"All the world over, so easy to see, people everywhere just wanna be free." I just don't understand it. That's right folks, the Playground webmistress most likely got banned by Cybersitter and a few other net watch-type software programs. Anyone wanna know the details? I put some "offensive" material that is potentially harmful to minors on my web page. >smirk< Horror of horrors, I put a banner on my page supporting equal rights to all religions.

Is this so radical an idea? I'm not stating that I am an active member of any particular religion. (If you are so interested in my religious views, email me and I'd be happy to discuss it with you.) At any rate, I am simply proclaiming the radical, and technically constitutionally backed, idea that all religions should be given equal rights.

When our forefathers wrote the first amendment, they decreed that all Amercian citizens have the right to practice whatever religion they believe in. And yet, when I echo these words, which were part of the basis of our country, I am censored by citizens proteceting theur children.

What exatcly are we protecting our children from? The knowledge that other religions exist? Or the knowledge that we all have rights? Everyone in America has rights, and those constitutionally given rights do not dissapear if we are kept ignorant of them.

Don't missunderstand me, I do not support blanketed censorship, but I do support filtering. There are things in this world that children simply do not need to see. However, it is the parents job to decide whathis or her child should or should not see. It is NOT the government's job. i don't know about any other person, but i don't like the idea of my kids (when I have them) being parented by Joe-Bob computer guy who sits all day writing software and probably has no children.

Human nature makes people fear what they do not understand. When one is afraid of something, it is easy to pretend that it doesn't exist. This works in all things, not just religion. The high school that I attend, and am graduating from in June :), has a FISH club (Friends Interested in Serving Him) on campus. I am told that this is an national organization, I honestly don't know. I completely respect this whole idea. However, I have a friend who wanted to start a wiccan club on campus, and was so afraid of being burned at the stake that she decided against it. Take my word for it, she is a perfectly normal girl. And her beliefs are rooted in the same ideas as any religion. She is all about love, respect and other good human being qualities. She wanted a club to celebrate her beliefs and bring her together with others who shared them. I guess it's just impopssible in a place where students think that bring back the Salem Witch Trials is a good idea.

I shouldn't knock on my school so much. The administration really does have its students best interests at heart. It's just so overly concerned that it goes over the top.

Censorship does not make something go away, it just makes it harder to find. And sometimes, it hides information from someone who needs it badly.

Case in point, here I am banned by a bunch of software companies. And by the way, I hear that there is a "Banned by cybersitter" web ring out there. Anyone know anything about this? Please email me info because I'd love to join.

I will try my best to keep this section of my page well updated with causes and information which I feel are important, as well as a healthy dosage of my ranting and raving. If you have anything to add to my page, please email me and I will update as soon as possible.

The goddess was here: May 24, 1999
Back to the Playground?

Background provided by Ace of Space graphics. All else comes out of the mind of the goddess andm should not be reprinted without her permission, it's only fair. :)