Brave New Worlds

Please note that only Subreality-related and multi-company archives/sites will be listed. Most of the comics fanfic sites are listed in CFAN, anyway. :) Links to sites related to the Cafe's staff are also included here.

Subreality Inc.
No, Subreality is not a franchise. It just seems that way. *ducks a BoomSmite[tm]*

Subreality Central
The hub of all things Subreality, run by the Lady Scribe, Kielle, herself.

Subreality Cafe Mailing List
Most Subreality-related fics are posted here -- and some of which are exclusive to the list.

The Subreality Cafe Archive
The original Subreality Cafe archive, housing many of the older stories.

CFAN's Subreality Cafe Round Robin Board
The primordial sea which gave birth to the various Subreality-related round robins.

The Subreality Dojo And Snack Bar
Subreality with a manga/anime twist.

This Time Round
The Doctor Who version of the Cafe.

Treasure Troves

Fan Fiction on the Net
Tons of fanfic links from almost every fandom imaginable. Not complete, but more than enough for a hungry reader.

CFAN: The Comic Fan Fiction Authors Network
The place for comics fanfic links.

The Official OutsideTheLines Home Page
A very active comics fanfic mailing list. Chances are 70% or more of X-Men fics go through this list.

Fonts of Wisdom
Check out the impressive collection of Vertigo stories, in addition to many Excalibur fics.

IndigoSky.Net (currently down)
A relatively small but growing archive, which includes some fine DC and non-X Marvel fanfic.

Listed for its extensive links to writing resources -- check them out, if you haven't already.

The Staff's Yellow Sheets

Henry "Beast" McCoy:

The Official X-Men Site

The Unofficial Handbook To The X-Universe

The Xavier Institute

Makoto "Sailor Jupiter" Kino:

Soldier of Thunder and Lightning

MarmaBlueX's Jupiter Bio

Alfred Pennyworth:

The Batcave

The BatLinks Page

This page is still growing, so expect to see more additions soon. Suggestions, comments, and questions can be directed to me at