My Characters

the ever-popular Desert song

     Oh look, another first for me, actually recording my characters. I like to stick with my own name, for reasons unknown, although I do deviate from time to time if I come across something especially cool or when my name won't fit my character. All of my characters go by the basic code mentioned in the Bible, "Warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be paient with all," although they usually warn the unruly and then beat them up for good measures. I've organized these by seniority, not nessecarily prefference, and none of them have gotten much action recently except for Talytha, because I've been busy with school (ick.) Righto, I'd better get started.

Sorceress Rune

Sorceress Rune is my first ever RPG character. She has the longest history and description, and if I left anything out, email me about it, because she's also a favorite of mine.
She is human. Her hair is white-blond and her eyes are blue or dark grey, depending on her mood. She is patient, stubborn, and forgiving almost to a fault. She is of average build and has light skin. She wears a silvery dark blue dress, soundless leather boots and a silver dragon amulet on a thin silver chain around her neck. She wields two daggers, one in her hair and one in a sheath in her right boot, and a small crossbow, which she keeps loaded but with the safety on.
She was born in Gondor in the time of Middle Earth. She was apprenticed to a sorceress named Meredith who froze her growth when she was 18. She learned her skill with a broadsword, dagger, and crossbow from the sorceress, as well as many spells.
She once knew a red dragon named Agrethor who gave her a silver amulet to tell all that she was a dragon friend. Later this dragon was killed by a powerful demon. Rune fought the demon and won, at the expense of her life. When she was able to restore herself, she achieved the status of sorceress. She learned to travel the dementions, using a spell that creates a portal between. In one, she rescued three children about to be sacrificed to a half-beast. The half-beast sent a bounty hunter to bring her back called Vrakar, a shifter. She fought him but was killed again. She went to a place filled with beings of a higher plane than normal humans, and learned incredibly powerful spellwork from them, as well as their language.
Meredith buried her body in the mountains and made her an enchanted black marble headstone that would guard her grave. It uses a specific cleave heart spell that can depress an opponent so as to cause them to commit suicide. It has no conscience and doesn’t mind being sat on, at least by someone he likes.
In 1995 a teen aspiring to be a witch resurrected Rune, who took her enchanted headstone and went to America. Rune called the headstone Al, a short name for Alzastarica, a Rokai word for loyal guardian. Her first contact with others of her kind was a duel with a Templar knight named Lazarus, who later became an arch bishop. She met him again later and made friends with him. She made other friends as well. Some of them are Madeline, a vampire, Josephene, who was first a human, then a vampire, then a human again, Molotov, a magician, and Bruno, a human. She, Madeline, and Lazarus once were attacked by a mob of vampire rabbits, and Rune used a spell to tame one of them, a grey female who she called Anastasia, or Ana for short. Ana hunts rats, though she will drink any kind of blood she can get and prefers human or rabbit, and enjoys alcoholic beverages. Rune herself enjoys whiskey and red wine.
While with the Rokai she became an adept at loaning or giving her magic to others and restoring it again naturally. When she gives away her powers, she goes by the name Rune of Gondor, and uses the combat training she picked up from soldiers, mercenaries, and other fighters of a hundred dementions to protect herself, along with Al, who is not so free with his own magic.


Selsa is my all purpose character. She gets into everything, and she's very useful in those really wacky RPG sessions in which every fictional story, computer game, or Nintendo game ever created is fair to include, as long as it can be refferenced. Selsa has been a pirate on the space faring ship Special Order, intercepting Imperial frigates carrying ice to desert planets and then selling the ice on the planets for less than the Imps did. Another time she was an air elemental who'd been bannished from her people and was learning to live among humans in the 1300's. Once she was even (I still can't believe I let someone talk me into this one) a Q (from Star Trek) type person messing around in a Star Wars-ish universe. That was plain badness. Oh yes, and she's been a vampire with a soul living in Washington, DC too. As you can see, she's a very well rounded individual.
She basicly looks like me, except with longer, lighter hair and grey eyes, and she tans. I can't really describe what she wears because she's so versatile, but it's mainly black and she always carries a handgun (at least in the crazed mixed RPGs) and a knife (accepted everywhere, unless she's a fairy). She's lots of fun to write about, I need to put some stories here about her.

