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June 2005

06-25-05: Ok, so much for regular updates. Made a few corrections and tweaks with my upgraded codeforge. Nothing new, otherwise.

June 2004

06-21-04: The long hiatus is over, kinda. Done another facelift on the site. Trimmed a few areas, made others fit within the grand scheme. Nothing spectacular, I guess. Oh! Right - I finally added a photo gallery. Not much there at the moment, but more to come eventually. And I've expanded my blade gallery to include all the cool shinies I own.

May 2002

05-10-02: added a new section to the site wherein I detail how I go about making my cg images in Paintshop Pro. The instructions should be fairly easy to translate to Adobe's Photoshop, if that's what you're using these days. Of course, you can find it here.

April 2002

04-25-02: Added a new cg pic to the Miscellaneous gallery. Additionally, I've put up the first real information on my still-in-development comic, "It's...". So far, it's just a slight overview and character info. But at least it's something, right?

04-20-02: Done a few modifications on a few of my pics. The two cgi Poke-morph pics as well as the one of my character, Pandora, have been updated with new backgrounds, since I've been in a background-making mood lately.

March 2002

03-29-02: Added a new picture of Death to the Sandman Drawing Gallery and attempted to correct further links that have been blocked b/c the file capitalization isn't Just So. *sigh*

03-24-02: uploaded the intro page again since it was pointed out that Yahell's being anal about capitalization on a few of the image links. While I can half-way understand that they'd want to allow for a fine-tuning of one's organizational system, who in th' Hell would have two files in the same directory with the exact same name that they'd need to make the distinction? That's just poor organization all around.

03-22-02: Added a new picture of Delirium to the Sandman Drawing gallery

03-19-02: Completed and uploaded the newest revision of the site. Kept the same basic design, but tweaked the graphics a bit to look purty. At least I think they do. 'Course, they prolly also increased the load times.

Ah well.

Other changes were mainly updating of the exterior links and re-writing and -formatting of a good deal of the text. And I finally lost the bg tiles.

December 2001

12-04-01: added a new link on my "Friends" page and added links where appropriate on this updates page. Some of these, however, may be a bit imprecise since the format of the pages have changed, or I don't remember exactly which drawing or poem I was talking about at the time.

October 2001

10-11-01: added another painting to the gallery.

September 2001

09-22-01: Added yet another painting to the gallery. I seem to be on some sort of a roll.

09-08-01: I've added two new paintings to the gallery over the last few days, one on the 6th (which I, obviously, neglected to note) and one earlier this evening.

09-04-01: Finally finished with the newest version of the site. Other than rewriting some of text, there's no new content for now. Maybe whenever I get my film stockpile developed...

And, yes... I decided to keep the index page.

09-03-01: In the midst of a semi-major update. Re-arranging and embellishing the interface, mainly. It's bloody well taking forever.

Actually, thanks to my templates, I've finished the main part of the restructuring. All that's really left is devising a new index page... or deciding if I want to do away with it entirely.

We shall see.

August 2001

08-15-01: Due to my apparent upcoming feature spot on some site that seems to have taken this inanity at face value, I've made a few cosmetic changes so it'll look it's best for the dozen or so people who may eventually find their way here from there. All I hope is that I at least get a nifty banner graphic for my troubles.

July 2001

07-23-01: added a new section to the Drawings section to display my current efforts in iconography.

07-21-01: Completed a new pic of an original character, Pandora, to the Miscellaneous gallery

07-17-01: Uploaded a new story, "A Quarter 'Til..".

07-15-01: I've gone back and edited my second story, "Dust to Dust" for typos and language clean-up. I thought some of the sentences were a bit too awkward. I've also added to and updated my links page.

June 2001

06-30-01: I've added a new picture to the "miscellaneous" section. Re-instated the background image on the index (it just looked too dull). And I've fixed it so that each page in the drawing sections links to the larger version of their featured image (just click on the picture like you would anywhere else).

06-24-01: made a slight modification to the front page. Decided it would look better with a solid background so the area around the mini-splash graphic would blend in.

May 2001

05-07-01: added a new picture to the "Miscellaneous" section

05-02-01: Completed revision of the *last* redesign, not that many of you saw it. But anyway I've managed to increase the load speeds, optimized a few graphics, and (hopefully) got all the mis-directs and buggy links corrected. Go me.

05-01-01: Completed total site redesign (Currently version 3.5). No new content as of yet, but perhaps soon.

April 2001

04-26-01: Made a few minor adjustments to my text layout and style and updated some of the links on the "Portals" and "Others" pages.

04-13-01: edited the files so my hit tracker shows up on nearly every page, allowing me to track your every move with greater precision. You can rest assured that your personal information will only be put to the best exploitative uses possible, providing the greatest potential for my personal gain.

March 2001

03-07-01: added a new poem to the poetry subsection of "Writings". Obviously. Where else would I have put it, anyway?

February 2001

02-06-01: Added alt-text to all navigation buttons to aid those too impatient to wait for the full experience. Added a few sites to the "Portals" page (primarily comics, and one rabid fanboy site). Added a couple of previously-unscanned pics to the "Miscellaneous" and "Anime" galleries. Added an entry for my adopted little sister to the "Others" page.

December 2000

12-27-00: Added a couple of new drawings to the "Anime" gallery. They're full cgi rather than scanned drawings. Yay me.

October 2000

10-24-00: Went back and changed all the fonts again hoping to fix the aestetic problems. Replaced the old counter with a new one that has better tracking capabilities. Here goes nothing

10-23-00: Re-organized the front page in a more logical/user-friendly manner. Removed cell backgrounds in content pages after reports that some systems cause them to disrupt the text. Made content scroll independently of background. Retitled some pages and rewrote content. Tried to clean up code to decrease load times. Removed embedded fonts for that very reason. I hope the overall design doesn't suffer too much as a result.

