FishStix Art
Web Graphics, 3D Animation, Mesh Modeling, Logos, and More!
An Ocean of Choice!
Are you looking for creative ideas or flair for your web site?
Do you need a 3D object and just don't have time to model it?
Is your company or web site just screaming for a fresh and innovative logo design?
Then look no further! FishStix Art is exactly what you need!
If you want an eyecatching logo design than you've come to
the right place! We know what makes people sit up and take notice!
Design experiance and flexibility give us the cutting edge to
work for you!
Need buttons for your web site?
We can create beautiful buttons for you in no time!
We model all out mesh in 3D Studio Max which out designers have
extensive knowledge in! Creativity and training
give us the right tools to make you happy!
With over 1000 premade (free) graphics
(including backgrounds, lines, icons, and animated gifs)
We're your number one stop for web art!
If there is anything graphical that you need, just ask!
We have many skills and can probably help!
If you have any questions or comments than please feel
free to e-mail us anytime! We answer all out mail!