i to i::::::Gulliver's Nightmare::::::

Alive and Dreaming or Dead and Remembering

gulliver's nightmare

It was a Friday night, much like any other Friday night that young Gulliver Smith had known before with some football game happening at school and parties happening in the vicinity. Tonight he was being picked up by his girlfriend, an idea that Gulliver didn't like too much, but since his car accident three weeks before, his car had been out of commission.

Shortly after eight, Gulliver heard a car honk and went outside. He greeted the young girl with a breathless kiss. Gulliver and his companion went directly back to her house and Gulliver immediately knew something was up. He was not greeted by her parents which threw him for a loop. "Surprise!" She said, as they walked in the dark, plush living room lit only by the hazy moon. "aren't you happy?" She asked, "my parents left town for the weekend, look what I bought." Searching through her purse, she pulled out a gold, lipstick container. "you bought lipstick?" Gulliver asked. "no, silly look." She opened the top and pulled out the lipstick head, dipped her pinky inside and took out a small silver spoon containing white powder. "Is that what I think it is?" He asked. She gave him a quick kiss to answer his reply.

Gulliver was hesitant, he had not done krell since last summer before going to re-hab for counseling. As he pondered his thoughts, reclining on the green, leather, living room couch, his girlfriend was cutting up the krell. Gulliver began giving the young girl a neck rub kissing her back while she was busy. "I need to borrow your phone" he said, as he reached up for the cordless Sony. Gulliver called some friends till he reached the one with the thirty minute intro, that pissed him off and he decided not to leave a message. He then called home saying he was going to spend the night there. "I love it when you spend the night with me" his delighted girlfriend said, "look, I also bought some acid just like last week, that was so intense!!!" Gulliver agreed, for that night they tried things most people only get paid to do.

"It's ready" she said, "do you want to go first of shall I?" You go on first honey" as he usually called her. She didn't need to be told twice, she pulled a clear plastic straw out of her purse and did two lines. Gulliver was busy untucking and unbuttoning her white ‘Guess’ shirt. It was his turn now, he looked at his mate, then looked at the mirror, looking at him. She passed him the straw still with the white residue on it. "I haven't done coke in six months" he thought to himself, "but I rather live and learn than regret what I have missed." He slid the straw across the scratched, black mirror and did the other two lines. Gulliver lifted his head, closed his eyes and rubbed his, now numbing, nose. As he sniffed a little, his woman licked the mirror clean. They both got up, feeling good, they grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniel's out of the oak liquor cabinet and headed towards her room. When they got there, they downed half the bottle. It burned his throat. They watched her goldfish dance to the hypnotic sounds of The Doors', "Riders on the Storm" playing in her stereo, in the silvery purple light of the fish tank that lit up the darkened room.

They both took hits of acid. They began to undress for a night of equal pleasure, and drank more whiskey. Gulliver's eyes started itching as things began to appear. The goldfish grew and escaped their tanks, they were now swimming in the air and on the walls. She started to giggle at the floor, he didn't know why. Gulliver's hand turned into a snake then back as he took of her white bikini panties. As they slid inside the bed with the gray and pink sheets which made him feel as if he was being swallowed by a giant, man-eating flower as its pedals wrapped around them. Purple owls and blue butter flies entered the room as he entered her. The objects then turned to bubbles that filled the air and went through the walls and disappeared.

Gulliver's girlfriend was going through alot of changes. She was more aggressive towards him. She reached out and was talking, to what looked like to Gulliver, a strange green Smurf about the size of a ten year old with chrome horns and spiked shoes. She called it ‘Mr.Happy.’ Gulliver tried to make the evil looking creature away but the voyeuristic character watched as the two had sex. His mind was perplexed by the myriad of things entering and leaving the rooms. Black fire engulfed the room from the ceiling down. It scared him. Gulliver shut his eyes to make it go away and went back to work. The Doors played "Love Me Two Times." His girlfriend, now on top, said "look at the pretty mushrooms on the wall ." Gulliver, too busy with what he was doing, didn't even listen.

Gulliver began to feel dizzy and begged his girlfriend to hold till it was over. The room started spinning. They heard strange seductive voices coming from the mirror closet with the "FUCK AUTHORITY" sticker, which glowed like a nuclear reactor, in a strange fuzzy, green, light. The room spun violently, like a Ferris wheel at warp speed. The lovers held to each other for their life. Objects kept jumping at their face, changing shapes as they got closer. Gulliver felt like an "Alka-Seltzer" tablet being dropped into water and fizzing to his doom. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the beautiful brunette, reach for the ceiling and singing the "Itzy Bitzy Spider" song.

Gulliver and her continued their time together, trying to ignore the things around them. They finished the Jack. The two hour “Passion-trip” and the alcohol were getting to them. They were exhausted and the fluffy white marshmallow pillows seemed like the only thing that mattered to them right now. As they moved up to the pillows, he collapsed and she on top of him, with her hair cascading over his chest and neck. She smelled good. Their watery red eyes felt heavy and they laid down their heads and went to where their imaginative minds would take them, as winged breasts flew by.

In the middle of the night, Gulliver woke abruptly with sweat glistening of his forehead. His heart was beating fast as he got out of bed. His legs staggered as he walked to the bathroom. Gulliver splashed water on his pale face as he experienced the vertigo that seemed to hunt his head like soldiers of a battle field. Gulliver began to shiver as his naked body fell to the cold, marbleized, green tile in his girlfriend’s house.

With a loud, unexplainable cough, Gulliver awoke his lover. Blood dripped from his mouth and nose tainting the toilet as red as the Nile under Moses’ wrath. The young girl ran into the bathroom, yelling “what’s wrong?” She saw Gulliver lying in a pool of blood. Her long brown hair was painted red as she knelt to him. She caressed Gulliver’s scarlet chest. He couldn’t answer back as he looked into her crystal blue eyes. He saw her frailed soul there. She was crying as she put Gulliver’s head on her warm thighs, she was screaming, but he could not hear her. Tears fell on his lips. He couldn’t answer as he was trying to say he was going to be okay, it was impossible. Gulliver felt his heart slowing down, and his eyes were becoming tired, so tired.

So he closed them.

[G's trip]

[menu selections]

[write here, right now]

[indulge yourself]