object that a teacher can offer.

For example, a child might be preoccupied with tipping a toy car upside down and spinning its wheels and might totally ignore a teacher's suggestion that the toy be rolled along the floor in the usual way.

  • Marked distress over changes in seemingly trivial aspects of the environment.
    These children often resist or have extreme reactions to changes in their environment that other students would not even notice. For example, a child might have a tantrum if one book were moved on the bookshelf or if his or her books were moved from one side of the desk to the other.
  • Unreasonable insistence on following routines in precise detail.
    Although all children require a level of predictability in their environment, children with autism may be compulsive about the repetition of certain patterns or routines. For example, a child’s sudden disruptive behavior on the school bus could be the result simply of a change in the bus driver or the route. As a result of such behaviour these children often learn tasks exactly as they are taught.
  • Markedly restricted range of interests and a preoccupation with one narrow interest. Most people with autism have a narrow range of interests and neither the inclination nor the ability to expand that range. For example, a child may have a preoccupation with baseball scores and trivia but no wish to play baseball. Often the few interests and preoccupations that these individuals do have dominate their social interaction with others.

Associated Feature

The features described in this section may occur in combination with the central characteristics of autism. However, not all children with autism display these associated features, and conversely, children who display these features do not necessarily have autism.

Variability of Intellectual Functioning

While children with autism demonstrate a wide range of intellectual functioning, from profound impairment to above-normal performance, 75 to 80 per cent of them function significantly below the expected range of intellectual ability for their age.

Uneven Developmental Profile

Many of these children are able to function in some areas at higher levels than their general level of cognitive functioning. For example, an eleven-year-old student might demonstrate math skills at the counting and basic addition level, self-help skills close to age level, and social-interaction skills at a preschool level. Consequently, this child's performance is characterized by an inconsistent pattern of strengths and weaknesses, which can lead one to believe mistakenly that the child can perform at a higher cognitive level than is actually the case.

Unusual Perceptual Responses

Children with autism demonstrate unusual responses to a variety of sensory stimuli and may give the impression of not seeing or recognizing the people or things around them. For example, a child who does not react at all when the school bell suddenly rings and who appears to be deaf may, moments later, be attentive to the sound of a candy wrapper being removed.

These children may experience reduced or unusual sensitivity to pain, temperature, touch, or texture. Some of them do not appear to recognize danger or notice pain and may even ignore injuries to themselves. As a result, injury and illness in these children may go undetected.

Unusual postures, co-ordination, and physical behaviors may also be related to difficulties in sensory perception. Since some of these may be stimulating to the child, they may be self-reinforcing.

Aggressive or Self-injurious Behavior

Children with autism may exhibit aggressive or self-injurious behavior, which could include finger biting, hair pulling, scratching, or head banging. It is important to note that these behaviors are often communicative (e.g., expressing pain, protest, or frustration) rather than simply reactive.

Difficulties in Sleeping, Toileting, and Eating

Some children with autism have problems falling asleep, while others may sleep for only one or two hours each night. Still other children may have difficulty developing toileting skills; often they will require special attention and programming to overcome prolonged delays in acquiring these skills. Some children may exhibit problems with eating as well; for example, their diets may be limited to a few preferred items and may be difficult to change because of their resistance to change or their odd responses to smell, texture, or color. Other children with autism drink excessive amounts of fluids or develop an extreme preference for one drink over another.

Associated Learning Problems

The symptoms associated with autism contribute to a variety of learning problems that necessitate the use of different instructional approaches. The following are five common problems that may affect learning: lack of internal motivators, lack of response to social reinforcement, difficulty learning in a group, difficulty with generalization and discrimination behaviors, and interference from competing.

Lack of Internal Motivators

Students with autism generally do not seem to derive internal satisfaction or pride from the completion of tasks. They do not find joining in, gaining acceptance from peers, or sharing to be intrinsically rewarding. Since they are not challenged by their own internal goals, learning is more likely to occur when external motivators or rewards are used. However, since not all naturally occurring external motivators have much interest for these students, special motivators may have to be carefully selected for them. For example, as a reward for completing a task, a child may be allowed to engage in self stimulatory behavior for a brief time.

Lack of Response to Social Reinforcement

Because of the gaps in their social-interaction and communication skills, students with autism may neither understand nor value verbal praise, hugs, or increased personal contact. In fact, some individuals may find social reinforcement such as pats and tickles aversive. Others may misunderstand or ignore reinforcement such as winks and nods because they are too subtle or because they are insufficient motivators. In most cases more obvious reinforcement, such as animated praise, will be needed.

Difficulty Learning in a Group

The noise, and distraction that occur in-group situations can sometimes interfere with the task of learning. Students with autism may find it particularly difficult to screen out extraneous stimuli and to concentrate on the task at hand.

