The Poetry Corner

I didn't write them. I am not talented enough to write real poetry. I once wrote a really repetitive poem that Gaard typed up for me, and then he said, "It's so repetitive." and I said "Uh-huh." So this is not mine. These were poems that I have read over the years that I just really liked, thought sounded cool, things like that.

William Blake's poetry:

I have just recently realized that I like William Blake's poetry. It's not that I have just recently read it, but that I have finally connected that all those poems were written by the same person. I can be so sad sometimes. Here's a sampler:

A Poison Tree

Songs Of Experience

Tyger! Tyger!

Poetry by Robert Frost

Fire and Ice

Poetry by Heinrich Heine

Poetry by Langston Hughs:

The Negro Speaks Of Rivers

Poetry By Edgar Allen Poe:

A Dream Within A Dream

A Paean

The Bells

The Raven

Poetry by Edna St. Vincent Millay



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