Day Is Done
Tell me why you're crying my son
I know you're frightened like everyone
Is it the thunder in the distance you fear?
Will it help if I stay very near?
I am here

And if you take my hand my son, all will be well when the day is done
Day is done (when the day is done)

You ask why I'm sighing my son,
You shall inherit what mankind has done
In a world filled with sorrow and woe
If you ask why this is so,
I really don't know

Tell me why you're smiling my son
Is there a secret you can tell everyone?
Do you know more than men who are wise?
Can you see what we all must disguise
Through your loving eyes?

Daylight Taps
Thanks and praise
For our days
'Neath the sun
'Neath the stars
'Neath the sky
As we go
This we know
God is nigh

(Please note: this version of "Taps" is to be sung in place of the regular
version when closing events which are over before nightfall, for example,
most Scout's Owns and many camps and daytime events.)

Dem Bones
The Lord decided to make a man
 Dem Bones gonna rise again   (Hit legs twice, clap twice)
He took a little water and he took a little sand
 Dem Bones gonna rise again

Chorus:      (Hit legs twice, clap twice, pass one hand
I knows it, knows it, indeed I knows it brother, over other twice, switch)
I knows it, whee! Dem Bones gonna rise again. (Hit L fist with R fist twice, switch, hit once)

Adam he was might blue
Didn't know exactly what to do

The Lord took a rib from Adam's side
Made Miss Eve to be his bride

Put them in a garden fair
Thought they'd be most happy there

Apples, peaches, pears and such
But of this tree you must not touch

Satan round that tree did slink
At Miss Eve he sure did wink

Eve these apples look mighty fine
Just take one, the Lord won't mind

She picked a peck and she picked a pull
Soon she had her apron full

Next morning when the Lord came round
He spied those cores all over the ground

"Adam, Adam, where art thou?"
"Here I is, I'm coming now"

"Adam, who these cores did leave?"
"I dunno Lord, ‘spect it was Eve"

"Adam you must leave here now
And earn your keep by the sweat of your brow"

He picked up a pick and he picked up a plow
That's why we're all working now

The moral of this story be
Don't leave your cores for the Lord to see

Now my story's come to an end
Hope I never hear it again

(Dem bones gonna rise again is said by the audience after each line the leader sings. When the leader is done two lines, everybody does the chorus)

Dona Nobis
Dona nobis pacem
(These are the words, although in each verse they are different rhythms and tunes)

If I could have one wish come true,
It would be peace for me and you.
Peace in our hearts and peace of mind,
Peace now and ever for all mankind.

(Have one group or person sing: high, low, medium, high, medium, low
Have other person or group sing: medium, high, low, verse, medium)

Donut Shop
Well, I walked around the corner,
And I walked around the block,
And I walked right into a donut shop.
And I picked up a donut fresh from the grease,               (Pretend to pick something up)
And I handed the lady a five cent piece.                         (Pretend to hand a coin over)
Well, she looked at the nickel and she looked at me,      (Look at hand, look at audience)
And she said "this nickel isn't good for me,                    (Shake finger)
There's a hole in the middle and it goes right through."  (Make OK sign, put finger in hole)
I said "there's a hole in the donut, too.
Thanks for the donut, goodbye."                                     (Wave goodbye)

Doodly What Not
Doodly what not
Doodly what not
Doodly doo
Doodly doo
Doodly what not
Doodly what not
Doodly doo
Doodly doo
Some people say there ain't nothing to it
All you gotta do is doodly doo it
I like the rest but the part I like the best goes
Doodly doodly doo

(Hit hands to thighs twice, clap twice, pass right over left twice, left over right twice, hit fists twice, switch and hit twice again, twirl right pointer, twirl left pointer)

Down by the Bay
Down by the bay,
Where the watermelons grow,
Back to my home,
I dare not go
For if I do,
My mother would say:
Did you ever see a moose kissing a goose?
Down by the bay

a whale with a polka-dotted tail
a bug sleeping on top of a rug
a fly wearing a tie
a bear combing his hair
llamas eating pajamas
a cat wearing lots of hats
A goose drinking apple juice
A goat riding in a boat
A cow with a green eyebrow
Rats wearing silk hats
Beans as big as submarines
Moose with a loose front tooth

(Audience should repeat after leader after first six lines. Audience members are welcome to adding own verses)

Do your ears hang low?
Do your ears hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them in a bow?
Can you throw them over your shoulder like a Continental soldier?
Do your ears hang low?

May all your dreams bloom like daisies in the sun,
May you always have stars in your eyes.
May you not stop running, not until your race is won,
And may you always have blue skies.

A dream is something you can make to keep within your heart,
To build on when you're glad or when your world's been torn apart.
A dream is something all you own that no one else can steal,
A dream is something you can make come real.

You can share a smile with any stranger that you meet,
You can share your money with a beggar on the street.
But you can only share a dream when love has set it free,
Please won't you share yours with me?

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