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"Man's greatest actions are performed in minor struggles.  Life, misfortune, isolation, abandonment and poverty are battlefields which have their heroes - obscure heroes who are at times greater then illustrious heroes." - Victor Hugo, novelist


This was a little something I wrote in the program for our school's Culture Night Show.  Why did I write it?  Honestly, I don't know.  All I know is that it's something that has bugged me ever since I've been here.  I just thought other should hear about it, and hopefully some might feel the same way I do.  FYI, it's on the back cover of the 1999 AASU program... which I designed and made! =)

"I'm not going to fill this page with thank you's, because I always seem to leave people out by accident.  Instead, I'm going to share with you some visions and insights I have seen and heard over the course of my life, and especially while here at Virginia Tech...

There has always been this "wall" that seems to separate the five organizations from truly acting as one.  Instead of competing with one another, we need to educate each other, share lessons learned from the past, and dream of a future tomorrow.  Is one organization that much different from the other?  Is one person's heritage worth not being friends with them?  We play the race card far to oftehn in society, but when we play it against ourselves, it becomes all the more selfish.  Do we not all share the same struggles?  Do we not all have dreams and aspirations?  We may come from different parts of the world, speak different languages, and worship different gods, but do we not all strive to better ourselves, to make the most of our lives and what has been given to us?  Instead of blindly passing each other by, let us stop and come to the realization that we really aren't that different.

I was once told a simple saying that has ever since stuck with me.  "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day.  TEACH a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime."  In today's highly evolving world, knowledge truly is power.  Never forget your past, never forget your life experiences, and never forget your friends.  These are the things that most shape who we are as a person.  Treasure yesterday, think of today, and dream of tomorrow.

The years we spend on this campus cause us to grow and mature tremendously.  We take on responsibilities we are not yet used to.  We change, and see those around us change.  Yet we fight on... sometimes not realizing why, but just knowing that we must.  We only have a few years to make a difference on this campus.  Let's make the most of what we have... "