Hey, welcome to the EviL WorLD, a site dedicated to the best movie trilogy ever made.

If, when i said best movies trilogy, your mind went right to Star Wars, then you've obviously never seen the Evil Dead Trilogy.

Comprised of Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2:Dead by Dawn, and Army of Darkness, these movies have acheved a large cult following and just plain kick ass.

If you have not seen them go do so right now!, the're well worth it. I promise you'll like them. That is unless you're some little wuss, or a hanson fan(then your opinion is void). Any way click on the link to go to the page you want



5/15 - Ok i did heavy updating!. here's the new format. All sounds, movie rundowns, pics, scripts and other normal run of the mill Evil dead site stuff will be held in each movie's section. Misc. evil dead files, such as my custom AoD levels, will be held in a separate files page.

-To view the origonal AOD ending in realtime format, go to the Special Evil Files section. That's also were you'll find my origonal aod quake 2 deathmatch level.

so look around, enjoy the new format, and let me know what u think


PeoPle HaVE BeeN TainTeD bY ThiS EviL

SenD mE SomE EviL-MaiL


Or IcQ mE

mY #'s 5839804


Proud member of The Web Of Bruce.

The Cult of Bruce

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EviL WorLD was created and is maintained by Cyanide Rush. Some graphx made by me(just ask and u can use them). All others are believed to be public domain or have been kindly provided for my use only by various people. Please do not take graphx from this page and use them, or i will not be held responsible. CopyRight 1998