


Assemble products in your own home at your own pace.
Companies pay you for work completed!
Work for several companies at one time!

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You can increase your income by performing assembly
and other interesting work in your own home!

American distributing and manufacturing companies supply you with
easy-to-follow instructions and pay you for completed work!

You can make money by assembling products in the comfort of your own home and working at your own pace! Choose from a large variety of products which appeal to both men and women, and choose the type of work that suits your desires. You'll be working as an independent contractor, which means you get paid according to the number of pieces you complete. There's no boss watching over you, no time clock to punch, you can work when you please, and even watch television while making money! You can assemble a variety of products for several different companies at the same time and earn the money you need!



Dozens of national companies are discovering that it's more economical for them to hire people, like you, to perform their assembly or other interesting work, rather than absorbing the high costs of large assembly plants and the related high costs of employing a large work force. Working at home is becoming increasingly popular! This year, 1.2 million employees will spend more than 35 hours per week working at home in some form of formal arrangement with their firm. That's more than a 30% increase from just one year ago! This is a new and growing trend with manufacturing and distributing companies. We take pride in specializing and finding these companies and compiling them in our Home Employment Directory. We have checked out these companies to the best of our ability and we're sure that you'll find the type of assembly or other interesting work that suits your ability and desires. You can continue to buy the "fly-by-night", "get-rich-quick" schemes that promise you millions of dollars overnight (but don't work), or you can take advantage of a "down-to-earth", sincere home employment opportunity, where you can earn an honest day's wage for an honest day's work!

The Home Employment Directory includes the names and addresses of each company with a full description of the assembly or other work offered. Dozens of companies are listed in our directory and the ones listed on the work available page are only a sample of what's available. Our comprehensive directory contains information on legitimate work opportunities available throughout the country. The goal of NHA is to provide you with the most up to date and current true opportunities for home work. We have weeded out the frauds and only publish true, genuine opportunities for profitable assembly work. Most of the assembly opportunities require no special training, skills, or equipment. Their instructions are easy to follow and understand, and can be mastered immediately. Many of the companies will train you to work with them and several of them provide work that can be done by disabled people.



You can be part of the growing family of independent minded men and women across the country who have decided to take their fate into their own hands and wish to be their own boss. The financial rewards can run from just a few hundred dollars a week on a part-time basis to thousands of dollars per month on a full-time basis. It all depends on how hard a person is willing to work to pursue his or her goals. You're only limited by your own desires and goals!



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Work at home!

The demand for hand made items has become overwhelming and many of these companies don't have the man power to keep up with their orders. This is why they are looking for assemblers to do the work out of their own home. Don't be surprised to see some of your own assembly work in your favorite local gift shop! In order to compete with foreign manufacturers, these companies use work at home assemblers to cut their costs. By using this assembly system, you can be a part of the pride of labeling all of these products "Made In The U.S.A."! You can also feel proud of the fact that each and every assembled item is unique because it is hand made instead of being mass produced by automated manufacturers.

The companies do all the selling! All they want you to do is to follow their easy instructions and pay you for the completed work. The items are easy to assemble and, in most cases, there are no special skills or equipment required. Some items may require a basic sewing machine or a simple screw driver. You simply assemble the products according to their instructions and you'll be paid upon completion and return of the finished goods to the company. They do the rest!

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