The complexity of group activity may leave students unable to follow the flow of what is happening. They may follow only bits and pieces of the proceedings, frequently the beginning or end, and may therefore miss the full context of the activity. In such situations they may appear to be withdrawn or non-compliant, when, in fact, they perceive the group activity as a hodge-podge of stimuli that they cannot meaningfully structure.

If these students are not internally motivated and are unresponsive to social reinforcement, group affiliation is unlikely to be immediately reinforcing. In fact, the proximity to other students may be initially distressing to some of these children. It is important, however, that group-work skills be included in classroom programming so that students learn how to function successfully in a group.

Difficulty With Generalization and Discrimination

Children with autism often learn tasks exactly as they are taught and tend to be quite rigid in the execution of learned skills. Frequently, they focus on non-essential elements of the task or learning situation. They may also fail to learn to discriminate subtle, or perhaps even obvious, changes in the environmental context that would require them to modify their behavior. For example, if they have been taught to remove their shoes on entering the family home, they may also remove their shoes when entering a variety store while on a community outing.

Thus, it cannot be assumed that when these students learn a particular skill in one environment, they can then perform that skill in another environment. They need to learn skills in the environments in which they will use them. For example, if they learn tooth brushing at school, it is likely that some retouching of that skill will be needed at home.

Interference From Competing Behaviors

Self-stimulatory behaviors that often accompany autism, such as hand flapping or the spinning of objects, can be more reinforcing for the child than either the task at hand or the rewards for completing the task. The child's short attention span for tasks initiated by others and resistance to change in routines can also interfere with learning. For these reasons it is important that the reinforcement for the desired behaviors be more powerful than the reinforcement for the competing behaviors.

Family Perspectives

Traditionally professionals have focused on the child and have tended to view the child's family, or at least the child's parents, as caretakers, teachers, or trainers. They have often expected parents to continue to implement programs in the home, frequently at the expense of other priorities.

Today there is a growing awareness that the child's disability places profound and unrelenting stress on both individual family members and on the family unit as a whole. In this holistic approach to children with autism, the needs of the child's family are considered as important as those of the child, and intervention strategies seek to support the family's strengths and goals as it copes with the difficulties of raising a child with autism. This section examines the impact of autism on the child's family.

The families of children with autism often feel the loss of the normal child they had hoped for and the shattering of their dreams for the child's future. They must work through the feelings of denial, anxiety, anger, depression, and guilt in order to move beyond the sense of loss. (Note that these stages are not sequential, nor does everyone experience all of them.)

Grief is a needed, normal reaction to loss, and thus serves a healthy function for family members. As a result, therapy is often not required. However, there is nothing permanent about acceptance, when the daily chores of raising a child with autism clash with the lost dream of a normal child. Thus as the child and the family move through the life cycle, the feelings listed above may be recalled and may need to be addressed.

These families report more coping problems and stress than do families with other types of disability. Research has found that older children with autism are more stressful than younger ones and that families with less dependent children who have adequate support and services cope better. Family members also experience stress from a number of significant external sources, including financial demands, limitations placed on career goals, and feelings of isolation.

While the family usually receives ideas, respite, and programming strategies from a service system that includes educational, mental health, and medical professionals, this involvement may result in some loss of family privacy. As well, the demands made on the family increase as the child ages, since the family is often considered the child's principal teacher.

The following two accounts reflect the significant stresses associated with raising a child with autism. They also reflect the joys, hopes, and love that are part of the total experience of these families.

Autism Acupuncture

The science of Acupuncture is a subject dealing with the prevention and treatment of diseases. Needling, moxibustion, hands and finger acupressure do it. For thousands of years the general population for its good curative effect has accepted it. In KL Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment Centre has one Chinese Master's WAY OF MEDICATION has 145 years of recognize in Malaysia China Town until Promet(1992).

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are important components of Chinese historical culture. And there are parts of the discipline of Chinese Master's ancestors' up bringing. As early as the new Stone Age in China, the primitive humans use stone as the earliest acupuncture instrument to treat diseases. With the development of the productive forces, bone needles and bamboo needles were introduced. After the development of metal casting techniques and metal tools, the people began to use metal medical needles, such as bronze, iron, gold and silver.

Today stainless steel needles are widely use. Moxibustion was gradually created after discovery and use of fire. At first, primitive man found that warming themselves by fire may relieve, stop cold pain or stop a certain type of diseases. Thus, they came to know how to use burnt hot stone or sand wrapped in animal skin to treat disease through hot compression, using ignited branches of wood to warm parts of the body. This is the most primitive form of moxibustion. In modern society, people use moxa leaves as moxibustion material.

