Humourous, Funny, and sometimes Dark!
Writing isn't easy, it's the law!

This is my writing page. As mentioned on my about me page, I write short stories and poetry. Of course, since I have written them, they are mine. This means that I legally own them and the copyright is held by me. Just making that clear. :)

My Series of Short Stories
Be sure to read them in the order that I have them listed, or they will make much less sense. The order should be:
I am working on the 7th installment, The Sign. When it is finished, I will post it here.

General works.

Just a general note about my poems: The emotions in them are almost always fact, if not the storyline. So if I say that I jumped off a bridge, it's probably not true, but if I say that I felt like jumping off a bridge, it probably is. :-) Sometimes the blurbs will make things clearer, but if they don't, refer back here. :-)

I have re-organized these works (mostly poems, but a few short stories) to be in as close to chronological order as possible. Enjoy!

  • The Maniac. This is the first short story that I ever wrote, back in the fall of 1992.
  • She I finally found my 1994/95/very early 1996 notebook! And this is the first poem I wrote in it, about my high school crush. Basically the first poem I ever wrote, other than haiku, which I may add a separate page for at some point.
  • Advice/Not Funny Two separate short poems written in Sept. or Oct. 1994.
  • Senseless Unreality. I wrote this in the fall of 1994, it's hilarious! Enjoy!
  • Trick or Treater This is a short story that I wrote around Halloween of 1994. It'll surprize you.
  • Fall Of Humankind A rather dark little story/essay that has a message, one that more people should pay attention to, IMO. It too was written around Halloween of 1994, and it will, if not surprize, maybe shock you. Or not.
  • 4 Short Poems Just as it sounds, these are 4 short poems I wrote in late 1994, if I remember correctly. Enjoy!
  • Fuck the Tube! Pardon the profanity, but it's part of the work...I was frustrated at the time, late 1994, when I wrote it.
  • The Evil One I wrote this also in late 1994, it's really dark.
  • Fear. This is one of two related poems that I wrote on 12/19/95. This one is about fear.
  • Love. Not to be confused with the poem below of the same title, this is the other poem that I wrote on 12/19/95. This one is about love.
  • Friends I wrote this in late 1995/early 1996. It's really neat, and was also the first poem to be included on this page.
  • Apocalypse Written sometime in 1995 or 1996, this is a dark poem. The title speaks pretty well of it's subject matter.
  • Gray. Rain. This is a short little essay that I wrote in January of 1996 on a warm rainy day. It's kinda neat.
  • Hang in There Written in early 1996, for a friend who was going through some hard times.
  • FeelingsWritten in early 1996.
  • The MageWritten in the Summer of 1996, this one was the first entry on my Everchanging Page Of Chaos.
  • How Could I Have Dreamed of You? Written in 1996, it's pretty good. I woke up with the first line in my head, and proceeded to write the rest. Like many of my works, it is rhyming...Oh well C'est la vie. :-)
  • Four More Short Poems!Again as it sounds, these were for short pieces I wrote at approximately the same time, sometime in 1996.
  • Disturbing Mary This is a short story that I wrote, also in 1996. It's darkish (but not too dark) humour.
  • Contradictory TruthWritten in 1996. Just read it.
  • Untitled, 2The 2 is only to distinguish it from the other Untilted that I have on this page. Again, written in 1996.
  • Upon Exiting the FactoryWritten in 1996, this poem is about what it felt like to get done with work at the factory I was working at at the time. Very nice.
  • The King and The Dunce This is a story poem, with a rhyming format. It has a moral, though you'll see that when you read it. I'm pretty sure it was written in 1996, I can't seem to find the original, only a copy, so I can't be sure. Ah well...Que Serà, Serà.
  • The Book of How it Should Have Been This was also written in 1996, as busy year for me. It's about the frustrating difference between thoughts and plans and reality.
  • Love. This is a poem I wrote one night while sitting in a coffee shop feeling sorta depressed. It's cool though.
  • Many a Night Written mostly in 1996, but never really finished. I edited it slightly as I put it up on the web, and added the last 4 lines. I think it's pretty well finished now. Enjoy!
  • Illusions of a Mind, All too RealThis was written in late 1996 as well, as nearly as I can tell. I'll let it speak for itself.
  • The Democratic Manifesto This is an essay that I wrote in late 1996. It is a political treatise. It is how I thought at one point in time. Not anymore. But go ahead and read it anyway.
  • Snow. Written in 1996 or 1997. This poem is actually a form poem. The first and last lines each have 8 words, and the ones in between have less and less, until the middle two lines have 1 each. But you'd probably figure that out on your own anyway...Once read on a Canadian College Radio Station, if it sounds familiar. :-)
  • Stream of Consciousness Thingy Written in Early 1997, this was a Stream of Consciousness piece. It's quite bizarre, as you'll see when you read it, but it makes some sense as well. I guess I have to take some sort of responsibility for it. I was young, that's my plea. :-)
  • Two Souls A poem that I wrote in early 1997. I had the first line in my head for over a month before actually writing the poem. I think that it is one of the best poems that I have ever written.
  • The Rose Originally Untitled, I decided "The Rose" was as good a title as any. I wrote this one in 1997, as a relationship was at a confusing point...You'll see. It helped me anyway.
  • Untitled.This poem deals with the past, and the non-changeability of it. It's very good, especially considering that it took me only 5 minutes to write.
  • Chosen.Written in 1997, a few months after "The Rose," Chosen is in the same continuity of the relationship. Draw your own conclusions about what it means.
  • To Grasp the Distance, Pull it Close Written in 1997, this is about as real as it gets in poetry. It's in the same continuum as Chosen and The Rose, in a way. It's based on a distance relationship I had that year, for a few months, not to spoil the ending...But there you have it.
  • Impressions of a Senior During Freshman Orientation The title says it all on this one. Written in August of 1997.
  • Sanity. I will warn you that I was in a weird mood when I wrote this one, and that there is profanity, though only in the first half. Written in 1997 or 1998.
  • Flowers To balance the dark poem(s) here is a funny little short story I wrote sometime before November, 1998.
  • Stuck in Minneapolis I wrote this while I was briefly living in Minneapolis and going to the U of M, Twin Cities, in 1999.

    That is all for now. If I find or write any more, I will post them.

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