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I am a lover of the arts- in all forms.  I enjoy photography, illustration, sculpting- you name it- I probably love it!  Singing and performing arts I left back in high school- but an appreciation for them is still there.  And dance... marvelous.  It is the ultimate way for a body to express itself.  Wish I did it more often. 

Music, for me is an elixir.  My love for music also has a wide spectrum: loving everything from classical; to rock ;to techno; and salsa!  Tell me about all the great concerts you have been to lately!
Female Gemini
Area:  New York/ New Jersey
Born in Santa Clara, Las Villas, Cuba
Passions in life: Art, Life itself, Friends/Family, and Adrian Paul as the Highlander!
Favorite foods: Chocolate, Cuban, Indian, Turkish, Mexican and Thai cuisine.
Travel like a gypsy.
Love for diverse cultures and languages.
Enjoy museums, concerts, gardening and decorating.  Love having pen pals from all over~ so feel free to start corresponding with me
Luis Manuel Eman Fornaris'
Oil Painting
My love is Turkish.
the flag
to learn more about Turkey.
Adrian Paul