You have stumbled upon the humble homepage of Scott "The Scooter" Slemmons. You may not be able to find a bunch of really important tidbits of information on this stretch of the Information Superhighway -- this is primarily a vanity page, and I'm just doing this for fun. And let's hope you weren't hoping to be blown away by eye-popping graphics and effects, 'cause I'm a low-tech kinda guy, and flashing lights give me a headache.

So what kind of time-wasters can you find on this site? Let's review...

What's New? - Wherein is contained information on updated material on this website.

Who is the Scooter anyway? - Wherein is contained much information of a biographical nature.

What is the Scooter writing these days? - Wherein is contained a selection of some fine literature, including sensitive poetry, aggravating rants, and an exciting comic book adventure, all composed by the author.

What does the Scooter recommend? - Wherein is contained a list of Good Things: fine literature and cinema which it would behoove you to sample.

Where is the Scooter's links page? - Wherein is contained the inescapable collection of worthy sites on the World Wide Web for your leisurely perusal.

What does the Scooter need with a credits page? - Wherein is contained a lengthy roll call of individuals deserving of recognition and esteem, some of whom are even acquainted with the author.

And if you want to get in touch with me, just click on this pretty blue type.

This page last updated on January 9, 2008. So there!