Eleanor Avalon

Eleanor came into being specificly for RPing online. She was born 21 years ago to an elven father and a human mother. She is one of quadruplets. Not long after their birth, a fire consumed their home, killing their parents and one of the sisters. As the remaining three grew up, it became known that they each possesed inate magic, especially powerful over one of the four elements. Eleanor's power is fire, and her sisters Elora and Aurora control air and earth, respectively. Eleanor's power is most feared and disliked by her sisters, for the obvious reason. Together they began to travel the world, and learned along the way that stealing is quite profitable. Now a trio of thieves extrordinair, Eleanor and her sisters roam the world stealing and creating havoc wherever they travel.
Like her other two sisters, Eleanor has wild red hair that she keeps knee length and bright green eyes and is tall and thin of build, with slightly pointed ears. She wears a black velvet dress with red flame designs down the sides and along the sleaves, with large gold hoop earrings and a gold chain belt. In her left black leather boot is a gold dagger in a sheath, and she carries black throwing stars in a black leather pouch that hangs from her belt. The pouch is enchanted and deeper than it appears, perfect gear for a successful theif, which she certainly is. Also like her sisters, she drinks whiskey when it's availiable. She has a high tollerance for it, however, and a talent for appearing to be drunk when she isn't really, another valuable trick in the art of theft.
Traveling with her is a young firedrake, which she calls Rampant, or "Ram" for short. She found him alone in a deep ore mine where she was practicing her magic. She never discovered what happened to his mother, but as she didn't come out to attack when Eleanor discovered the kit (firedrakes between hatchling and adolescent stages are called kits, although the term is used for all young firedrakes), she was probably dead. Ram is likely to be only in his "early 20s" stage of life by the time Eleanor dies, assuming she dies of old age, which doesn't seem likely. He is friendly towards she, her sisters, and Lazarus (the same one mentioned above), but to no one else. As he's made of fire, he's unsafe to be petted except by Eleanor, and he exhales it as well when he chooses. Water burns him like acid and he lives on oxygen. Eleanor often carries him around her shoulders like a cat or sends him in front of her as a lantern when it's dark.

Rune Kaliir

This Rune isn't one I use much, but for her little amount of use, she's sure seen a lot of action. She was born on Coruscant in the Correlian sector 10 years before the collapse of the Old Republic. Her family was poor and when she was four years old her three brothers, Shem, Hath, and Jaca took Rune left the parents and two sisters, Allana and Josilla, to find their own fortune. They entered numerous street fighting tournaments to keep money for food, and made Rune fight as well. She was a quick learner and soon became the terror of the Correlian Sector as a screaming banshee of a fighter whose size and age hid her speed and strength. She also learned piloting from spacers she found in the bars her older two brothers, Hath and Jaca, sometimes brought her to. Shem liked her more than her other two brothers and tried to keep her out of places like that. He taught her to read and write and hack into any computer system that was programed in Basic, Rodian, Huttese, or any of several smuggler jargons she knew.
As soon as she and Shem had saved enough money to buy a ship, they took off and began a career as smugglers. She later heard that Jaca was killed in a street fight, and Hath was killed directly after his revenge of his brother's death. Shem was killed defending a load of cargo on Circarpous V while Rune was off bargaining for a price for it. Because of the intricate security codes Shem and Rune had devised, the thieves got neither the ship or the cargo, but died by Rune's hand soon afterwards. She didn't use her actual hands to kill them but somehow strangled them without touching them.
Puzzled by this but ready to continue with her work, she took her next shipment to Cloud City, Bespin, where her ship was impounded by a stormtrooper garrison left by Darth Vader after chasing down Luke Skywalker there. Grounded, low on credits, and surrounded by stormtroopers, she started a resistance movement on Cloud City to remove the place from Imperial control. Her enimy was not only the Empire but Jarod que Drash, a Devaronian Imperial sympathizer who worked against her revolution.
All the time she'd been travelling she'd asked around for an explanation of how she'd killed the thieves on Circarpous V until she met a human Jedi Master on Bespin who explained that she'd done it by using the dark side of Force, and took her as his apprentice to teach her about the light side. She left Bespin with the Jedi, leaving the resistance movement in the hands of a human named Rye Tayor. During that time she heard from one of her sisters, Allana, saying that their parents were dead and that she'd been kidnapped by Josilla, who was now an addicted spicer. With the help of the Jedi Master, she rescued her sister.
Further adventures ensued. In one of these, the Jedi Master was killed by a Sith Lord, although with Rune's help he revived himself. Then Jarod found her out, sent bounty hunters after her, and destroyed her home and her sisters. She broke away from the Jedi Master and hurried to Bespin, but Jarod had left by then. She's now roaming the galaxy, seeking revenge by any way possible... whether it's of the light side of the Force or not.

Destina Striven

Destina is my "Bard's Tale-esque" character. She's a half elf, 16 years old, tall and thin with waist-length redish brown hair and brown eyes. She's a Level 3 conjurer born in Port Mist, a small port town on the Western Side. Her family owns The Seaside Den, a popular inn. She has a younger sister called Allie and a younge brother called Liam.
Not long ago, Allie was kidnapped by a band of orcs. Destina is now searching for her sister throughout the land. If you know something of Allie's present wearabouts, you'll mention it to Destina if you know what's good for you.

Seraph Rune

I wasn't expecting this character to come to anything, but she seems to have. She's actually a name I chose as an AOL IM name because Sorceress, Rune, and the combination thereof were taken. She got no real exercise at all until I started talking to Zalidoth, and she started asserting herself. She's recently been to a private chat room RPG and did quite well, so here she is!
This Rune is a seraph, as in seraphim, a type of angel. Her main job is fighting demons, although she's adept at all the comforting and protection angels are known for. She carries a sword and a dagger, which she usually uses to hold up her waist-length, golden-blond hair. She wears a ankle-length, sleaveless white dress with slits up the sides to allow movement. She has a tight silver sheath for her sword, which hangs on a silver chain around her wiast. The sheath dissapears when she glorifies for more maneuverability, although the chain remains because she likes it. She has crystaline blue eyes and a serious hatred for all demons of rape.


