Socialist Youth

This page was updated on 29th Oct. 2006

Recent reports of SY activity

Socialist Youth News - South, carried in The Socialist, No. 20, October 2006
Socialist Youth News - North, carried in The Socialist, No. 20, October 2006
Students - Fees + Loans + Rent rises = DEBT! in the Socialist Sept. 2006
Successful Youth Festival in the Socialist Sept. 2006
Socialist Youth News in the Socialist, July-August 2006
Socialist Youth – South in the Socialist, June 2006
Socialist Youth North in the Socialist, June 2006
Socialist Youth – South in the Socialist, May 2006
Socialist Youth – North in the Socialist, May 2006
Socialist Youth – South in the Socialist, April 2006
Socialist Youth North in the Socialist, April 2006

Omagh Socialist Youth meeting

Omagh Socialist Youth public meeting on Che, 24th June '06

Come to the Socialist Youth Summer Festival 2006

Details to follow.
2005 Socialist Youth festival
Socialist Youth reports - Kunle Campaign and ASBOs From the Socialist, August 2005.

More Socialist Youth reports - Building SY in Strabane, Portadown call centre rip off From the Socialist, August 2005.

Anti-Social Behavior Orders From the May 05 edition of Socialist Voice - Youth repression is not the answer
by Stephen Rigney

Aideen McMullen stands for Queens University Women's Officer in Elections From the May 05 edition of Socialist Voice

Socialist Youth news From the April 05 edition of Socialist Voice

Socialist Youth

Anti-war demos planned for Belfast and Dublin, March 19th

get up stand up..
Reports from Socialist Youth, students, anti war, etc. From the Nov. 2004 edition of Socialist, the new paper of the SP

In the run-up to Christmas, Socialist Youth is launching its annual "Scrooge of the Year" campaign. From the Nov. 2004 edition of Socialist, the new paper of the SP

Unionise these SWEATSHOPS
by a County Armagh call centre worker & Socialist Youth member

LIKE MANY people in the country I work in a call centre, which is now the largest type of employment in the country and also the third most stressful.From the Nov. 2004 edition of Socialist, the new paper of the SP

Join the struggle for SOCIALISM
ON HIS re-election, Bush declared that: "I've earned new political capital this election and I'm going to spend it." What this means for workers and young people around the world is already clear.
by Paul Murphy From the Nov. 2004 edition of Socialist, the new paper of the SP

Socialist Youth meeting

Socialist Youth Public Meeting - CHE GUEVARA & THE POLITICS OF STRUGGLE

1.30PM Saturday 6th Nov - Socialist Youth Offices, 13 Lombard St (next door to Cafe Uno)

Che Guevara has become an iconic figure. His face can be seen in the slums of Argentina, and on countless t-shirts across the globe.

A Life of Struggle
Che devoted his life to a heroic struggle against the forces of capitalism and imperialism, the effects of which he saw so graphically on his travels around Latin America as a young man. He bravely sacrificed himself in the fight to liberate the oppressed masses of our world

Lessons for Today
We can learn a lot from both the successes and failures of Che's life. He was instrumental in the revolution which saw capitalism smashed in Cuba. He fought to spread the revolution across the globe. However, what is the nature of Cuba today? Where did Che go wrong?

Latin America
Today, struggle is again widespread in Latin America. Che's home country, Argentina, is in a state of political and economic turmoil, while the masses of Venezuela are fighting back against the fat cats who rule their country. What relevance do Che's ideas and the ideas of socialism have in this climate? Come along to the Socialist Youth Public Meeting this Saturday 1.30pm at the Socialist Youth Offices, 13 Lombard St Belfast (next door to Cafe Uno)

As a part of the ongoing activity over the problem of Low Pay, Socialist Youth were using this poster in Sept. 2004.

Socialist Youth
Text of leaflet handed out at
Gay Pride march Belfast 7th August 2004

Stop the Homophobic Attacks - UNITY IS STRENGTH

Leaflets distributed in Northern Ireland, August 2004

Youth Against Racism
Leaflet Text
Stop Racist Attacks – Halt the far-right
RACIST ATTACKS are now taking place on almost a daily basis across Northern Ireland. Last year there were 226 reported incidents and many more that went unreported. Most of these attacks are being orchestrated by far right groups such as the British National Party, the White Nationalist Party and Combat 18.

Two posters showing the public meetings held by our comrades in Queens University belfast so far this academic year. We noiw have a functionining group of student activists. If you need to know, these were A4 size posters.

Support Colombian Trade Unionists - Boycott Coca-Cola

International Socialist Resistance (ISR) (which Socialist Youth is affiliated to) is campaigning in support of the international boycott of Coca-Cola products. This is because of the company's activities against workers in Colombia and in many other countries.

Coke Update: In mid October there were 2 great moves on the Cola front - a popular bar in Belfast and UCD Students Union have decided not to stock this poisonous drink. For details on Belfast and Dublin.

