TIME...                      Time to waste,time to savior, Time to hold on , time to let go, time to forgive, time to remember, time to laugh, time to cry,   
time to say hello, time to say good-bye, time to live, time to die. Life is short yet time goes on  separating the weak from the strong.

God is our one true hope, in him we learn to cope. No time to waste, savor each day, holding on to the truth of his way, letting go of your own understanding, forgiving those who ars overly demanding, remembering that christ is our forgiveness, the laughter and tears he has given us, when he says hello he never says goodbuy, he's with us while we live and with us when we die, so give up the things that bind you, let God be their to remind you that life is short yet time goes on for the weak and the strong.                                                K.D.MOTT