At last, one not named Rune! I made Vertigo for a Matrix RPG, which has fallen apart because everyone ran out of time for it.
She was born on another rebel ship, the Lothlorien, a little over 20 years ago, to jacks Tracer and Angel. When she was 14 years old the Lothlorien's crew outgrew the tiny living space it provided, and Vertigo left the ship to seek her own fortune. She spent years in Zion, doing what work she could in exchange for food and learning anything anyone would teach her. Eco eventually found her and made her a member of the Serendipity's crew. By that time, she had learned all the essential skills necessary to be an operator. She's also quite good at using a plasma rifle without frying herself.
As far as apperences, she's small boned and on the short size of average hight, with thick, knee-length light blond hair and soft grey eyes. She wears a small ring of woven silver wires that her mother gave her when she left the Lothlorien. Her only other possession is a small knife, which she often wraps in cloth and uses to help keep her hair out of her face. She's generally fairly quiet, but it's more from practiced stealth than an antisocial personality. She's a daredevil prone to bouts of nearly suicidal activity when she's feeling especially claustrophobic. She haunts a small nest of insulation and chair padding perched on top of the main part of the coolant system.
There are times when she is envious of the coppertops in the Matrix world. She listens to their music whenever she can, but she especially dislikes the idea that she will never have a dog. She's created a program that can produce a doberman anywhere in the Matrix, which she uses for various things. Its name is Elgie, and she's quite proud of it.

     Talytha is my newest character, made for Moongate, my first MUD. She's a 15 year old sidhe (a "good" fairy), 5'6'' tall with knee-length light blond hair and grey eyes. Her simple brown pants and sleavless, lace-up tunic are covered by mismatched steel and obsidian armor, and she wears gloves and boots at all times. Even her silvery butterfly wings are armored (now). She carries a bag for magic supplies and a largish wooden chest for other items. She used to have a backpack but it was fried beyond repaid when she went through a door protected by runes. She has a large metal shield and fights with a crimson longsword (which makes her less knowlagable! Grrrr.) She also carries two spellbooks at all times.
     Her history is nothing particuarly unusual; second bastard daughter of a prostitute, dedicated to Ithrilis by her mother, who set off to find a better life for herself. She'd like a home and family one day, and has taken to adventuring abroad to earn enough money to get such a thing. She was once engaged to another adventurer named Marimbus, but one day he left on a quest and never returned. She suspected that he wasn't dead, and had actually run off somewhere, so after several letters to him hoping that he would come back to her, she sent the ring back to him. The affair has made her extremely unhappy, which means more grusome death to the local goblins and other unpleasentries, who she fights alone or with her best friend, Gorbantis. If you'd like to join her in her adventures, the place to start is

     Tarani is Talytha's evil counterpart, a 15 year old fey ("evil" fairy). Her skin is a deep chocolate brown, and her black hair is cut fairly short, so that the front part of her bangs are down to her collarbone and the back is only to the upper-middle of her neck. Her eyes are so dark brown that they are often mistaken for being black as well. Her very tight pants and very small (and even tighter) black tunic are covered with mismatched leather and cavern armor, and her batlike wings are bare of anything. While she is trained in use of a spear, she generally prefers to fight without, letting her negative energy harm her opponents. She carries a simple wooden shield and a leather backpack. She can often be heard muttering to herself as she walks the streets, but it's best not to comment on it.
     She spent most of her time before she became an adventuress in the fairy realm, her native place. It was in this place that she met a strange old demoness, Ordivan, who told Tarani that if she would listen to her words for a moment she would learn something wonderful. Unknowing, she did so, and ended up recieving her into her mind. In short, she was possessed. Her conversion was much the same as that of somebody who is turned into a vampire; while the traits of her personality and movement stayed the same, her soul was gone. She no longer thought of Ordivan by that name, but as herself. Since then, she's always liked the idea of being able to kill things. Since the fairy realm seems to frown on that (at least everything there is too big for her), she came to this plane. She doesn't especially like people and prefers animals, although they're all fair game when she's in a nastier than usual mood. Things that are shiny make her squint, which annoys her, so often the prettiest creatures and most well dressed sentients are the first the attacks. She has no particular plan for the future, other than to keep herself entertained by killing. She prefers "ferocious" to "psycotic".

Ryo Aidan

     Ryo is a character for a BESM (Big Eyes, Small Mouth) game based on anime. It's a space opera type thing, set in another world colonized by Earth generations ago. Ryo is a sniper in the Aidan family army, who is out to revenge her dead fiance. She's antisocial, unhappy, and not what one would generally call a humanist. She's also an artist - she uses shrapnel and other war rubish to make sculptures, murals, and other things to look at and occassionally give to her mother, a general in the Aidan army. Can't say too much about her, of course - she's supposed to be a secret to the rest of our gaming group, so husssssh! Her diary will be online soon.
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