My Love For Horses

Ever since I was little, I have loved horses. The first horse I ever rode was named Cinnamon. Ridding on the back of a horse is my favorite thing to do but unfortunately I haven't been riding in a long time. I used to work at a place called Land Of Little Horses. This place is wonderful. It has a lot of different kinds of animals and puts on shows daily. It's a great place for people of all ages. In the time I am not around horses, I spend my time collecting horse figurines, pictues, posters, stuffed animals, plates, and drawings.

Me and Cinnamon

I own a bookshelf that holds over eighty horse statues. Included with them is a horse doll that I received from my parents as a gift. It is a beautiful doll that
has a horse head, arms with horse hooves, a dress, and legs with hooves. I also have a beautifull horse plate that has a mare on it with her little baby chewing on her halter. It is called Patience. The border around it is 24karet gold.

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