The Story behind the band:

Once upon a time, but not really that long ago,
six young men decided to take a journey through life
that would lead them to stardom. This path has recently
been named The Syndicate of Freaks. Each young man
reached this band in a different way through different
stages through life. The glue that holds this band together
is Dub (drummer). He had a vision at the tender age of 5
months old to form such a band and developed the concept
of this new style of music. Through inadvertant circumstances
he met one set of brothers in the band, Big Bry and Lilman.
Not long after this the three met up with the other brothers,
P-Nut and Foo. The missing and final piece to the band has
just recently been added in new guitarist Downtown LA. After
recording the demo (Col. Sanders in Distress) and mailing
them off to such record labels as Tooth and Nail records,
Atlantic Records, and Tower Records
(which the band just realized was a store and not a record label)
they have officially been rejected by all major record labels.
Because of this, the band decided to record and produce their
own album using their own record label (RejectedLosers Inc.)
Their album has yet to sell a copy but the band believes that
this time next year they'll be standing at the Grammy's next to
Eminem and Justin Timberlake. Please watch out for the video soon
to be mailed to MTV and VH1 "Underwater Cowboys".