UGA: How long have you been spinning & how did u get into it

KuttinKanD: I have been spinning for about 7 years now on and off..I got into the battle scene about 5 years ago but now I've been battling for about 2 years now. I have been around it since I was a kid. My dad was a DJ but, I didn't get into it till like I was sixteen when I met some local kids who taught me the basics how to blend. It wasn't till I met Roli when I was like 18 where I got seriously into it and ever since then I been dj’ing seriously

UGA: How do u feel the scene will be in a few years from now

KuttinKanD: I feel the hip hop scene throughout the years have been abused until now. I believe those who are taking advantage of it will eventually leave and find something else to use. I also believe that right now that everyone in the mainstream media world are all going crazy for it, but that "craze" will soon die. People get tired of it and it will go back to being where it belongs in the underground. I mean it's dope to be famous and to make money and do your thing. Hip Hop will last forever in the music industry! I believe the people like the industry heads will just drop as soon as sales drops from the people that who will soon drop hip hop. That's why the type of "hiphop" they listen to won't last and ours will forever. It lasted this long over 20 years and it will last another 20 years. People come and go within our scene! People use it, take from it, bring it out to the world treat us like kings & queens and then drop us back where we come from, but we're still here

UGA: What exactly does the 5th platoon stand for?

KuttinKanD: 5th platoon has no real meaning. The name was made up by the original members Daddy Dog and Roli Rho. They were on some army stuff and it was first called 1st platoon first but Shortkut of the Piklz made an error in the RapPages and wrote 5th Platoon and ever since then we kept the name 5th Platoon.

UGA: What do u think makes your crew different from other crews?

KuttinKanD: Three years ago I was able to say we're different because we were 1 of the first few people to have different styles of turntablism because back then the East was mainly into beat juggling and the West was mainly into the scratching. Our crew did everything, body tricks, dissin, scratching, beat juggling. Now it is 99 and their are a lot of crews out their.

UGA: What is it like being one of the few female djs/turntablist.. is there more pressure?

KuttinKanD: Yeah it a lot of ways but I try not to let it get to me but honestly it does. Being female puts a lot of spotlight on me and it is a big thing for people to see a woman with skills. I'm the type of person that would want to prove myself that I can be on the same level as the rest of the guys I sit back and I realize that why should I have to prove myself? I'm doing this because I love doing what I do. I don't have to prove nothing to anyone. People can analyze all they want about me.They can think to themselves if they want "she's only good cause shes a girl. " I dont care anymore. Im doing this for me..and no one else

UGA: Give me an example of one of your most memorable show routines

KuttinKanD: My most memorable would have to be the 1st time I ever went up to show skills at Tableturns. I waited for a year to tell anyone I was learning how to scratch and beat juggle? Everyone knew I knew how to DJ but they had no idea I was learning. I wanted everyone to be surprised and shock people. The very 1st tableturns I shocked everyone people and they was standing up and their was mouths hanging open! The applause was like endless. The only one who knew I was learning was Roli and everyone was really surprised.. . That is probably my most inspirational day ever. I've came a long way since then.

UGA: what equipment did u start on? and what do u prefer

KuttinKanD: I started learning on my dad's mixer and going to people's houses learning using their 12s and Gemini mixers. I finally got myself some 12s after years and years (hahah) and then I got myself a vestax 05...

UGA: What do you say about kids who just want to learn because its the "in" thing to do

KuttinKanD: Yeah there seems to be so many new crews coming out of nowhere..Alot of dj's coming out calling themselves "turntablists" just cause they can flare a little.Haha oh wow! It means more than scratching and so much more than that. It means being innovative, creative and all that good stuff. I mean like some kids who claims themselves turntablists can't even do the basics. At the same time it's great because more people are coming out. Anything to uplift the artform I guess. Like I said before those who are just using it now cause it's "in" will leave it and find something else better to do and those who really have the love will be with it forever!

UGA: I will like to thank your a lot for answering this questions. Anything you like to add, shout outs, ect?

KuttinKanD: thank you to you Reina my homegirl.. thanks to.. my family 5th Platoon, Anomolies, Rock With Finesse, and to the people who supported me..and been a part of me.. like X-Ecutioners/XMen.. shouts to ISP, Beat Junkies, STA, etc.. all the turntablists in the world.. (i can't mention you all) to my sister, Roli, my cousin Thorne,ibp, nwo.. love ya all

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more info on Kuttin' Kandi(main page)