Festival of Resistance

Socialist Youth organised a summer camp in Co. Cavan, July 18th - 21st. More details are available here. This was an important event and was well attended by socialists, not just young ones, who enjoyed the mix of politics and the social life.

A few images from the successful camp. About 100 attended the mix of politics and relaxation.

Press coverage of the anti-war protest plans and then some details of the protests.

Irish News,4th March. Pupils’ war protest worries teachers [not added yet.]
Derry Journal, 28th Feb Derry Schools Will Walk Out for Peace
News Letter March 5 Anti-war pupils demand right to go on march
Belfast Telegraph March 5th Pupils plan anti-war walkout
Irish News, March 6th Students stage anti-war protests
Irish News hostile editorial, March 6th School walkouts counterproductive

School students to walk-out in protest against war

March 5th International Day of Action

Schools students throughout Northern Ireland will walkout of school next Wednesday as part of an internationalday of action by school students and college students against the war. Students throughout Ireland Britain as well as the US, Canada and other countries will also be taking action next Wednesday as part of the international day of action.

Youth Against the War

YaW spokesperson David Semple says there is a very strong anti-war sentiment amongst school students, "When Youth Against the War raised in our schools the issue of war, we discovered that there is overwhelming opposition to the war on Iraq. Everybody knows it is a war for oil. Our education system, health and other public services are crying out for funding, and Blair is more interested in spending billions on a war for oil. Youth Against the War are now calling on all students to join with us on Wednesday March 5th when we will be organising walk-outs from schools and colleges" style='font-size:8.5pt;

Mr Semple added that Youth Against the War now has members in more than 40 schools across Northern Irelandthat are planning the walk-outs.Plans for school walkouts and rallies are already underway in Belfast, Derry, Lisburn, Bangor, Newry, Omagh, Coleraine and other areas.

Details of a further planning meeting scheduled for this Saturday (at 3pm in Belfast). It's at 3pm, meeting in the Unemployed Centre, Donegall St (Beside the John Hewitt pub.)

Youth Against the War

Central Spokesperson:
David Semple, Our Lady St. Patricks, Knock  07745207693 91452776
Co-ordinating Committee Area spokespersons


Daniel Waldron, Omagh Academy


Jenny Deane, Sacred Heart Grammar


Deborah Watson, Wallace High School


Seamus Reilly, St Columb's College

Chris Henry, Dominican College, Portstewart


Billy Lockard, St. Marys CBS, Belfast


David Semple, Our Ladys St, Patricks, Knock

Latest News, 6pm

As a part of the International Action 10,000 German school students took part in a strike and demonstration in Stuttgart against the war. Read an inital report.

Issued Tuesday 25th Feb. 2003

Added March 6th 2003

Omagh Socialist Party and Socialist Youth have also created a very good, colourful, informative site. Pay a visit, let them know what you think about it. Congrats to all concerned.
The Coleraine Socialist Youth comrades now operate a web site (Click here) to see what a local branch of SY gets up to. It is still under construction but the cdes must be congratulated for their initiative.

Other important sites include:
Socialist Youth

Youth against the War

NEWS: Youth Against the War, Feb. 2003

Reports of SY and the Youth against the war actions will be added here in the next day or two. Please visit the News and Front pages of this site for some material.

NEWS: Youth Against the War

Say no to the War for Oil

Socialist Youth have launched Youth Against the War to organise young people against Blair and Bush's war on Iraq. If you want to get involved or want to support the anti-war demonstration, Belfast Art College, Sat. 7th Dec. 2pm, called by the Irish Anti-War Movement.
Build this demonstration, turn up, bring your friends. If you can to help, contact Socialist Youth at Belfast 90232962 or email us,
Come Along and join with the Socialist Youth contingent. Bring banners and whistles.

Socialist Youth articles now available, 18th July 2002.

In July Socialist Youth, along with the Socialist Party, produced a supplement to the Party paper, Socialist Voice/Voice (depending on which edition you take). Here are a few of the articles from that Socialist Youth Voice supplement which outlines some of the policies of our organisation.

Socialist Youth Bulletin now available.

The June 2002 edition of the Bulletin
Filesize 255kb)is now on the streets, with articles on the anti-capitalist protests, the violence in Kashmir-India-Pakistan, the anti-sectarian campain here and lots of other stuff.
Feel free to read it, even better, download and make copies for your friends and anyone else who you'd think is interested.

As well as the material on this page, we've saved some older, but interesting, stuff, in our archives.

Updated Socialist Youth Site

In the past few weeks our comrades in Socialist Youth in the South have updated the SY web pages, well worth checking out. So get along to

We hope to add copies of the leaflets and statements of Socialist Youth in the next few weeks, so look out for us, join us. Ger active with Youth against the War!

Gap bulletinYoung Socialist - Spring 2001

Check out the newsheet Young Socialist - Spring 2001

(These documents are in Adobe PDF file format. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. Also the larger files may take a few minutes to download.)

If you came directly to this Socialist Youth page
and want to find out more about
the Socialist Party in the North
please click here.