
From Behind the Mask

still quiet evening
white lawns reflecting moonlight
peaceful winter calm


ice storm's crystal glaze
fingers of glass take power
soundless winter night

still quiet evening
white lawns reflecting moonlight
peaceful winter calm


sudden change arrives
January's icy grip
surprised though prepared

shovel, scrape and sweep
to clear away winter's coat
leaving aching limbs

snow, sleet, freezing rain
make us long for spring's return
comfort lies in hope


lavender and pink
garden beauty wrapped in green
perennial charm

growth of each new day
awaken dormant spirit
from winter repose 


special day in May
finds children gathered once more
treasure never lost

three sons taking time
evidence of endless bond
warming mother's heart

as calla lily blooms
grateful spirit gives thanks for
gift of motherhood



lavender heavens in majestic mystery paint my springtime sky