Portuguese navigator, he was sent twice (1482 and 1484) to the Discoveries by D. João II.

He set off to Mina, and from there he went to Zaire. After a series of vicissitudes, he reached "ponta dos Farilhões" (sierra Parda), at 22° 10', South latitude, and then returned to Zaire, which he climbed, to visit the king of Congo.

He returned to Tagus river in 1486, bringing with him the necessary knowledge to reach South Africa by sailing at large, like Vasco da Gama did.


Big is the effort and small is the man.
I, Diogo Cão, navigator, have left
This pattern by the brown sands
And in front have sailed.

Divine is the soul and imperfect the work.
To the wind and skies this pattern signs
That, of the daring work, it is mine what is done:
And only to God belongs what is left to do.

And to the vast and possible ocean
These shields you see, taught,
That the ending sea may be roman or greek:
The endless sea is portuguese.

And the Cross high above says that what goes in my soul
And makes in me the fever of navigating
Only will find from God in the eternal calm
The harbour forever to be found.

Fernando Pessoa, Message

Sail Home Navigators

Concept & Design:
Pedro H. Duarte

Music: pavanne, Est il conclud - GERVAISE, Claude (c. 1540-1560)
Midi por Curtis Clark