Welcome to my Guestbook!

Mike Chapman - 12/16/00 14:31:18
My URL:http://pages.zoom.co.uk
My Email:tellingtales@hotmail.com

Hi! ‘Telling you Tales’ is a new free non-profit making, mutual-help website for authors and poets. The aim is to encourage reading and writing, by means which include: 1. Providing a full-page link to selected unpublished writers’ websites; 2. Providing a full-page link to selected recently published writers’ websites; 3. Encouraging new writers by exhibiting their work and assisting with editing, layout etc. 4. Links to sites of interest to readers and writers. To link to a website the owner provides a short story/story/precis/site details, or a page of poetry, for his/her page on the Telling you Tales website. That page either links directly to the writer’s website or to another page with further details, and then on to their website. This way the reader has ‘a taster’ and the link is not just another uninviting banner or text link. To show how it works, I have uploaded two stories from authors with websites and poems from a poet without a site. The website is at http://pages.zoom.co.uk/tellingtales It is advert-free to prevent readers from being annoyed. Please click on ‘STORIES’ or ‘POEMS’ and follow them through. If you join, all I ask is that you link back to the above site. (The link is shown on the website). I hope that you will be interested as you have nothing to lose, and if you are, please send your submission to tellingtales@hotmail.com , together with your website address. Best Wishes, Mike Chapman (Editor)

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Lisa Gill - 08/06/00 17:43:26
My URL:http://www.zyworld.com/lisagill/Lisa.htm
My Email:LisaG@whidbey.net
Who is your favorite author?: Danielle Steele
What genre/books do you read?: best sellers
Who is your favorite character?: strong female
What fiction do you like to write?: don't know how to answer this?
What story is your best work?: writing my first novel now
What character is your best creation?: Haley my main character

Thanks so much for putting together all these great links for us writers! It means a lot to me! Lisa

Ernest Walters - 06/18/00 21:46:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/md/DaedalBooks/
My Email:daedal@netfox.net
Who is your favorite author?: William Faulkner
What genre/books do you read?: All
What fiction do you like to write?: Psychological fiction
What character is your best creation?: Raskolnikov [sic]

Excellent site, Jessika. Ernie W.

Carl Hose - 04/09/00 02:43:54
My URL:http://www.jcn1.com/hose/writersinkwell.htm
My Email:hose@jcn.net
Who is your favorite author?: Charles Bukowski, Mark Twain, and Robert McCammon
What genre/books do you read?: Everything . . . quite a bit of erotic horror.
Who is your favorite character?: Baretta, Doc Savage, the Executioner
What fiction do you like to write?: Erotic horror
What story is your best work?: The Thing in the Attic is one of my favorites.
What character is your best creation?: Hadly McBride from the Riches of Rock Island . . . or a man called Drifter.

I haven't looked at all of your site yet, but I like what I've seen so far. There are some very good links. Thanks.

Sharon Forney - 01/03/00 22:22:56
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/bc/ecrire99/index.html
My Email:sf352@aol.com
Who is your favorite author?: Stephen King
What genre/books do you read?: Anything
What fiction do you like to write?: some horror, but mostly what ever happens to come out of my pen.

Discovered your site on the BoW e-mail list. Great work! Your site is full of useful links.

Steven Roe - 11/20/99 15:03:54
My URL:http://www.whale.telinco.co.uk
My Email:Stevenr@telinco.co.uk
Who is your favorite author?: Alistair Maclean
What genre/books do you read?: usually Sci-Fi
Who is your favorite character?: Zabrinski (Ice Station Zebra)
What fiction do you like to write?: Can you guess? Sci-Fi
What story is your best work?: The Deion Invasion
What character is your best creation?: Tacoo'E'n Cadarr

I have enjoyed thinking up ideas to stories. Somedays, when I don't have too much coursework on I will try and find some time to work upon TDI. I mainly enjoy writing Sci-Fi and I too adore anything to do with the Supernatural.

Marie Jones - 11/19/99 08:12:21
My Email:marie_lynnjones@hotmail.com
Who is your favorite author?: Janice Harrell (Point Horror)
What genre/books do you read?: If it involves the supernatural I'll give it a try!
Who is your favorite character?: Rina, the vampire from "Vampire's Love" by Janice Harrell.
What fiction do you like to write?: Anything that I can bring the supernatural into really.
What story is your best work?: If I told you that there'd be a very long list here!
What character is your best creation?: At the moment it's a vampire called Nightshade.

Came here via a link on an e-mail from you, Jessika. What a great site!

Bobby R,. Woodall - 11/17/99 21:00:05
My URL:http://geocitites.com/murgratrood
My Email:bwoodall@voyager.net
Who is your favorite author?: Me!!!
What genre/books do you read?: Westerns
Who is your favorite character?: The hero of my novels
What fiction do you like to write?: Westerns
What story is your best work?: MERCER'S MANOR
What character is your best creation?: Dan Mercer

Enjoyed the trip on your pages. Please visit mine. http://members.theglobe.com/mercermanor http://members.tripod.com/bobbyrobert http://oocities.com/murgratrood take care, Bobby

Anyta Kyriakou - 11/15/99 20:34:17
My Email:anytak@whale-mail.com
Who is your favorite author?: Audrey Thomas, Oscar Wilde
What genre/books do you read?: mainly fiction but all
Who is your favorite character?: Count of Monte Cristo
What fiction do you like to write?: mainstream (?)
What story is your best work?: The Phone Call
What character is your best creation?: Willard

I came to visit you from the BoW email list. Great site!!

Ernest Walters - 10/16/99 11:27:12
My URL:http://www.webspawner.com/users/ernestwalters/
My Email:daedal@netfox.net
Who is your favorite author?: Faulkner
What genre/books do you read?: midlist

Beautiful and informative site, Jessika. All best to you. --Ernie W.

Alexis - 07/29/99 03:23:06
My URL:http://come.to/writerscorner
My Email:alexisb@bellsouth.net
Who is your favorite author?: Ridley Pearson...at least this week
What genre/books do you read?: anything....
What fiction do you like to write?: Crime and Childrens stories
What story is your best work?: Mommies Little Helper
What character is your best creation?: Samantha....a serial killer

You have quite a few interesting links here...I will be back to browse through them.

ErnieJ - 03/18/99 01:05:54
My Email:erniejgeets@hotmail.com
Who is your favorite author?: John Nance
What genre/books do you read?: a little of everything
What fiction do you like to write?: Haven't tried just yet

Cool site Jessika!

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