10-17-00: Added the new story "Dust to Dust" to the "Texts" section. Have fun.

10-16-00: Ok. So I'm an unadulterated liar. I've gone ahead an updated the site anyway. Kinda.

The graphics and some content have been changed, but most of it is about the same as the old version. I've changed out a few of the pictures in the Anime section. And I've added a links page. More content should be coming soon, whenever I get a new cd-rom drive so's I can reinstall my scanning software. I may also have a new story by the end of the week. But no promises on that.

This may end up being the final version of the site, barring slight modifications (I know, I've said that before. Scroll down and see for yourself). It's alot of tedious work redoing everything in a new format. I spent over a week on this current redesign doing that bit alone.

10-06-00: As you can see, I've made a few modifications to the frontspage. I decided it was time to switch over to completely original graphics. The 'credits' page has been changed accordingly.

Plans for a site overhaul have been put on indefinite hold. I'm not even sure I want to redo the whole thing. There is something to be said for consistancy, after all. Future changes will probably just include newer content w/ slight interface modifications as I come up with them.

I've also totally destroyed the mirror site at Xoom.com. I've not been too happy with the "upgrades" they've been implementing lately. And Geocities seems to load faster, anyway. Sure, the pop-up thing is annoying, but I'm much too poor to actually pay for bannerless hosting and the free ones available are very, very slow

September 2000

9-20-00: Added a new link to the "Friends" page.

9-18-00: Nothing major to report. I just uploaded what I hope will be embedded fonts so you can all see my pages in their natural glory. Of course, since I already have all the fonts installed, I have no idea if it worked or not.


July 2000

07-19-00: Figured it was about time to do something with the sites. Alas, the updates are minor; consisting of link updates and slight content changes to reflect the current state of things

On a related note, I've a full overhaul in the works. I should be getting around to it sometime this century. No promises, though.

April 2000

04-19-00: Decided that the old site was due for a total format change once again. Since few of y'all are willing or able to go to the frames version of the site, I've redone the non-frames version using some of the javascript goodies like mouseovers that I implemented on the frames site and an all-new navigation device for the sub-pages. Unfortunately, due to the work involved in the reformat I'm not done with the drawings section. 'Course you've likely seen them already so it's not a major deal, neh?

I've also added a new poem and *gasp* a story. Oh joy.

March, 2000

03-20-00: Decided to go ahead and upload the frames site to Xoom.com Replaced the geocities counter with my old Ultimate Counter so's I can keep track of you people better. Nothing else to report.

03-19-00: Reworked the non-frames site again. All sections from the frames version and those excised from the original non-frames version have been reproduced here, with the appropriate format changes. Further reworkings may be called for if I decide to move the new site from Geocities back to Xoom. I'm not sure yet. But at least with the specter of page rewrites out of the way I can attempt to focus *snorkel* on coming up with some new drawings and/or writings to keep you amused.

03-10-00: I've uploaded a total of four rants since last month and I plan on finishing my first short story in the near future. If I ever do another drawing (which I've felt the urge to do lately) I'll prolly put that up, too. So, please, enjoy yourselves.

But not too much.

February, 2000

February has brought several changes to the ol' site. Most significantly, I've decided to do the whole thing over in frames. New graphics have been added to almost everything. Due to the time involved in redoing the pages, the only other additions are a couple of new poems and a couple of rants. I've tossed the Links page for now. You can find all the sites I listed on a million other pages so I didn't see the point of having one of my own. Have fun.

The old site still exists... but I'm not gonna bother with it so much anymore.

02-24-00: Actually, that's not entirely true. Now that I've all but finished my frames site, I've decided to go back and update the old one a bit, too. I've duplicated several of my frames-site sections in an effort to keep both sites up to date. But since I've been working with these pages all month, and am thoroughly sick of html, I'm only gonna half-ass it for now. I'll come back next month and fix up everything nice and purty.

January 1900. 

Well, here we are with a brand-new decade. The 'millennium' passed us by without a hitch. And to celebrate, I've got a bunch of updates fo' ya. Nothing major, mind you, but its quantity, not quality that matters.

For starters I'd started work on a links page. Not like I haven't already sent them to the five or so  people who ever look at my page anyway, but I had to do something. There's also a new painting in the gallery that I finished a few hours ago. All other updates involved rewriting a couple of things. No biggie.

October 1999.

10-27-99: The update's a little early this time, due to extenuating circumstances. As always, "Zen" has been changed... plus I've added a new poem. Entries under 'Friends', 'Personal', and 'Credits' have also been changed to reflect the new order of things. Damn.

10-03-99: Added new picture to the Sandman Gallery and replaced the second Battle Angel pic with a newer version. "Zen" updated for October.

September 1999.

09-12-99: Added several new pictures to the Marvel, Anime, and Other galleries.

09-01-99: Added a new painting to the gallery. Added new Gallery of paintings by others. Updated 'Zen' for September.

August 1999.

08-22-99: Changed intro yet again. Added to 'Friends' and 'Summoning' page.

08-11-99: 'Updates' page created. "Zen" updated for the month of August. Format of art page re-arranged by genre, new pictures added. Index changed slightly. New categories added... to be completed later. New poem added to 'Writings' page.

July 1999.

Site Created. Very basic and immature design: a riot of text styles and backgrounds, maybe a dozen pictures. Not very pretty and best forgotten... though I've a copy of it sitting around somewhere.