History CFA
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Home guard history
17th Michigan
Battry A 1st Mich
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We are a re-activated  War Between the States living history unit, we do both artillery, Infantry & Home Guard impressions. We do not wish to glorify the war but try to do honor to the memory of our ancestors through living histories, memorial services & battle reenactments.

Deo Vindice!

As members of Kanawha Artillery &The Provisional Army of the Confederacy, We support the Sons of Confederate Veterans, the United Daughters of the Confederacy, and other community organizations in bringing history alive.

The Columbia Flying Artillery is NOT affiliated with any militia or racist organizations.

   It is a family oriented organization that welcomes only members of the highest moral standards.


Creed Of Living History

"We are people to whom the past is forever speaking. We listen to it because we cannot help ourselves, for the past speaks to us with many voices.

Far out of that dark nowhere which is the time before we were born, men who were flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone went through fire and storm to break a path to the future.

We are part of the future they died for; they are part of the past that brought the future. What they did--the lives they lived, the sacrifices they made, the stories they told and the songs they sang and, finally, the deaths they died--make up a part of our own experience. We cannot cut ourselves off from it. It is as real to us as something that happened last week. It is a basic part of our heritage as Americans"


Columbia Flying Artillery

Company F 3rd Battalion, South Carolina Senior Reserves

 We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion or sex.