Garbage Is Everywhere!

...we can help you sort it all out

Important: You must use the "reload" feature on your browser to discover changes made since your last visit. Remember this when visiting all pages in Geocities.

You are not alive.
Where are my bananas?

A few of our favorite things:

For the time being, this is a bad place to be. Soon, the bad teenagers will come, and take you away.

Email me at if you have pierced the corporate veil. Then forget you ever saw this.

An Important Announcement.

I have not added anything to this site oin a while. Does anybody EVER visit it? Please let me know!

Please check things out, send hate mail, and have a good day.

Some recent photo's taken by me:
Eagle Lake
Your Breakfast
Squirrel 4
Turkey Vulture
Still Life With Pen
Cat On Sill 4
The Punkin' Series

Those of you interested in Anthropology will be interested in this:
Hominid Evolution Review