Summary: Listings and information about Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture in the state of Alabama.
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Building Guide listings for nearby states: East: Mississippi, North: Tennessee, Southeast: Florida,

The links on this page were last updated and verified during the fall of 2000.

(the Alabama emblem in the title graphic above is the emblem of University of Alabama athletics. See Crimson Tide Online for more information.). There are rumors of a demolished Usonian-style house by Mr. Wright that once existed in Tuscaloosa. Please send e-mail if you know of this building. There is one Frank Lloyd Wright building in Alabama, and this residence has a Web site.

Stanley Rosenbaum House, (S.267, S.267A) Florence, Alabama, 1937
This house was expanded in 1948, and was open to the public for tours. It is not available to the public anymore.

This web page is part of the All-Wright Site - Frank Lloyd Wright Building Guide, which contains geographically organized listings of Wright's works in many states.

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