Acupuncture was known throughout the world by 1971 for its anesthesin effects, thus in 1975 the W.H.O. has accepted acupuncture as a medical science. Off cause Chinese Master's WAY OF ACUPUNCTURE and Medication is so much different from the old way, it has improved in the recent 145 years of his research adds to it.


Isolated in worlds of their own, people with autism appear indifferent and remote and are unable to form emotional bonds with others. Although people with this baffling brain disorder can display a wide range of symptoms and disability, many are incapable of understanding other people's thoughts, feelings, and needs. Often, language and intelligence fail to develop fully, making communication and social relationships difficult. Many people with autism engage in repetitive activities, like rocking or banging their heads, or rigidly following familiar patterns in their everyday routines. Some are painfully sensitive to sound, touch, sight, or smell.

Children with autism do not follow the typical patterns of child development. In some children, hints of future problems may be apparent from birth. In most cases, the problems become more noticeable as the child slips farther behind other children the same age. Other children start off well enough. But between 18 and 36 months old, they suddenly reject people, act strangely, and lose language and social skills they had already acquired.

As a parent, teacher, or caregiver you may know the frustration of trying to communicate and connect with children or adults who have autism. You may feel ignored as they engage in endlessly repetitive behaviors. You may despair at the bizarre ways they express their inner needs. And you may feel sorrow that your hopes and dreams for them may never materialize.

But there is help-and hope. Gone are the days when people with autism were isolated, typically sent away to institutions. Today, many youngsters can be helped to attend school with other children. Methods are available to help improve their social, language, and academic skills.

Autism is found in every country and region of the world, and in families of all racial, ethnic, religious, and economic backgrounds. Emerging in childhood, it affects about 3 or 4 people in every thousand and is three to four times more common in boys than girls. Girls with the disorder, however, tend to have more severe symptoms and lower intelligence.

Chinese Master is dedicated to understanding the workings and inter-relationships of the various regions of the brain, and to developing preventive measures and new treatments for disorders like autism that handicap people in school, work, and social relationships and brain damage or vegetable.

Also described are symptoms and diagnostic procedures, treatment options, strategies for coping, and sources of information and support. Chinese Master's WAY OF MEDICATION HAVE GOOD EFFECTIVENESS FOR IMPROVEMENT ON AUTISTIC KIDS and very high result for brain problems and complications. Some autistic kids is now living a normal life some with extra ordinary IQ and special talent, all these parents did not expect their kids to be as normal as they are now, they were trying to improve them in their daily living, so now all are very happy!

What is ADHD? ADHD often prevents children from learning and socializing well. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) refer to a range of problem behaviors associated with poor attention span. These may include impulsiveness, restlessness and hyperactivity, as well as inattentiveness, and often prevent children from learning and socializing well. ADHD is sometimes referred to as hyper kinetic disorder. What are the symptoms of Children ADHD

Attention difficulties

A child must have exhibited at least six of the following symptoms for at least six months to an extent that is unusual for their age and level of intelligence.
Fails to pay close attention to detail or makes careless errors during work or play.
Fails to finish tasks or sustain attention in play activities.
Seems not to listen to what is said to him or her.
Fails to follow through instructions or to finish homework or chores (not because of confrontational behavior or failure to understand instructions).
Disorganized about tasks and activities.
Avoids tasks like homework that require sustained mental effort.
Loses things necessary for certain tasks or activities, such as pencils, books or toys.
Easily distracted.
Forgetful in the course of daily activities.


A child must have exhibited at least three of the following symptoms for at least six months to an extent that is unusual for their age and level of intelligence.
Runs around or excessively climbs over things
Unduly noisy in playing, or has difficulty in engaging in quiet leisure activities.
Leaves seat in classroom or in other situations where remaining seated is expected.
Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms on seat.

At least one of the following symptoms must have persisted at least for six months to an extent that is unusual for their age and level of intelligence.
Blurts out answers before the questions have been completed. Fails to wait in lines or wait turns in games or group situations. Interrupts or intrudes on others, e.g. jump into others conversations or games.
Talks excessively without appropriate response to social restraint.

Pervasiveness of attention difficulties and hyperactivity

For a diagnosis or description of ADHD a child would be expected to show the above difficulties in more than one setting, eg at school and at home.

Problems are not shown 'at home' but are very evident when a child goes to a hospital department. This can happen when parents do not realize that their child's behavior is out of the normal range (perhaps because they have no other children, or they have other children who behave similarly). It may also be because the problems are mild, or because the family has handled the attention lack at home in such a way that it is not evident there is a major problem, or because the child is very young. In those cases it is quite reasonable for parents not to consider that their child has an attention deficit problem.

These conditions has a good chance to be treated, it will take time and effort to do it. Chinese Master's way of remedies for them is not easy and tedious, the good part is it works with many of them. Some adults that just have AD should be able to recovers too with Chinese Master 's Remedies


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