Below are some poems that I have written. Please do not take them, I have spent a lot of time writing then. I also have links at the bottom to my collection of other poeple's poems. They are really great poems that I love!
She Waits
She waits for no one
Yet she hopes they will come
She crys in there arms
But yet there is none
She believes they will come back
Yet they will never
Her eyes grow colder
As her heart melts away
She has no more hope
It is saved for yesterday
She will never stop crying
Yet she will not cry for ever
Her smile is gone
Yet it forever lives inside her heart
Her world is ending
Yet it has only just begun
Are Love Will Always Be
Your soft touch fades way
With the break of each new day
For your vocie I strain to hear
But I hear nothing, only my fear
Don't leave me here for I need you so
Even thought you think not of me
What once was will always be

As I watch you so innocent eyes fell with tears
I know I can't calm your fears
I try so hard to help you, but I can not
I cry for you every night, but my tears don't help a lot
I pray God will watch over you
But it seems he has better things to do
Hope is all I can do, and love is all I can give
A life filled with pain I hope you will not for long live

Who is this people talk about
So I know him this I doubt
For I've never seen his eyes of brown
Because he's never been around
For I've never know his love so dear
When he was ill I did not have the chance to fear
A secret he has never told to me
Love in his eyes for me I never did see
For I have never truly known him at all
For his sight I never saw
I know I should love him
But his love grows so dim
To met him I wish I could
I wish I could know him as well I as should
A stranger to me he should not be
But a stranger is all he will forever be to me

I lay in my bed over come with fright
For are love is lost in the night
I thuoght that you would always be here
But all I have now are my fears
In the darkness here I ponder
Where oh where did my love wonder

Your foot prints get softer and softer
As my heart gets smaller and smaller
Why do you leave me every night
Leave me hear with fright
I wonder this every night and day
As your love drifts away

Fly away little Dove, for thu must fly
Up into the clear blue sky
Fly to a place where everything is grand
Go little Dove you are now a part of God's land

Fly away little Dove, though can not stay here
Fly to a place where you will have no fear
God will watch over you night and Day
A world filled with innocence and joy is where you will play

Fly away little Dove, oh how I will miss you so
Not a day will go by that this will not show
With love my heart you will always fill
Always think of me, I will think of you, I will

Fly aways little Dove, for its time to say good-bye
In many peoples hearts you will never truly die
To are lives you have been so dear
You will never leave are hearts, you will always live there

Fly away little Dove, it is time you must go
Way up in the sky where your love will forever show
My heart will always be filled with your love
Don't threat I will always love you my Dove.