Summary: Listings and information about Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture in the state of Mississippi.
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There were four Frank Lloyd Wright buildings built in the state of Mississippi. All four of them are/were residences. These links were updated during March, 1998.

Charnley Summer Residence and Guest House, Ocean Springs, Mississippi, 1890.

Louis Sullivan Summer Residence and Stables, Ocean Springs, Mississippi, 1890.

J. Willis Hughes House "Fountainhead" (#303), Jackson, Mississippi, 1948
Fifty-eight years separate this residence with the work Mr. Wright had previously done in the state of Mississippi when under the wing of
Louis Sullivan. This building features a fountain and a pool, concrete walls, a copper roof, and slab floor.

Welbie Fuller House (#347), Pass Christian, Mississippi, 1951. Demolished 1969.
This large three-level house fell victim to Hurricane Camille in 1969.

This web page is part of the All-Wright Site - Frank Lloyd Wright Building Guide, which contains geographically organized listings of Wright's works in many states.

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