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Fennies and Oddities

11/11/2002 - Yeah, I've been slacking --- but I've been busy and neurotic. Massive changes coming in the next 2 months --- so sorry for the delay in updates (because I'm sure you've just all been at the edge of your seats...bwahahaha!!!)...BUT --- in the mean time, go to cosplaylab.com and check out my costumes...

So, by now, you must be wondering just who is Fenny and why are we here? Well, contrary to popular belief, I am not immortal, nor a goddess. I am as mortal as you are, although I admit to feelings of alienation within my environment, my culture, my world...

So who am I?

I believe passionately about my world, my environment, my culture. I volunteer and join activities to help out my community. But it isn't enough. Something is still lacking. Why isn't it enough? What more can I do to save a world that refuses, that stubbornly fights all efforts to save it? How can I save a world, when I need saving myself???

So who am I?

I am a Chinese American, that is an outsider in the United States because of my eyes, my hair, my genes. I am a Chinese American that is an outsider in Taiwan because of my accent, my words, my beliefs. I am a new generation of people, living in a country that is a "melting pot", but does not recognize my diversity. I am among a new group of people that have no country to call their own, but still...I do not feel like I am completely one of them either...

So who am I?

I am a fan of animation and comic books. Growing up I dreamt of being a part of the Lions of Voltron, or as a member of the Uncanny X-Men. I attend conventions and dutifully dress up and act the part, but I do not feel like I am a part of the "fanboy" culture. Could it be because I am a woman? Do others feel this way? Could it be because I am too pragmatic to fall in love with the romance of a convention? Am I the only one? Could it be that I'm just different and will never feel comfortable being a part of a whole???

So who am I?

I do not identify well with any "culture" or "subculture". I am not an activist, even though I am strongly vocal in many issues. I am not religious, even though I have my suspicions of a powerful being. I am not a fanatic, although I am passionate about many things...

So who am I?

I am, simply put, me. A paradox like everyone on this planet is. A borderline nutcase, that can not be more sane nor more stable. An ethereal creature, trapped in a human body. A dreamer, a pragmatist, a goddess, a mortal, an avenger, a protector, a conservative liberal, a Chinese American, a person, a soul...

A Fenny...

since 5/11/00

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