Dear GroundWork Staff,

I have already talked to some of you about this. I decided to write this letter to you instead of telling you all together in person, mainly because I have a lot to say and I don't want to forget anything. On top of that I tend to tear up and all that jazz and I don't want you to see me all teary :)
I would like to begin with... Thank You. Thats something I don't say a lot to you. GroundWork would not be possible without you. 
GroundWork is a business, yes. As most of you know however, it is so much more. I took a risk 2 and half years ago, despite the tons of people that said I shouldn't. I took the risk to open a music venue in hopes to just pay the bills to keep the doors open. I had no experience in running a business, never taken a leap of faith of this magnitude, didn't know how it was going to work, I just went on a feeling. 
I soon found that GroundWork was so much more than just a music venue. It was a place that some people could call home.
Since we opened in July of 2003, GroundWork has changed lives. It has given them a place to be themselves and not judge them. It has inspired people to pick up an instrument and learn to play. I don't know how many times I have just sit down with someone and listened to them because they just needed to talk. I have had a few people come up to me, with tears in their eyes, and tell me that GW is directly responsible for saving their life! There are so many things about GroundWork that is just so amazing.

The past 6 months or so, my dreams for the place have never went away but my motivation had. My day job had a lot to do with it and so did my stints of laziness. I had stopped putting out fliers, posting shows on the calendar and promoting any way I could, to name a few things. I would catch myself saying, "It will be cool when we have enough money to get coffee" when the only way that was going to happen is if I made it happen. I have just recently realized this. I am your leader, and when I am in a bad mood or being lazy, it effects you. If I am not motivated, some of you lose faith. You all believe in GW, believe in me, I have figured out that I must also believe.

I am going to make a promise to you all. I will work myself into the ground to get GroundWork done. This is my dream, and in a few months it will no longer be a dream. It will be a reality.

All of you are helping make my dream a reality. For that, there is no words or ways to thank you for that. The only thing I can do is give GroundWork my best and make it succeed.
I have decided to go to part time at my job so I can have more time to work on GroundWork. I will be down there working on everything I have neglected over the past year. Sunday's and Monday's I will be at GroundWork all day doing work for sure. Anyone is welcome to stop by and help. I am not a horribly creative guy. I want everyones input on stuff. Art choices, bar design, lighting. I want to hear all of your ideas. Flyers will begin again after the first of the year, spread the word for people to come pick some up to pass out. Before Jan 13th, the sign, awning, bathroom and wall across the Garage door will be done. 
And come March, when I pull that first espresso shot and brew that first coffee... I want you all there to join in my happiness. You are all like family to me.

It is a wonderful time for GroundWork. We are going to make this place great.

Thank you all for believing in me and being there. Happy Holidays.
