You've Made It
to Grace's place.


Word of the Week: fabulous

Photo of the Week

Current song lyric: I will walk along these hill sides in the summer 'neath the sunshine / I am feathered by the moonlight falling down on me

Quotes of the Week:

"I wonder what my evil, bizarro twin is doing. I can only hope that he's wenching and pillaging."-Sean

"I love that I'm deciding people's futures while listening to Pat Benatar." -Jessie, who evaluates scholarship applications while listening to her iPod.

(Previous Quotes of the Week)

Fun News of Week:


In past years I haven't gotten into the whole Lent thing. It seemed too dark - mea culpa, I'm a wretched person, yatta yatta. Bring on Easter, already.

But this past Ash Wednesday, Preacher Kym at the Advocate spoke about how Lent is about reconciling yourself with God, and how digging deep into your psyche and acknowledging the less-than-good parts about yourself is part of that reconciliation.

Reconcilliation being generally a good thing, I've decided I can get behind that kind of Lent. So, happy Lent everyone.

Entertaining Links:

Dan's blog (Be careful with this one. It's trippy.)
Tension Relief

And now, some photos:

our cat
UNC/Duke basketball debacle
UNC/Duke: round 2
Trip o' Debauchery

Photos from years past

Photos from not quite so long ago