Amy is our resident Reiki queen! If you are hurt or ill, ask her for Reiki! There are others in AU who are studying or looking into it, but I think everyone will agree, she is the most advanced in the area.

Amy says: "Here I am demonstrating the first Reiki self healing hand position. I was the model by default...the other 2 Reiki Masters I'm teaching with are camera shy. We took these pictures to put into the students' Reiki-I booklets to give them a easy reference if they should need it after class. I hope to have some other photos for you soon."

No, she's not wearing a crazy wig! This is an aura picture.. pretty neat, huh? A few facts about amy.. she is an Aries with the Moon in Capricorn, and she has Taurus Rising. So she's probably a go-getter who keeps herself to herself, and I'll bet most of her friends would call her either stubborn or peaceful.

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